
Grand Line's Lord Of Shadows

Year 1515 of the Sea Circle Calendar, at Thriller Bark. Luke looked at Gecko Moria, who was killed by him, and the Shadow-Shadow Fruit that regenerated next to him. Then he fell into deep thought... A shadow king who made the sea tremble was born! As the Shadow-Shadow Fruit user, it makes sense for him to rely on his imagination to fight, right? Robin: "It can stretch and retract freely; Luke is so powerful!" Hancock: "Luke is too big; I can't bear it anymore!" Luffy: "Damn it, who's Nika? Why can you copy my skills?" Luke: "Straw Hat Boy, my painting style is better than yours!"

0StolenDream0 · Anime und Comics
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127 Chs

A Special Zombie

 Chapter 140 is available at my patreoñ. com/FanfictionTranslation


"Please have tea, Mr. Luke..."

In the castle, inside the gorgeous hall, Vinsmoke Judge and Luke sat across from each other.

Reiju poured tea while looking at Luke's handsome face, unable to look away.

Luke smiled and nodded at her.

"So handsome... You're welcome!"

Reiju's eyes turned red, and as if she was out of control, she became infatuated again.

But she quickly came to her senses and finished everything with a blushing face.

"Reiju, go down!"

Seeing this scene, Vinsmoke Judge's face darkened.

He waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Next, I will further discuss the cooperation with Mr. Luke. No one is allowed to come in and disturb us without my permission!

"Yes, Father!"

Reiju nodded seriously.

She is also a person transformed by the Lineage Factor.

Although she still retains human emotions, she cannot disobey his father's orders.

"By the way, my ship will be here soon..." Luke reminded there: "I'll ask you to entertain my subordinates later, Miss Reiju!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Luke!"

Reiju responded with a smile.

But soon… After Reiju exited and closed the door.

"Mr. Luke, the proposal you just made is fine on Germa's side, but how much funding can you provide?"

Vinsmoke Judge's face was solemn.

Looking at Luke in front of him, he went straight to the point: "After all, cloning a giant soldier is not a small sum of money, not to mention having to change their lineage factor!"

As long as he moved his hands and feet a little bit, at that time, the cloned giant would only obey his own orders.

Thinking of it secretly in his mind, Vinsmoke Judge's attitude became increasingly more mild.

"Funds, you don't have to worry..."

Luke smiled; he could see through Vinsmoke Judge's concealed expression.


Without warning, a strange black shadow silently emerged from Vinsmoke Judge's shadow.

"Crack..." The next moment, Vinsmoke Judge's shadow was cut directly.

Then, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he immediately lost consciousness.

"Hey..." Looking down at Vinsmoke Judge, who had his shadow taken away and fainted directly, Luke said with sarcasm, "I'm sorry... Cooperation also requires strength!"

He took the shadow sent by the Shadow Clone.

Looking at the struggling shadow was directly absorbed into his body.

"Hmm... these memories are really complicated!"

Then he selectively retrieved some memories: "This guy didn't leave his Vivre Card to his children before, so it saved me a lot of trouble!"

His eyes flashed a strange red light, and his Shadow Clone, who had just returned to his feet, suddenly began to divide at a speed visible to the naked eye: "Shadow Split!"

Without warning, a human-shaped shadow emerges from Luke's shadow and stands up.

"Originally, I wanted to leave this opportunity to that guy, Gecko Moria, but it doesn't hurt to use it to make a special zombie!"

Looking at the unconscious Vinsmoke Judge, Luke laughed playfully: "Next, don't let me down! Vinsmoke Judge!"

In fact, as a Shadow-Shadow Fruit user, the number of shadows he can split is limited.

Every time a shadow split, Luke felt that he was faintly weaker. It would take some time to recover, and he could not split indefinitely.

He estimated that his situation might be similar to that of Big Mom. So, to ensure that his own strength was not affected, there would not be too many zombies created through his shadow.

If it were just an ordinary zombie general.

In all likelihood, the knowledge and abilities that can be inherited are limited, and they will definitely be far inferior to Vinsmoke Judge himself.

But if you want to get an outstanding scientist, he still has to use his own shadow.

"In my name, I will grant you new life...you will be loyal and never betray me!"

Without delay, the shadow was given an independent personality and a contract was made with it.

Luke directly fed Vinsmoke Judge's shadow to the new shadow: "Eat it and receive all the memories of this shadow!"

Time passes bit by bit as the shadow receives all the memories of Vinsmoke Judge.

"Don't blame me, Vinsmoke Judge… If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being too weak!"

Luke's eyes were indifferent, and then he lifted his right hand and hooked them gently.

Each and every shadow string that was undetectably submerged silently into Vinsmoke Judge's body directly destroyed his vitality.

This is the supreme commander of Germa 66, who is ambitious and determined to let Germa rule North Blue again.

His life was completely lost in this way.

Even after the plundered shadow dies with its host, the shadow that has lost its vitality still carries some instinct and residual information.

It is obviously enough for the shadow clone who has received all the memories of its life in advance.

"Hey, it's almost time to start!"

There was a flash of strange red light in Luke's eyes, and he directly implanted the shadow clone into Vinsmoke Judge's body: "From today on... You are Vinsmoke Judge!"

"Thump, thump…!"

Not long after, the heart that had stopped started beating again.

Vinsmoke Judge suddenly opened his eyes and flashed a strange red light.

The confusion gradually turned to clarity, and he saluted in Luke's direction: "Luke-sama!"

"In front of others, call me Mr. Luke; in private, just call me Luke!"

"Understood, Luke!"

"Now, can you perfectly replicate the related technologies to the lineage factor?" Luke asked directly.

The special zombie, Vinsmoke Judge, responded seriously: "It may be a little rusty, but the instinct and experience are still there."

"if I want to innovate on the original basis, I still need more time to study and adapt… But if I want to replicate the knowledge in my head, it won't be a problem!"

"That's ok!"

Luke nodded with satisfaction.

At any rate, it was his shadow, and it perfectly integrated Vinsmoke Judge's shadow and obtained all his memories and experiences.

Although it is not expected to surpass Dr. Vegapunk, the world's most talented scientist, it's not worse than Vinsmoke Judge himself, right?

"Let's go; it's time to meet your children… Don't keep them waiting!"

Luke chuckled.

He was not worried about whether they would realize something was wrong or not. 

Because, as people were transformed by the Lineage Factor, they simply could not resist Judge's orders.

Even if the Reiju, who's more sensitive, noticed something, so what?