
Graceful Darkness

A graceful little girl on her fifth birthday went from graceful to darkness itself. From her once perfect life to darkness without age. She now lives her life like no other, in hatred and anger, wanting nothing but revenge for everything that was taken from her. Her parents with great struggle had her as a child to call their own. A gift from the devil was given to the child. The question now is, Was it a gift or a curse? What would her so called gift bring to the world? Would she be able to control the darkness or will the darkness control her? How much of the darkness does she know? Read to find out.

Sarah_Z_Jugo · Horror
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33 Chs

Tragedy 1

Her face identity now known by the people, terror in the eyes of many meanwhile they others now shouting " It's her, that little witch".

" Grab her".

"She deserves to dine with the devil, grab her " men in the crowd shouting" She's nothing but a curse to our land, kill her".

By each passing second, the crowd grew angrier. Woman now taking their children inside and husbands trying to protect their family by hiding them and following the crowd to chased the little girl. She began to run faster and faster towards the orchard, thighs growing weary but she knew if she stopped, there would be no moving forward again so she kept on going, running with not much options while men chased after her holding sticks set ablaze, axes and daggers. " Don't let her get away" an angry man from the crowd yelled. She ran into the orchard, a garden of great beauty, flowers of different varieties but today, the beauty did not seem to amaze or please anyone, today all its surroundings seemed only to see her dead as crazy as it sounds. With no where to run to, she went into the garden of Rose and hid in the bushes where they wouldn't be able to see her till evening came. The men searched for her, burning up trees and rose bushes hoping she would run out from the heat and smoke or she would burn together with it. They waited a while to see if she was going to come out but to no avail while she laid silently in the bushes praying to her dear Lord to save her" Father, mother always says you answer the prayers of your children and I believe her , help me Lord". Soon after the fire began to fade, when they got tired of waiting for her, they left

In the silence of the night she began to tear up remembering the event that led to this very moment.