

"You will be sent below to govern one of our creations. We will give you quarters of all our power to help you with your journey."

That was the first thing I heard as life entered my body. I was created by the Gods themselves, made from their own flesh and bone. Given life with their own breaths, given knowledge by their own mind and given will by their own accord.

"Our child, you will choose people with purest of hearts to bring to us. They will receive grace from us and will be able to do a fragment of what you are given."

"Govern the humans and lead them to a right path."

I was descended from heaven to earth like I was a feather gliding down gracefully. Making myself know was no hard task. My creators showed themselves upon my back as I walk with nothing on me. Soon I was able to adapt in everything around me. I made clothes out of magic, made shelter in far lands out of magic and choose people with purest of heart just like what my creators told me. I was doing my task well. I was never cruel to the humans. Even give them what they want without questions. My creators trusted me, yet I failed. Humans became greedy. I was unaware of how much greediness one human could have. I failed on protecting my own people, my mages.