
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Bücher und Literatur
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189 Chs

97 R18


298 AC

Summer Isles - The Cove

Eragon Targaryen


Rhaenys has officially been unleashed, it doesn't matter the time of day or if I am sleeping. It doesn't matter if we are eating or bathing with others, we could even be in the middle of a training fight and we will drop her clothes.

I won't lie and say I don't enjoy it or that it doesn't stroke my ego in a way that makes me extremally pleased. But when we are in the middle of training the dragons out in the jungle and I hear her hot breath in my ear and her equally hot bare body press against me I start to get concerned.

"Rhaenys what even set you off this time?" I ask in exasperation as I slip a hand down to her warm cunt to slick her off.

Her hazy eyes meet my eyes and she licks her lips with her pink tongue and rocks her hips with my hand rubbing her slit. her hands slide under my shirt and run along my defined chest as her breathing picks up and her eyes roll back. Her thighs tighten on my hand and her cunt wets my fingers as they rub against her silken walls.

She slumps and leans against me freeing my hand and I hold her up so she won't fall on her face.

"I just... get excited, to be around you." She slowly regains her breath and uses my body to stand herself back up straight. She lifts her head to meet my eyes once more and puffs her lips in an inviting gesture.

I lean in and catch her lips with my own as she wraps her arms around me and hangs from my body. My hands find her backside and lift her up to support her, her legs wrap around my waist and she hums as she presses herself against me.

She breaks the kiss and presses her lips on my cheek and then smiles wide as she looks back into my eyes.

"I love you, Eragon." I feel warmth spread inside me that matches the warmth spreading on my front from her soaked cunt wetting my clothes.

"I love you too, Rhaenys." She shivers in my arms and I look for her clothes and see Meraxes standing guard over her bonds tossed aside clothes. She raises her head to look at us as we both gaze down at the dragon.

"They are getting big, I think you were right when you said the wider the space they have the faster they grow." When we left they were the size of fully grown cats or a bit bigger but now they are getting into the size of a small hound.

Not as big as a full-grown hound or anything like that but they also are bigger than a cat. They can only ride on a person one at a time at this point.

"Yea, I am going to start to get worried if all their lessons keep getting interrupted though. They need to learn and the best time is when they are small, mistakes now are burning clothes and pillows. Mistakes, when they are the size of a horse, are burning people and houses." Rhaenys puts on a pitiful look as she rocks her hips against me so I smack her meaty ass. She bites her lips and tightens her hold before letting out a reluctant sigh and dropping onto her feet.

"Fine, let's get back to teaching them some words and instilling proper values in our scaled children." She leans over without bending her knees raising her ass high into the air and exposing her glistening slit to me. "It's not like we could instead be making more kids with our time or something." She shakes her hips jiggling her ass at me as she grabs her clothes.

I chuckle at her and give her another spank before looking back at the other six obedient dragons who are waiting patiently. They have become used to the antics that happen when we come out to the jungle and behave very well. Sometimes they will fly off if we take too long and return with some kind of charred animal but they always come back quickly.

It's not just Rhaenys who gets off topic during lessons, I am guilty of it as well the last time Danny and I came out here. I had Daenerys pushed up against a pink Ivory tree and fucked her until my balls ached and we finally quit. It's honestly a bit concerning that only a few of the women I am having sex with are pregnant with how much I am fucking them.

Shaena was the first as far as I am aware, Ashara said she might be and Melisandre seems convinced she is but I think she is peeking into the flames for hints. I outright told Melisandre to not tell me anything about my kids unless it's their safety or their mother's safety since I want to be surprised and not have expectations. But only three out of all of them being pregnant has me a bit worried but the only thing I can do is keep trying. Might even be a good thing since ten infants all at once would probably have me go insane.

""Balerion, come here."" The black dragon perks up hearing his name and when I finish giving the order he blinks his sky-blue eyes and shuffles on his wings. I take a few steps back and he follows after me with fluid movements before stopping a few feet Infront of me. ""Good that was good Balerion.""

I don't have any knowledge of what I should be teaching them but normal commands like 'go here' and 'burn that' seem fine because they also can be translated to the opposite. Like 'don't go there Balerion' or 'don't burn that Arrax' and they understand easily because they know when I want something burnt or where I want them to go.

"Oh, I remember why I wanted you to fuck me out here." Rhaenys who got her clothes back on claps her hands suddenly.

"You actually had a reason? I don't mind, I will fuck you whenever you want I just wanted to take this current situation a bit more seriously." She shakes her head but smiles at me.

"I know you would, and I also know I could seduce you if I wanted to as well. But I wanted to get some when I had the chance since Visenya said she was going to make a move tonight and asked to sleep alone with you." I purse my lips and nod as I lean down and scratch Balerion's head.

"She decided she wanted to do that?" I ask curiously and Rhaenys hums a response.

"Yep, she was the one that originally told me she wanted to pick you out of all the options available to us. I am surprised she didn't beat me to it, she was convinced from the first day we saw the dragons she wanted a piece of the Father of dragons. She also thinks you are going to be the next Aegon and she wants to be your Visenya, it's kind of romantic if you ignore the fact the original Visenya was a frigid bitch." I laugh hearing her insult Visenyas namesake, her own namesake is a bit of a mystery.

The original Rhaenys was the woman Aegon loved and he spent almost every night with her. He burned Dorne to the ground repeatedly once he heard of her death in the dragon's wroth. They didn't just burn castles and the cities they made sure to burn as many people as they could find, it's surprising that the Martells ever even married into House Targaryen.

The Wroth only ended when Aegon received a letter and no one knows what was on it but it made him stop attacking with Visenya.

I personally believe Rhaenys was alive and being tortured in those two years of the dragon's wroth and the letter was her begging him to stop so they would finish her off. They say she was killed when the dragon landed on the tower but she could have lived and been taken to Sunspear. Sunspear was the only place that Aegon and Visenya never burned, in hopes the Dornish would turn on the Martells.

I actually feel quite a bit of anger when I think that might have been the reality of the situation but then I realize it's long passed and no one will ever know the truth. That and the Martells are currently the biggest supporters of House Targaryen and specifically funding my conquest of the Summer Isles.

I look over at my Rhaenys who has her head tilted and a silly smile on her face that makes my body feel warm. I don't know what happened back then but I will make sure something like that will never happen again.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Marwyn the mage


The damn candle hasn't shown me anything in ages and I don't even know if the prince is still here in Sunspear but I am going to still try for an audience. I sent word to the palace I am here and where I am located and I have something important to tell the Targaryens but I don't know what will happen.

I am not worried about being killed for knowing they are here, everyone in the bloody seven kingdoms knows they are here. They probably will just appreciate I am trying to meet them officially and not trying to sneak over a wall or something. I am an Archmaesters in magic and am known across the kingdoms so they will easily be able to verify my identity.

Not many people will have Valyrian steel chain links and a solid Valyrian steel rod and mask.

I don't know any man who would have the amount of Valyrian steel it takes to create my effects just so he can try to assassinate a prince. It's doable but would be beyond expensive and if they failed they would just be handing Valyrian steel over to the person they were sent to kill.

A hand lands on my shoulder startling me as I was about to down the last of my drink and I look over my shoulder and see a Martell guard.

"Follow me." He turns around and starts walking without waiting so I throw some coins on the counter and grab my rod and follow after the man.


"What can I do for you, Marwyn the mage." I sit down in a chair across from Prince Doran Martell himself and give the man a nod.

"Prince Doran I have come to inform Prince Eragon Targaryen about a matter he is involved with and I wish for his help in furthering my study." Doran's eyebrows raise in interest.

"Your study into magic? What would Prince Eragon have to do with your study into magic?" I hold up both hands and point a finger to the bag a guard is holding and he nods to the guard who steps toward me.

I slowly pull out one of the glass candles and set it on the table in between us and I point at it.

"He can help me with this." Doran waves his hand around the glass candle in a questioning way.

"What is it?" I smile and run my hand over the side of the candle causing the cut on my hand to reopen and blood to drip onto the candle.

A small white flame lights on top of the candle and in the flame you can clearly see a red castle. My eyes slightly widen seeing what happened to appear in the flame and Doran squints as he tells his guards to stand down who leveled their spears with my head. His eyes widen when he also recognizes what it is we are looking at and the Vision slowly gets closer until it's inside of a throne room with people walking around and an Iron heap of melted swords in the form of a mighty throne.

"That is the Iron throne?" He asks unsure and I nod as the flame flickers out.

"It was and I need prince Eragon to help me study how this candle works. You might ask why I need him but the answer is simple, the candles did not work until on the night of the red star. The candles all over the citadel lit and showed the image of Eragon Targaryen burning on Pyre. He lived and dragons came back to the world, I grabbed every candle I could find and came looking for him but it took me a while to make sure I didn't leave anything behind." I don't want anyone else to figure out the mystery before me.

He leans back into his seat and narrows his eyes at the candle with suspicion.

"Let's talk some more first."

Thanks for reading!!!

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