
Can I Not Be Beheaded? Please? 65

Avina shared a look with 5025. Her face instantly paled a couple of shades.

Fortunately, Bai Zhenli didn't notice. The snow had already made her face pale; a couple more shades didn't change a thing. Instead, he sat down and immediately picked up the tea cup.

"Good tea," Bai Zhenli commented after one sip. He continued sipping to warm his chilled body.

Avina forced a smile on her face. She hoped Bai Zhenli would drop the matter. "Isn't it? Su Ning brews the best tea as far as I'm concerned."

"I prefer the way Xin Wenrou brews tea though," Bai Zhenli remarked. It was an offhanded remark with no intentions. It was so natural Avina had to scold him.

'Madly in love!' Avina scolded. So mad he could even compliment her without having to think twice.

"So when can she come back?" Bai Zhenli immediately steered the conversation back. It was Avina's wishful thinking to assume Bai Zhenli would forget about Xin Wenrou's matter.

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