
Good and bad fruit

Anoh_JoyI · Geschichte
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15 Chs

Chapter 5 Visit of the Duke

Olivia have decided that George was one of the monsters. She couldn't wait for her powers to come. When the underground portal was opened some magical powers were released to the earth. Humans now possess them but all need to unlock their powers. She woke up not seeing him in the room. Her wrist which had a long cut now looked swollen.

Knock knock

" Luna? "

" Yes milady. " Her maid walked in with a bowl at her hand. She was trying to refill the bathtub. " Good morning lady Olivia. "

Olivia wore only her petticoat, she went to the bathroom to wash her body. Soaping her face, she felt a pain, she immediately washed it off. There was a tiny cut in her face from George harsh slap. She didn't know she would be surviving a tortuous night like that. Stepping out of the bath, she put on a robe.

Olivia walked back to her room, she made sure to apply oils to her body. Luna appeared with a lavishly looking dress.

" I am going to look simple, I don't like very expensive dress like this. " She pointed out.

" Eldest master George wants all his wives dressed beautifully, the duke of Amazon will be visiting the house today. " Luna said.

Olivia didn't like to hear George name but that wasn't the reason her brows were creased. He had said they were the one visiting what changed. Luna tightened the corset around her waist. She helped her into the soft silky milk colored red gown which fitted her, emphasizing her feminine curves. " Luna are you trying to trap me again into that beast's den. " Olivia said not liking what she was seeing at the mirror.

" What happened MI.. " Luna could tell why her mistress was annoyed. Her beautiful womanly curves were very much outlined in the milky silk dress.

" Am sorry, my lady I didn't choose the dress myself, master chose it for you. " Luna said pitifully. If only a better man have married her mistress. She helped lady Olivia in styling her hair but not in a fancy way. She applied her a simple pink gloss.

" When will I be needed, I think I will like to stay here while going through some novels. Get me one from the shelf. " Luna walked out of the door to the errands of her mistress.

Olivia busied her self in reading some historical diary novels. When it was the hour she was needed, Luna came to fetch her.

" The duke has arrived milady. " Luna said with a bow. Olivia sighed, she left the room with her maid. In the middle of the stairs she could smell the sweet aroma of some nice food. She saw Delilah and George walking hand in hand. He noticed her presence and signaled her to stand beside him. She did as was told. She didn't see any sign of the Duke. " The Duke decided to be the one visiting, I wanted to have you choose my dress but I thought you were possibly sulking so Delilah chose it then. " Olivia looked away not interested in what he was saying. She saw a tall man walking towards them, his steps seeming to be counted due to his long majestic strode. He was being escorted by some huge looking soldiers behind his back. He has green hairs. George and Delilah walked forward to the man while Olivia ended up lagging in the back.

" What a presence surprise Duke Dylan, you have indeed blessed us with your presence today. " He bowed deeply. The other man eyes swept to the side where his sister stood beside him. Delilah quickly moved closer to him kissing the air beside the two sides of his face. " Dylan am indeed glad to see you. "

" I didn't want to take the risk of you moving outside, so I decided to visit instead. "

" That's so nice of you brother. " Delilah beamed. Dylan was younger than her.

" Let's move to the table Duke Dylan. " George said excitedly. He moved away to the side, that was when the Duke's eyes fell on the lady standing not to far from where they stood.

" Who is she? " He asked.

" Olivia come here, it's the Duke. " George called her. Olivia went to stand in front of the Duke with a bow. George could tell the duke must be complimenting his wife's beauty in his mind and he wanted to boast about that but he couldn't.

" Good morning Duke D..ylan. " Olivia greeted the Duke who was only staring at her.

" She is my fifth wife Olivia. " The Duke snapped out of his daze, he blinked his eyes as if didn't hear the Magistrate well.

" Nice to meet you Olivia Lockwood. " He replied to her.

Delilah took note of the familiarity the fifth wife looked at her brother. " Olivia have you met with the Duke before. "

Olivia nodded.

" We've met at the theater. " Duke Dylan said.

George looked shocked but he managed to ask. " What theater Duke Dylan. "

" The local theater. " George didn't want to think of the Duke dating his wife before. He was pissed that his wife didn't say a word about it. Faking a chuckle. " A local theater? "

" I found amusement two years ago in visiting the local theater, she acts on a stage, right miss Olivia Lockwood ?" He rose a brow at Olivia.

" I once use to act on stage, "

" It's a small world. " The duke sat on the cushion chair.

" Get some refreshment. What will you like to have Duke Dylan. " George asked.

" It's okay. " He waved his hand. His eyes fell on the young lady sitting opposite his seat, he looked away.

" Have there been any case brought to you George Lockwood. " He said.

" Yes yes Duke--"

The Duke cut in. " I am your brother in law, no need of the formalities. " George blushed before saying.

" I was going to send reports to you regarding the development and loss in the state. They have only been death case. My guard who own a superior ability caught one of the monsters in web."

" I will like to meet with that guard of yours. "

" Should I send him now"

" Not now George. what sort of creature is that. "

" Its a humanoid creature, its pale with. rough scaly skin, bald head, claws and fangs. " The frown on his face deepened. " According to our interrogation it's a vampire. "

" Vampire. " Dylan repeated in his mouth. " We can't keep on going on a curfew, it going to be another two years, a space for those who haven't unlocked their abilities to do so. We will be going on a war, war between the humans and the monsters. ''

" Excuse me, I will be using the restroom. " Olivia said to no one in particular with a bow. The Duke casted his Obsidian turquoise eyes at her. He has changed over this years. He became more good looking and handsome. She could tell he was in his late twenties.