
Good and bad fruit

Anoh_JoyI · Geschichte
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15 Chs

Chapter 3 Cheating her way out

Olivia had came in contact with one of the monsters once and the thought left a bitter taste in her, it was the time her father was killed, like butchering was cruelly killed by the monster. Trying not to think about it she stamped her foot on the floor.

" Lady Olivia will you suggest for a spar.'' Simeon the man governing said. He could tell the lady was pissed for a reason.

" I.. I... okay. " She said.

" Are you okay lady Olivia. " Simeon asked. The woman who had just walked in agile now looked weak and scared at the mention of a spar.

" I will like to be sparred with you. " Delilah the second wife of the magistrate said walking towards where they stood with a sword in her hand. She had a cunning smirk on her face.

" Lady Delilah you will spare your abilities. " Simeon said.

" It is my decision to say--"Just as Olivia was about to decline it lady Delilah had already unsheathed her sword to attack her. Olivia quickly did the same and in no time the clashes of metal could be heard.

Delilah flung her sword at her and she bent, dodging it. That was when she noticed Delilah was fiercely attacking her. She held tightly to her sword to deflect one of her strike. She was more on the defending side while Delilah was attacking.

" Seems you have been picking on me for a while. " Olivia said.

" Why is that. " There swords clashed. Even though Olivia ability and magical power were still locked she did fared well with Delilah. " Don't say I have been picking on you simply because you are losing in the fight.

" I could tell your magical powers are surging through this sword of yours. " Delilah banged on Olivia sword to let it fall but she staggered back holding it tightly. They stood apart inhaling and exhaling for a while. A moment she didn't expect Delilah impulsively started to attack her. She felt a slight pain and a push in her wrist. When she looked at her hand she saw a blue steam dispersing right after the pain. Her sword fell down.

" I won just like always. " Delilah said. Those who had turned to look at there fight looked away in satisfaction seeing Olivia lose the fight. The wives and concubines of the magistrate envied her for being the favourite wife of the magistrate but they hid it without saying it out at her face. Only few of the concubines were given privileges to train in swordmanship and not all.

" Mis Olivia are you okay. " Simeon said, he went to the aid of the woman.

" Delilah you used your powers. " Olivia glared at her.

" Lady Delilah the rule of the spar was that there wouldn't be infusion of ability, Lady Olivia haven't unlocked her powers yet. " Simeon said.

" Oh did I use them, I can't tell, you know from the excess powers surging through me. " Delilah said sarcastically fanning her hand at her face. " And Simeon you have no right to order me, do you know who I am, the wife of the magistrate, I could easily get you sacked. she harrumpled walking away and each time, her waist swayed to the left and right. Her brunnete hair tied above her shoulder.

" Lady Olivia are you okay, do you mind me seeing your hand. " He suggested seeing her rub her wrist. Olivia moved away her other hand and the man came to see a long cut at her wrist.

" I am sorry for that lady Olivia, if master haven't banned the usage of any first aid box. " He said pitifully. Mr George Lockwood had banned the usage of first aid in the house, he wanted them to bear their wound and maybe become stronger.

" I understand, I will be needing some rest I can start the rest of the training tomorrow." She bent slightly which she was used to doing before walking out of the training room.

Olivia continued to walk out till she was out of the building.

An old woman who sighted Olivia from where she sat attending to a little boy in her arms grinned widely. She damped a kiss at the little boy's forehead before moving where the lady came to stand. The beautiful lady was ruffling a horse mane.

" Lady Olivia. " The old woman called the young woman with a grin. She seemed to be happy to see her.

" Mrs Hayley. " Olivia lips stretched and she hugged the old woman in greetings, which the woman returned.

" You hardly come out to take fresh air now, don't tell me you are having doubts about the monsters coming in here. " The old woman said pulling Olivia away to have a better view of her face.

" I am sometimes restricted to live the building because of my ability still being locked. "

" Oh dear, are you still meditating. " She asked worried.

" Yes I do sometimes. " Olivia said. " You don't have to worry to much about me, i will keep trying to unlock it. "

" Just don't give up. Did the magistrate hit you that night. " Hayley said.

" He twisted my hands, he does that when ever he thinks he can get away with all he does. " The old woman moved to sit over a bench for Olivia to follow her. Olivia only tells this to Hayley and Luna, her maid.

" My husband also hits me, he died, I get some bumps and discoloration every time, yours is less. Does he hit his other wives. "

" Yeah he does, but he doesn't with the second wife. " Olivia scrunched her face not because of George Lockwood never hits her but because of her cheating her way at the training room.

" Of course he wouldn't dare, Delilah is the sister to the Duke, A mere magistrate is nothing compared to the position of a duke. "

" The Duke is..... "The devil is turning on the world..." The rest of the conversation trailed off.

knock knock

" Come in. " An irritated voice said from inside. Delilah walked into the study room seeing her husband, a smile appeared on her face. She quickly schooled her appearance.

" George. " She faked a soft voice.

" Delilah what are you here for. '' The man said.

" I wanted us to talk. " She quickly said.

" You are a woman, so how can I win you. " The magistrate said making her blink twice.