
Chapter 2

After landing in Korea, without taking much heed about her health, she quickly asked her driver to drive her straight to the company even though it was almost midnight and it was raining heavily.

When she entered their company building, she didn't bother listening to her manager to at least dry her hair as she went straight to the company conference room where every single artist and the CEO and some staff was for a meeting.

She hasn't actually attended the meeting for almost 6 years now as she was always abroad for work.

"Yujin!" Jae quickly sat up as he exclaimed after seeing Yujin enter the room, her hair dripping wet and her trench coat, drenched.

"What is all of these?" she quickly asked. She was fuming with anger after seeing Kyungjae's face.

Her juniors were shocked to see her as they didn't saw her during their trainee era and debut stages as she was in L.A, doing international photoshoots for the company.

"Give her a seat!" Jae quickly ordered one of his staff as he grabbed his own trench coat and covered her with it. Her manager managed to pat her hair with a new, dry towel after she calmed down and sat beside Kyungjae.

"Where's Joon-ho?" she asked.

"They're in their practice room," Jae said. "Why are you here?" he asked.

She leaned back on her seat and crossed her arms and legs, as she stared at Jae unbelievably.

"Why aren't they here?" she asked them.

"Well ... We were thinking of dis--"

Before Jae could even continue, she cut him off.

"nobody is disbanding," she said. "None of you or any artist from this company is going to disband."

Her brother's group was only 2 years old, it was still early to kill his dream.

"Jae, let's go have a chat at your office," she said as she stood up and left the room, leaving everyone inside speechless.

Kyungjae quickly stood up and dismissed everyone from the conference room.

"Let's have the meeting tomorrow," he told his staff as he left for his office.

When he entered his office, he saw Yujin sitting on his chair.

"Yujin, this is the only thing that would save your brother," he said as he approached her.

"What about his dreams? Are you just going to crush them?" she asked calmly.

"You know what, let's just have this talk tomorrow. You're too tired from that long flight. I'll take you to your apartment," he said as he tried to touch her hand.

She avoided his touch and stood up.

"I saw how passionate he was when was training for his debut. I saw how happy he was when finally get to debut. He spent 10 years training and you're just going to let them disband??" she asked.

Before Jae could even answer, a knock was heard from outside.

"T-This is Manager Hyojeon," the man said outside.

"He's your brother's manager," Jae said when he saw Yujin staring at him.

"Tell him to take my brother and his group to their dorm. I'll see them tomorrow," she said. "After I fix this problem."

"You have Viktoria's Truth and a London fashion week to attend, let me fix this. Don't you trust me?" Jae asked.

"I trust you. But, disbanding my brother's group? Are you serious?" she asked.

"Fine. If you can't find a new solution for them within 24 hours, you will attend the London Fashion week next week and you will let me find a better solution. As of now, we are only gaining sympathy from announcing their future disbandment. But since you intervened, we didn't get to," Jae said.

"Yes, you would've killed his dreams this early! I'll find a definite solution for them within 24 hours," she firmly said.

"Fine, but first, let's get you dried up. Please, Yujin. I won't forgive myself if you also lose your career. I know how you love modeling," Jae said as he pulled Yujin up from his seat. "Come on, I'll take you to your apartment and go rest. There's a long battle for you to face tomorrow."

Yujin only nodded as there was almost no ounce of strength left within her. When she almost fell down in the hallway, the trainees who were still there to practice went into panic. But Jae was there to catch her.

"Did she get enough sleep this week?" he asked her manager.

"No. I told her to not to bury herself in her work. But she loved the camera too much so she accepted extra more work this week," her manager said.

"Let her sleep tomorrow. I'll handle everything. Lock her up in her apartment and don't let her touch any gadget tomorrow," Jae said.

He already had a plan. He was going to disband his oldest group to divert it from ruining her brother's career. Besides, they were already too old for the camera and they said they wanted to find someone to marry so they agreed on being sacrificed.

After driving Yujin to her apartment, he took her phone, her tablet, disabled her internet and locked her door from the outside to keep her from communicating with anyone from the outside world. He was determined to keep her locked up until her brother is free from all the horrible scandal his group is under.