


I went to sleep that night, and so after a long time... I had a dream. It was kinda messy, there wer two of Donny. One with your mouth full, he got all of my pen- WHAAAAT!!?!?!? I couldn't move any muscle. The another one was set down at my chair and desk, he was using my laptop, typing fast, reading things, like he already used before. I got concerned about knowing someone is messing my things up, but I got a real big boner. Guess it was a kind of an erotic dream.

When I woke up at the mornig I... needed to check my pe..nis. I touch it and it wasn't messy, or resected, or irritated, or smelling like spit or anything. I wish it could be smelling like spit, at least its smell wouldn't be so...

God, I forgot taking a bath, I wasn't being hygienic those days, I was depressed... And last night, yuck! I was so out from myself I'd forgotten when we do not take some shower we can got stink.

It was 6:00 am... Whoa, I woke up early, it was a miracle. I went check the short little tin weird golden-blonde boy and he was sleeping as he was human, snoring and stuffs. Ok, I gotta take that chance and get wash myself and go early for job, and so I did. Got out before Donny wake up.

At the job I really was full of anxiety, and everything I wanted was get back to my home to mess my brand new toy. Damn it... I surrender it.

Andrey called me inclusive, at the lunch time. Telling the news, his ones and the national ones... some news 'bout some corporations fomenting some riots of some rioty people around the globe against slavery and stuffs... Don't mind, don't care! He asked me to get my apartment later, but I refused, today I got to get alone with Donny to know how it works... well I confess I was excited but cautious yet.

For the first time, on a year, I went early from the job, at 6:00 pm. I took that chance to go shopping some stuffs and fruits to eat. When I arrived home, Donny surprised me: I was feeling smell of flowers, living room was clear and lighter, and the tin boy went running to me, got on his kneels and kissed my feet, well, my shoes, and said:

_Wellcome Paul.

He was different, looked more, confident. I needed some time to process everything, noticing the places, the walls, floor... everything was clean... I... wasn't seeing any dust too.

_Did you clean the house? - I asked him still surprised.

_Yes! – he smiled

After that I remember he taking off my shoes, the stuffs I bought, my jobcase... my tie...

He put the stuffs on each belonged place while I ws walking slowly through the house, and getting into the kitchen... clean too. I did on eight, nine hours, the house seemed to be fresh... as if I got it yesterday.

I didn't think twice, he deserved some reward. I called for some pizza again, he loves chesse one so I wanted to order it. Thought he would like it again. But at the moment I dial the telephone I felt the smell of cook. Well, there were a thousand years I haven't felt this smell of cook at this shitty kitchen of mine.

_Are you cooking something? – I asked him.

_Yes! – said him

I got near by the stove and smell of vegetables was even stroger, like some delicious soup. I uncovered the pan, got some spoon, poke that thing... What the heck did he got there on that... soup? I got nothing in refrigerator... Was there any good food yet? I mean, I got a serious problem about it, I let everything got rotten... Not just food.

When I tasted the soup I got another suprise, it wasn't just a simple soup, it was genial, spicy, tempered... got some herbs, meat. Where the hell tin boy got meat I do not know. Nobody would never know. Wish god he didn't killed anything.

_Paul – he broke my thoughts

I looked at him and saw he pointing to some plastic bags at some kitchen's corner.

_Gar-bah-dge – said him.

I went to check that with my own eyes... Onpend that bags and saw some vegetables... rotten ones, pieces of... meat and fat... shells of...

_FUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! – I scream girly and frightened.

I twisted my nose, got some nausea and judging all of that disgrace mixed together I guess he had cleaned the refrigerator, searching from some useful thing. It was really a miracle, he really got make some... soup... like that. Ok, he REALLY need a reward... It will be pizza.

After finally ordered pizza I noticed he was shabby, dirty and it was expected, you know, he worked all day. He was noticeably exausted. His hair was messy, the clothes were terrible. I had to take him for a bath and give some clean clothes. I asked him to take a bath and went taking a t-shirt and an old underwear of mine, some large one. It was everything I found for him at that moment.

At dinner, with soup and pizza, he, again, waited me to take the first bit, and after he started to eat. He wasn't smiling like yesterday, but I felt he was happy still. When we finished, he helped me to do the dishes. So I need to take care of me now.

I went to my bedroom, pick some clothes and get some shower to sleep. It was early – everything was earky today – but I wa really tired.

Right when I got the bathroom he came together. Angry I ordered him to get out. he put some sad expression on his face, got a step back and stayed starring at me. So I took a deep breath and, almost screaming, ordered him again to get out from the bathroom. He look to the floor and got out. Rebel...

While bathing I was thinking about it all. I was excited about that new thing on my life, and the first day was a good surprise... He did all the housework, and mainly the kitchen. Air is different now... I was getting better fast. I remember how it was... my routine... my friends visiting me, my home full of people... happiness. I was really a good host... I was the guardian, counselor of my friends... but things got messed... – sigh.

After bath I put some underwear and drop my body on the bed. I layed on my tummy like a little baby. A big fury and ugly baby. I even hadn't turn the lights off. I didn't give a blanket to Donny, damn... It seems like I worked in hell for satan forever. Ok, I'm gonna just took a snap, I needed it, I even couldn't move a muscle.

I blinked my eyes and lights was off. My body didn't move but I felt someone on the bed. I started to get desperated, tying to figure out who could be? Who on earth could be on bed there, I live alone... My mind was messy, I took a long time to remember Donny is with me now, and it could be him. It was him!

He got on me slowly, I couldn't see his face when I finally got my eyes opened. I get mad, his was touching my body with no permission of mine. But what was hate became pleasure, I mean, he was on my low back, and it was making some noises and cracking... It hurted a little, but was such a relieve... He was giving me some kind of massage. I was relaxing... More and more...

He was doing it on my backs, shoulders, neck, backs again... Oh my fucking backs! Hurting day by day... and now was getting an apropriated treatment. And so I left him doing if for so long I turned myself off... I cannot remember a thing. Just that I opened my eyes once and saw the lights of my laptop on, and later opened my eyes again, laying on my back, and was already 6:00 am... Time to get ready for work.

I got up fresh and new... a new man! His massage and my night of sleep was great for my. I didn't washed myself, because that mornign was so cold. I put some clothes and went to eat something. When I got into the kitchen Adonis was already up and cooking something again.

When he saw me, he stopped cooking, washed his hands quickly and came to kneel before me and kissed my feet.

_Morning, Paul – he said smiling.

It was the secound day and was with that sensation of he was already getting any better on his skpeaking.

_Donny made breakfast for Paul. – hell yeah! He got better.

_Get up Donny – I ordered – what are you doing for breakfast?

_Fruits, juice, sweet, piz-z-... pizzah... – every moment a surprise... And he kept a slice of pizza from yesterday, for me.

He was prepared some fruits I had brought yesterday... I made apple pie! Was a decent breakfast.

_Well... thanks – I said to him sitting at the table. He got so proud of himself... I noticed by the smile on his face – come, sit with me – I called him.

We ate and so got up to go to work.

I was sitting near by the door to put my shoes and he got there, by my side, with no saying a word. I got up, turned to him and said:

_I got to work now... behave... ok?

He made a sad face, the sadest one I'd ever seen before, grabbed my legs and said:

_No, Paul! Donny... will... alone! Donny do not... like...

That scene made me crazy. I thought, for a moment... An impulse I mean... I... Damn, I almost grabbed him back to hugh till got him suffocated... too cute that I got a boner... And hell he got his face almost on my...

I started to think about getting a blowjob from him... just before go to work. Ok, that was enough!

_Donny get up – I said and he did it, face down – I'll be right back, I promise! I'll bring something for you... but just if you let me go, 'kay?

_Promise? – he asked getting his face up and smiling.

_Yes – cute tin boy – I promise! Be a good boy and take care of things for me – I said petting him.

_Yes – he answered me, with a large smile on his face

He took my hand and give it a kiss. And so he stayed there, in front of the door, smiling till I left. That moment I wished to be on vacation to spend more time with him, but, at least, tomorrow is saturday, and I'll off.

The work day was the same as always. Many lawsuits, boss stressed, charging overtime without authorization, colleagues pretending to be friends. The meeting was a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Magic, a training to identify waste of magic in superfaturations of suspects who left no trace and evidence for us to frame the restricted companies. To be honest I spent a lot of time reading about the android line. In some reports of malfunction in the forum.

Some users reported that their androids did not sleep, and watched them during sleep. That scared me, because last night I had had that strange dream. There were funny reports too, of female androids with clitoris too large, or male androids with a large urethra opening that could fit fingers. One woman reported coprophagia from a family droid she had bought to care for her children ... Her doll ate the baby's feces ... Disgusting. Most of the reports were useless.

The meeting ended at the end of my expedition, I left the job desperately for my boss not to charge me for activities even after my schedule. I took advantage of it and went to the clothing department store to buy Donny a better outfit. As much as I wanted to hide, thinking about his company excited me ... I thought of making some effort ... But while I do not have the courage, I believe that I will stay in the imagination and look, so I bought another shirt that was loose in it, and short shorts, I liked the combination, it was kind of feminine. Besides that, her ass and legs were not thin and meatless like most men.

I took a brush and a hair comb too, I think he'll like it. When I left the store I had an unusual idea. I do not really know if he has tampered with my computer, there are no remnants, and I imagine he needs to further train his language and communication skills... Technological gadgets could help him in this endeavor. I decided to pick up my card points and buy a tablet for him to use while I'm away from home. I wonder if he's really using my laptop.

When I arrived at the apartment, Donny quickly came before me and repeated his ritual:

_Well coming - he said kneeling and kissing my shoe ...

_ Shouldn't you wait me taking my shoes off? - I asked him. Then, with an expressions of regret, Donny replied "Donny sorry".

The more time went by, the more I felt great, powerful and ... horny with all his submission. Are we so dependent of power over others as well?

_Donny ... - interrupted my thoughts – you don't have to do this every time I come.

_No? – He asked me, looking confused

_No. - I told him after bend myself down and come face to face

I didn't get that expression he made, but his sentence after it made me uneasy for reasons which I can not tell.

_Paul disgusts Donny?

_No! – I corrected him - no way! Here, take – I raised my hand to his lips, implying him to kiss it.

He kissed and I said "see?!". His face flushed, his eyes closed and he held my hand tied, just against his face... so intense. I don't know exactly what happened ... It was as if my hand completes him, and he didn't want to loose it because like this he would be incomplete. But at the same time it seemed like he was inviting me to touch his body.

I took my hand off his face abruptly, which alarmed him, and said to him I brought him some gifts. His eyes bugged out and soon he opened a smile. I called him to the bedroom to show those gifts. He opened the bags on the bed, where we were sitting, and he got very happy... he wanted to hugh the clothes, I laughed, which got him confused. I showed some brush, comb, clothes, tablet pod. I told him as soon as I got out of the bath I would teach him playing his tablet, and after he cloud learn more.

I stayed looking at the ceiling for a minute, wondering how intriguing it was, I mean living with him in that short time, and before I noticed any moves, he was seated in seiza with his chin in my groin. His hands were on my thigh, his eyes were looking straight for mine, as he was waiting for any command, an approval one. "Paul" - he said. I didn't reacted, from the outside, but from the inside... Only tachycardia, shortness of breath, sweating, and my cock which began to throb and grow inside the clothes, touching his lips.

Donny opened his mouth and wrapped that... form the pants, and just before he could close his mouths, just before he made any movement, I suddenly pushed his head back. I Think his head had hit the floor, because there was a high noise. I did not want to know anything! I just went to the bathroom. That night I took cold showers.

When I left the bathroom Donny was already using a tablet at living room, he looked at me with guilty expression on his face, I did not approach, actually I pulled myself away from him. I wanted to hold him, squeeze him, hurt him. He left me with this ... This will, this instinct, looked like a ... A poison that little robot had got in his eyes, smell, hair ...

The night went on and I ate. I went to my bedroom and locked the door. I didn't speak to him, any single word else, I went lay on my bed but I couldn't sleep. I wanted to... You know... I needed it.

Then I thought of Enzo, he always slept late and he likes flirting with me. So I sent some message to him, and he answeres. I asked to talk on webcam, he said yes. I got up, sat on the desk, turned on my laptop, called him at the cam and there he was... shirtless with his shameless, aroused face, talking like he does, like kinky.

_Long time no see, papi!

Hello folks. I really expect you enjoy it. Well, I'm translating it little by little. Please, at least read the entire chapter to get any conclusions...

For the ones who are a great hentai/perv, wait for it, 'cos there will be some... hot stuff




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