

Completing moving all new villagers. I instructed ox king to arrange the residence of aru villagers and mushroom townspeople.

Bulma decided to stay one night at Fire Mountain, after talking all day with me she also decided to move here. the next day bulma and i go to west city to pick up bulma's parents and arrange to transfer capsule corporation to firemountain.

it is necessary for one month to regulate all population movements and the transfer of the capsule coorporation headquarters to resume normal operations on the market.

after life on the fire mountain stabilizes just like life in other cities. I told Ox King to gather the entire population and to notify the announcement.

after they gather and the local TV station built by capsule corporation is ready to broadcast to people who cannot be present in the field. I got on the podium.

"Good morning to all respected Fire Mountain residents"

"let me introduce myself, my name is Son Goku, grandson of Gohan, my grandfather and your king once trained under Master Roshi at the Turtle School"

"I want to announce that I am the real king of this country"

"Ox Kingdom has fallen by ferocity from fire of fire mountain, and i rebuilt it into the new kingdom"

"I announce that from now on this kingdom is called the kingdom of Buji"

"The aim of this country is to make real security and destroy evil"

"Of course that goal will only sound like a joke from a child like me"

"but allow me to show my strength"

I began to fill the ki in my hand to compress it into a light ball and shoot the ball towards the hill across the fire mountain. The hill immediately exploded with a very loud sound and crumbled to dust.

"I know that maybe you will not be satisfied and think I will lead you by force. But I promise I will not direct my strength to you as long as you do not commit a crime"

"This country has received blessings from the dragon god. The dragon deity gave me an artifact called the truth ball. This ball has all information of fire mountain residents including its leader and continues to record information to date. This ball serves as evidence to impose criminal sanctions"

"provided you have confidence that someone committed a crime you can report to me or to Ox King, Chi-chi, Gohan, Master Roshi, Dr. Briff, Bulma, Chief Mushroom, Sherman Priest, Pocawatha. Later I will also give this ball to member of the security council and court later "

"If a person is convicted of a crime, then the security council members to move and punish the person direct legal effect"

"the function of the truth ball will take effect immediately after this announcement is completed"

then I demonstrated Dancing Sky Art or flying with ki and returned after flying around the citizens.

"what I just did was called Bukuujutsu or Dancing Sky Art, a technique that humans can do, using ki to fly"

"I want all citizens to do military service and practice martial arts under the auspices of the security council led directly by Master Roshi and his student Gohan."

"The training is really hard but I want you to practice and serve in the military at least until you master Bukuujutsu"

"Ox King will later tell you the training schedule for each citizen"

"I will not be active in my duty to be king because I have other important needs, I will appoint Ox King as prime minister and my deputy to run the government. I will appear again if this country is hit by a critical problem"

"This is all I want to say, for the next you can contact Ox King if there are questions"

I fly leaving the residents. after this announcement the residents were very surprised and enthusiastic about what they heard.

even though they were amazed and afraid of my strength they were also relieved after hearing the Kingdom's aim and Master Roshi as the security council leader convinced them to stay. there are some people who decide to stay only to be able to fly. flying is a human goal long ago when you saw birds flying in the vast sky.