
Goetia, Beast of Compassion DxD

The executioner of human incineration was defeated by the last master of humanity. As a loser, 'he' should have vanished. However, his plan did not come to an end. In a different world, the first sin will manifest once again. Watch Goetia along with the 72 Pillar Demon God carry out their plan, will their plan go smoothly this time or will their plan be thwarted like before by a certain human, curious? What are you waiting for? Read now! .... TL

MiracleBringer · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs


"Can you tell me about the Catastrophe?"

"...I won't deny that you know more about them than we do. But I have to ask, why can't you tell us, Kingu?"

"Please refrain from using such familiar language. We have an agreement with them. If we interfere with them, Kyoto will be attacked. If you, as well as the Fallen Angels and the Bible, are willing to take full responsibility at that time, then I don't mind discussing it. Well, you all aren't exactly reliable when it comes to keeping contracts. You have a criminal record."

"That's quite an attitude. You should say that to Michael."

"It sounds like you're trying to portray yourself as someone who always keeps their promises and is virtuous. Fallen Angels are often compared to crows, but perhaps chickens would be more accurate."


"...Are you eager? It would be easier for me if you made a move."

"Hmph. Who would fall for such a cheap provocation? But I had to use all my connections to set up this meeting. I need to hear a convincing story that will satisfy Sirzechs and Michael."

"Oh, really? Don't worry. The agreement with them is to neither interfere nor cooperate. For now, I have no plans to become your enemy. There's no reason to cooperate either. Besides, as Japan, as Kyoto, as Yokai, we don't owe any reverence to your Bible. There is no agreement as factions. Could you please refrain from coming here for purposes other than tourism?"

"So, the agreement prevents you from talking about the Catastrophe, huh? Then tell me about yourself."

"About me?"

"Yes. You should understand that being 'unable to say anything' is seen as a danger. It would be troublesome for both you and Kyoto, right? And for us too. If you can't talk about the Catastrophe, can you at least tell us about yourself within certain limits? For example, what is your species? It has a different vibe from the Catastrophe members. I'm curious about you as an individual, not as a leader."

"I'm just a clay doll. Following the culture of this country, I am a yokai who couldn't become a new human."


In a certain location of a certain country, Xenovia, who was performing her usual role as a nurse squad escort, was surprised by a sudden visitor.

"Freed Sellzen!?"

"Oh? If it isn't the Durandal user bitch I've seen somewhere! Well, well, long time no see!"

"What the hell are you here for?"

Xenovia, with her Durandal pointed at Freed, realized that she was currently affiliated with the same organization as him. Her instinctive reaction might have been due to her lingering sense of danger towards him, a wayward devil hunter.

Ignoring Xenovia's hostility, Freed succinctly stated his purpose.

"I happened to be nearby. Just wanted to check if Florence-sensei and Asia-chan are doing well. Honestly, I don't think it's necessary, but I'll ask for your protection. After all, sensei is someone I owe a debt of gratitude."

Feeling that his words were genuine, Xenovia realized the stark difference between the Freed she knew and his current self.

"The two of them are working so hard that I'm worried about their exhaustion. Maybe you should meet them directly?"

"No, no, no! A guy like me, whose body is falling apart, can't appear in front of them. I'll make sure they get some rest, even if I have to force it. Those two need to take a break."

"Well, that's..."

Xenovia couldn't deny that it was indeed unlikely.

To put it simply, Freed's concerns were valid. He was not only an excellent warrior but also a subject of human experimentation. His body had been distorted through medication and human modifications. Even if he assimilated with the factors of a Demon Pillar, his white hair clearly indicated the aftereffects of those experiments.

Furthermore, Florence Nightingale and the current Asia Argento, being "individuals in the role of healers," were not naive enough to allow Freed to work under such conditions. They wouldn't hesitate to shoot if he resisted.

"To be honest, I didn't want to come, but I got a little curious. If there's nothing, I'll take my leave."

Freed said so, not looking particularly unwilling. It was too different. His demeanor was completely at odds with the image Xenovia had heard at the church. During the incident involving the theft of the Holy Swords by Kokabiel, Freed had exhibited the personality she had anticipated. Perhaps that was his true nature. However, had he also undergone a change?

"Well then, before sensei finds me, I'll head back—"


"Huh, what?"

"Why do you follow them?"

A personality-disordered individual who had even killed his own brethren. A heretic who reveled in the pleasure of slaying demons. Xenovia wanted to know why he had changed so much. She thought he wouldn't answer, but surprisingly, Freed spoke up.

"I had a sister."


"Not in the past tense, but rather... Recently, I found out. Well, she's someone like a sister to me. The problem is, she's compatible with the Holy Cross."

Originally, Freed was a test tube baby. He was created by the Sigurd Institution, one of the Church's warrior training organizations. However, he couldn't become a finished product. Despite being called a genius, he was nothing more than a sample to the institution. While he excelled as a warrior in practical combat, he failed as an apostle.

After being expelled from the Church, Freed joined a fallen angel named Raynare while evading pursuers. From Freed's perspective, she was a beautiful but airheaded superior. Raynare, along with other fallen angels and their apostles, were killed by Flauros. It was one of the consecutive attacks on fallen angel bases that occurred around April. Realizing the danger posed by the assailants, Freed chose to submit. However, he had planned to betray them at an opportune moment.

But then, the situation changed.

Among the humans protected—seized according to the Church's perspective—by another Demon Pillar, Flauros, there was Lint Selzen. Freed and Lint were test tube babies with the same genetic makeup, resembling siblings.

Initially, when Freed learned of her existence, he had a limited understanding, thinking, "Well, I guess that happens." However, he was curious, so they had conversations. At first, he didn't have any real attachment. He might have believed that there couldn't be any human-like emotions within himself, who had killed not only devils and their contractors but even fellow Exorcists, his brethren. But at some point, his perception changed. By the time Kokabiel stole the Holy Swords, Freed had changed to the point where he could recognize it himself. He even willingly underwent adjustments as a terminal of a Demon Pillar.

It's not that Freed no longer wants to kill devils; he just started to consider other things as well. Cooperating with Goetia seemed to be the most reliable way to fulfill Freed's desired vision.

"If the bosses win, it should become a world where she can live happily."


"Just kidding!"

Freed let out an overtly carefree voice.

"This Freed Sellzen-sama won't be delivering such a cliché tear-jerking development! I simply think that joining the bosses is the best way to let loose. What else is there? Ah, I want to have a blast slaughtering devils and get a great feeling! It all starts piling up, yo! Well then, bye-bye!"

Freed quickly left, almost as if he were running away. Perhaps he was running away from the iron-clad nurse and her disciple who should be nearby. Although there was a feeling that they might meet unexpectedly wherever he fled.

"...As for me..."

The tragic saint gained a conviction not to heal but to save. The silver-haired priest found a reason to seek the future rather than live for the moment. And while Xenovia, who doesn't know it yet, encounters new faith, her former partner sets a path as an aspiring Holy Spear Hero, and the vampire of the Holy Grail stands under a clear sky.

In that case, what should Xenovia search for? The answer is still unknown. 


I immediately realized that this was a dream.

I, Hyoudou Issei, am scheduled to accompany the club president on her homecoming trip starting tomorrow. In other words, I'll be going to the place known as the Underworld, Hell. It seems that there will also be a debutante ball for the future head of the prestigious household, as well as a counterterrorism strategy meeting. I'm feeling nervous because I'll be visiting the club president ancestral home... Oh, and it's finally time to play the rating game against the yakitori that was postponed. I have to win for the sake of the club president future.

The King Agreement, a peace treaty among the biblical factions—angels, devils, and fallen angels—for the Holy Sword Project in Kiba. This should eliminate any victims like in the past. After the agreement, Azazel came to Kuoh Academy as a teacher. And he became the advisor of the Occult Research Club. He's quite perverted, understanding, and not an angel but a fallen angel. Now I can call him Professor Azazel without hesitation.

But this dream is strange. I'm aware that it's a dream, but it feels realistic, or rather, it's unsettling.

"Partner. This is not just an ordinary dream. It seems that someone is interfering with your consciousness and forcefully showing it to you. Be careful. We don't know what kind of mental attack you might experience. I don't think it's due to my abilities since I didn't have this kind of power..."

Ddraig, who is right beside me, explained it like that. Normally, I can only hear his voice from the Sacred Gear, but now, I can clearly see his dragon form because it's a dream.

It's a completely black space. There's nothing but black in all directions—up, down, left, right, front, and back. It's like when you turn on the TV, and an image is projected in a part of the space.

There, a person wearing red armor in the shape of a dragon stood. I immediately understood that person was me. That's the "Crimson Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet," the forbidden state of the "Crimson Dragon Emperor's Armor." With the ring I borrowed from Professor Azazel before, I became a pseudo-balance breaker state, and it was exactly like that.

Children gathered around me, who stood in the center of the image. I couldn't understand the situation, but then lively music started playing. I thought it was like a hero show, and then came the shocking title call.

"Oppai Dragon, start!"


...What is this?

To my puzzled self, I heard this, well, an incomprehensible song. It was a song that couldn't be described in any other way. The lyrics were questionable enough to make me doubt the sanity of the person who wrote them. There were even choreography and excessive enthusiasm. ...Huh? What is this?

The scene changed, and various images started flowing. Everyone who appeared in them was repeatedly saying and doing things that I couldn't believe. And it was all directed at me. Each fragment was too fragmented, but it was clear that something unpleasant was happening to me.

"I've heard the rumors. A lewd man who acts based on women's breasts."

"I don't have any Archenemy like the Oppai Dragon."

"Oppai Dragon, may the blessings of the Oppai Goddess be with you."

"Ddraig, become a dragon that rules over breasts?"

"Butts are good too."

"Mumble mumble, oh no!"

"I keep hearing 'mumble mumble oh no'..."

"W-What is this?! What the hell is this?!"

Ddraig screamed. Don't ask me! What the hell is this?! Why does that stern warrior-like old man think I'm going to eat breasts? What is an Oppai Dragon or an Oppai Goddess? What does "mumble mumble oh no" mean? I can't help but feel attracted to it, but why is a giant dragon repeating it...? And if it's not my imagination, Ddraig was talking like a child...

As we were bewildered, a voice came from nowhere.

"This is your appearance in a different world. Make it the conclusion of the choices that can still be discarded, the outcome of the possibilities that can still be eliminated."

The video cut off, and the surroundings suddenly became dull. This freedom was proof that it was a dream.

"Hey, partner. It seems like the mastermind has appeared."

Ddraig, who managed to regain his composure, and I saw a monster standing there.

"I am one of the 72 Demon God Pillar, Zepar."

With a body resembling a pillar and numerous red eyes, this monster called himself a Demon God Pillar and was using the names of the 72 Pillars without permission. He was different from the previous Glasya, but he also had a predominantly black appearance.

"Why are you appearing in my dream? What's the point of showing me this nonsense?"

In response to my question, Zepar chuckled. Well, I don't think there was any emotion in his voice, but he looked down on me. More so than Riser or Vali, perhaps even more than that.

"It's not a falsehood. This is undoubtedly a possible way of life for you. And I have no interest in you. You're a devil who has forsaken your potential as a human, a mediocre being of no value. I have business with your dragon, the guardian deity of Britain, Y Ddraig Goch."

Not me, but Ddraig? I want to have a conversation with Ddraig, but Ddraig's soul is sealed in the Sacred Gear, leaving only his consciousness. So, it means that communication is only possible through my dreams?

"Oh? What do you want from me?"

"As you can see, you are on the verge of staining that history with disgrace. However, there is still time to prevent that. We can make better use of your power than that reincarnated devil. We have the means to give you a new body."

The Demon God Pillar, Zepar, conveyed this to Ddraig.

"Crimson Dragon, join forces with us. And be resurrected as the 'Heavenly Dragon' surpassing the Dragon King."




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