

If any normal Magician heard his thoughts, they'd definitely think Huo Ling to be crazy. They had difficulty using their spells already and he wants to overwrite their spell and make them backfire? If he could practice this with this and learn this for of common spells he'd definitely be a magician's worst nightmare. Forget about making spells explode or change direction, imagine a magician whose spells only hit their teammates.

Of course, he needed some practice for this. He had never cast spells and to write Runes was no easy feat. To write Runes one needed excellent control over their mana. Thus, he began working out his idea. For the first time in God's Domain, he was excited. It felt just like the feeling when he had gotten one of the fourteen Legendary Swords in the game he played before he arrived at God's Domain. This Legendary Sword would double the weight of an opponents' weapon every time it clashed. In combination to the fact, Huo Ling's character was speed based and could hit several times a second, it was monstrous. Thus, he had been called a Fighter's Nightmare.

Now, he was becoming a Magician's Nightmare, he couldn't help but become excited. Soon, Huo Ling was able to implement his idea and the Blueprint was accepted. Huo Ling had called the skill: Overwrite!

When he completed the skill, two changes happened. The first thing what changed was the description of his Mana Gun.

'Mana Gun'

Gun which shoots pure mana.

Skill section: Magic Jamming.

-Dissolve, dissolves the Rune Foundation of a Spell. Cost: 0.5 Mana - Infinite

-Overwrite! Dissolves and replaces one or more Runes into others. Cost: 0.2 Mana/Each Tier 1 Rune.

Tier 1 Runes were used for spells from Tier 0 to Tier 2.

As Fireball and Fireblast both fell in this category, he wasn't worried at all. Mana cost was lowered significantly for two reasons:

1. Fewer Runes to dissolve.

2. Runes which are dissolved are partially changed into Mana for the new Runes.

The second thing was a Quest which was hung on an old looking paper and close to faded symbols. These symbols


Raid the chickens' lair!

Quest Difficulty: F

Completion rates:

-Obtain the eggs (20%)

-Obtain the treasures (20%)

-Kill the Guardian Chickens (35%)

-Kill all Ordinary Chickens (15%)

- ???

Rewards: Optional

Time limit: 7 days


'I'll definitely try to get a rating as high as possible!'

Huo Ling had prepared enough for a chicken slaughter. He had bought another bloodstone with his last Knight Slaughter Point. He had done so because he wanted to store Ordinary and Knight Points separately.

Huo Ling estimated the number of chickens he could kill without having to worry too much. As long as he had an accurate shot and practiced enough with Overwrite! he could easily kill twenty-five chickens by making the fireballs fly inside their throat. But if he let them explode they would not only kill that chicken, they would also kill really close chickens and fireballs nearby. Thus, he believed he could kill around 50-75. However, that was still not even close to enough.

Thus, he would have to use his claw and Mana Gun in such a way he could kill a lot more. When Huo Ling had finally decided how he would act, he went to sleep at noon already.

A few hours before midnight, Huo Ling was preparing. He held his gun in his right hand and the claw in his left. When Hul Ling got out of his cave, a white sheen went over a bloodred stone embedded in the back of the claws. This way he could automatically choose to absorb the blood of the Ordinary Chickens.

Two hours before midnight, Huo Ling started his assault. Huo Ling had deliberately chosen a place and time. The place was at one of the ends of the oval-shaped valley. The time was chosen such that he would have moonlight to see, but the chickens would be in the middle of their sleep, even if he took over a couple of hours.

Soon his assault started. Before the chickens were fully awake and began to fire their fireballs, Huo Ling had already killed eight chickens. This might seem like a drop in the ocean, but only around thirty chickens were close enough to fight him at this moment. Soon, an orange number appeared and was rapidly increasing.

When it hit just over fourteen hundred, Huo Ling had killed almost one-third of the Ordinary chickens. He was already over half of the way to the middle of the valley -where the 'Rooster Hill' was located and Guardian Chickens were present. It had cost him a little less than half an hour to reach here.

In his wake, one could find more than one hundred twenty corpses murdered in a way so efficient it was scary. Chickens were either burned from inside, had their hard pierced or died from external wounds, blood loss and explosions. Normally, one could only massacre like this when one was well on their way to maximum King Points. Of course, Huo Ling could only do this with the help of his Mana Gun.

He was faster with killing with fireballs than basically any mage in the First Layer, even though he only had five mana, zero points in fire and had only the maximum Ordinary Points.

After resting - which was only killing the chickens which came near with the claw- for half an hour, he resumed his pace on massacring the chickens. Shot after shot and a fast came one after the other.

Huo Ling was about thirty meters away from the hill when he met his first Guardian Chicken. It was twenty minutes before midnight. He had done significantly longer over significantly fewer chickens. This mainly because of two reasons:

Chickens became stronger, faster and a little bit more intelligent when closer to the nest. Also, Huo Ling wanted to keep his mana above three. He was scared of facing multiple Guardian Chickens at once while low on mana.

Luckily, this one was alone and only had six other chickens near it.

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