
The Era of Gods Chapter 90: Epic Hero Slardar

  In the tribe, tens of thousands of murlocs and more than three hundred naga gathered in the center of the expanding tribe. Around the altar, they danced the Maori war dance that Lin Xiao taught to the family.

The altar is made of huge stones, and it is larger than before. The sides are full of food. Most of them are fish in the sea, and there is a bison that has just been slaughtered. The leader of the big naga is holding a bone stick with many people around. Dancing frantically at the altar.

With the moon above the head, the ritual prayer entered the most fanatical stage. Lin Xiao, who had prepared early, decisively consumed half a million faith points. The sky was steep, and the sky was filled with dark clouds by an invisible force, showing a faint light. The golden light became brighter and brighter as the dark clouds spread out, and a huge golden outline appeared on the sky, illuminating the entire God Realm.

  "Great Creator, Supreme Lord of the Sea, God of Naga and Murloc!"

That huge face is so huge and so majestic. The believers who are dancing, and those who are praying piously, at this moment all bow their heads and bow down their bodies piously, chanting his god's name piously in their mouths. At this moment Lin Xiao could clearly sense the piety in the hearts of many believers on the earth.

  He is quite professional in managing the faith of believers. With a thought, the majestic face of the sky that occupies most of the gods' realm slowly opened his eyes, and a thunderous sound resounded, echoing between heaven and earth:

   "I said, the heroes should be praised, the evil heretics should be punished, and my brave warriors should be rewarded."

  Under Lin Xiao's control, every word he said is like a roar of thunder, containing awe-inspiring power, which can make mortals feel awe-inspiring, awe-inspiring and fearful, and awe.

Lin Xiao has a lot of experience in this regard. He has carefully studied the books related to the spread of faith in the world, combined with the famous religious deeds of the past life and the words of modern masters, and integrated his own understanding to have a set of books that belong to him. The missionary concept, tried in his own god's domain, he felt that the effect was very good.

"I say!"

  As soon as the voice fell, a golden light fell from the sky like a beam of light and enveloped the great naga leader, and his even more majestic voice echoed between the heaven and the earth:

  "My most pious warrior, your extraordinary bravery and faith are in my heart. If you make mistakes, you should be punished. If you have merit, you should be rewarded. Here I give you infinite power!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Xiao gently tossed the **** blood crystal in his hand from the kingdom of God into the kingdom of God, and fell straight into the forehead of the big naga in the eyes of the believers, blending into it, and suddenly he uttered a roar to the sky, and his pupils burst out. The dazzling golden light, a hint of golden light spurted from the scales several feet long, and the scales were stained with gold, and the black scales complemented each other in a dark gold color.

Incorporating most of the flesh and blood essence of a demigod, the powerful power contained in it crazily transforms the leader of the Naga. With a low growl, his body expands at a speed visible to the naked eye, steadily expanding and growing, and his breath grows like a pump, and his eyes grow rapidly. The more fanatical, the more fanatical the faith.

  However, Lin Xiao frowned as he watched, and after thinking about it, a trace of spiritual thought came out to communicate with this believer.

  No way, he has seen that this believer is turning towards a fanatic, and he has to stop it.

  If it is said that other believers will be promoted to mad believers, he will not stop them, but will be happy to see the results, but this does not work.

The reason is very simple. As his first hero, and he is promoted through the fusion of God's blood, this naga leader is destined to have a long life, and it is possible to have an immortal life in the near future, so important. Believers, it would be too wasteful to become a fanatic.

  Lin Xiao's expense is not only for a fanatic, but also for a saint.

We must know that true believers, devout believers, fanatics, and saints are four-level believers. Although the power of faith provided by fanatics is higher than that of devout believers, fanatics have a fatal flaw, that is, they cannot be promoted to saints. It means that the faith of mad believers has come to an end.

  If you want to get the highest saint, you can only be promoted directly from the level of devout believers over mad believers.

  If other believers become fanatics, of course, the better, but as a hero he has spent so much effort and resources training, he will definitely have high hopes, how can he become fanatics.

  So he had to take the initiative to communicate with this believer with spiritual thoughts, and constantly hinted that he should stay rational and not fanatical.

  He can only imply that directly and explicitly will affect the purity of the faith, and he will never become a saint.

  This short period of less than one minute was extremely tormenting for Lin Xiao, for fear of losing his success.

  But fortunately, he was lucky, and this big Naga leader was good, but in the end he maintained his sanity and did not become a fanatic.

When he retracted his spiritual thoughts in less than a minute, this family member grew wildly from the original head and tail of about seven meters to the head of ten meters. The body was stronger and thicker, the scales were thicker, and the color changed from pure black to black with a hint of it. The golden color is changing in the dark golden direction.

  As the integration and promotion were completed, the soaring Naga leader slowly got up, a light red halo spreading from his feet with him as the center, until a hundred meters away.

  "Hero Aura, Epic Hero!"

  Lin Xiao was overjoyed, this **** corpse flower was worthwhile, and the sky lit up, and the thunderous voice sounded again:

  "My bravest warrior, I will give you the name'Slardar'!"

  At the same time, a golden light descended from the sky beside Slarda, and a big hole was smashed with a 'boom'. It was the big anchor that was prepared for him as a weapon.

  Open the new pop-up hero panel, and the attributes of the newly promoted hero Slardar are impressive.

  Hero: Slardar.

   Race: Black Scale Naga.

  Level: Epic.

  Hero Aura: Bloodsucking-25% of the damage done to the enemy is converted into life energy to give back to itself, and allies in the aura get half the effect.

  Hero talent: Epic hero physique-immunity to death damage, advanced regeneration, physical damage reduction 25%, and overall resistance +25%.

  Hero skills: sprint LV1, salted fish stab LV1, thunder smash LV1.

  Physique: 17 points (You have an extraordinary physique, and your finger will heal automatically within a few seconds after cutting your finger.)

  Strength: 18 points (You can wrestle with fierce bears, Yalong and other fierce beasts.)

  Agility: 8/18 points (You are more flexible and faster in water than on land.)

  Spirit: 5 points (Your spirit is very strong, you can easily become a spellcaster after training.)

  Evaluation: This is a very powerful epic hero, with a strong melee ability, and will be stronger in the water.

  Hero levels from low to high are: ordinary, elite, epic, legend. It is said that there are stronger heroes above the legend, but there is no record on the encyclopedia, and Lin Xiao does not know what it is.

  Those who are too far away from him are only at this stage. For him, a sophomore student, the epic hero is already quite powerful. You must know that the Harpy King under Wan Ying is just a hero with a normal template.

  The hero's skills are determined by the talent skills and specialties they have before they are promoted. They are generally a comprehensive enhanced version of the original talents and skills.

  For example, many talents of Slardar have been directly integrated into the talent of epic hero physique, and the three skills are also enhanced versions of many skills.

  The most pleasant surprise to him is that hero blood-sucking halo. Not all heroes have this thing. Only heroes above epic will have halo. The source is also related to before promotion.

  Slardar can obtain the blood-sucking aura, and the high probability is related to the blood priesthood once possessed by the snake-man demigod.

  Slardar was promoted to a hero, and his level of faith was still a devout believer, but it was far more pious than the average devout believer. It was comparable to the average fanatic, but without fanaticism, he still maintained his sense.

  This is exactly what Lin Xiao wants. Only with the most pious belief, maintaining rationality, and having an extraordinary understanding of the doctrines of the gods, can the three become one and be promoted to a saint.

  Of course, there is no Linxiao church now, the doctrine is incomplete, and it is impossible to be promoted to a saint.

But you can make preparations first. At the second stage of high school, the courses taught in the school are more professional than those taught in the first year. All students must begin to prepare to establish a church with perfect doctrine among the believers in their own gods, standardize their beliefs, and continue their original original beliefs. No future.

After all, in the second stage of high school, you will go to foreign classes from time to time, trying to invade some small planes. At that time, it will be difficult to convert the newly conquered natives. It will take a long time and the efficiency is far less than that. Regular church missions.

  At this point, many of the trophies of this final exam have been consumed.

There is only a forty-meter giant tortoise shell left in the warehouse. I don't know how to use it for the time being. A 40-meter-long golden spear is the weapon of a snake man and a demigod. Lin Xiao is ready to take the time to wash it with his supernatural power. Practice it, and later use it as a weapon for yourself.

   and one epic quality five-star card and three rare quality five-star cards.

In addition, the damaged treasure was also thrown into the warehouse. This thing cannot be repaired by his current ability. The third-order treasure cannot be repaired by his father, even his family ancestors cannot repair it, at least with a medium or above power. Only the true **** with the two priesthoods of judgment or destiny can repair it.

  Of course, Lin Xiao tried to throw into the Rubik's Cube for good fortune, showing that it could be repaired, but he needed to disassemble other treasures to repair.

  He does not have any treasures now, but even if he has them, he is not necessarily willing to disassemble and repair them.

  There are many treasures that need to be decomposed to repair a third-tier legacy. If it is a first-tier legacy, it would be more than ten. Are there so many first-tier treasures left in the realm of the gods?

Even if it only adds a little strength, ten points of strength are added up. Just think of a murloc with more than ten points of strength, which is equivalent to ten times the strength of an adult man. How powerful is the burst at that moment ?

  This stuff.

  Don't care about it for now. After all, with the rare degree of the treasure, it is difficult to say whether or not you can encounter the second treasure before the college entrance examination. Now I think about it too far.

The next time is the recuperation within God's Domain, controlling the rate of murloc reproduction, and encouraging Naga to give birth to vigorously. This species has suffered too much from attacking the semi-sacred snakes. Now there are less than 400 young children. The next two months and sixty days of vacation are equivalent to sixty years of God's Domain, and he has to work hard to increase their size to more than two thousand.

  In addition, he has to train them vigorously, whether it is a naga or a murloc, to improve their professional level.

The difference between    and race level requires combat experience to increase. The professional level of the all-round fighter only needs training, not only does not require experience, but also does not require faith.

  Half a month later, Lin Xiao received a message from the teacher that the final exam was over, and asked him to gather on the artifact platform.

  (End of this chapter)

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