
Part 1

Ever since I was 2 I could use abilities and do other things. My parents kept my powers a secret. My parents told me i wasn't their child but i still love them anyway. But on my 10th birthday I used my powers to light the candles and my friends saw me. They look at me with amazement. My friends told Their parents, then they wanted to see me use my powers myself. So I did and the whole town knew. 2 months later there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and saw 2 government agents. The moment I saw them I ran using my superspeed. Till this day I never stopped running from them.

   A thunderous boom went off a few yards behind me. I can't use my super speed. They must have figured out a way to dampen it or make me slower. But I know how they work. I got away from them many times and I'm not gonna get caught now. Another Boom Went off And a tree fell in front of me. I ran through the tree like it was a piece of paper. The Dampeners must have worn off. because I can move a little faster than before. I try with all my strength to try to use my super speed. I couldn't, so I tried to use teleportation. It worked but I opened a hole big enough for me to squeeze through. I go through the portal and I'm in this black room. I see a giant person at least 30 feet tall. With a dead corpse in his hand. He pointed at me and said you are next. Then everything turned white.


Three years later here I am running from them again. As I get up from the cold, wet ground I quickly get up and snap the portal shut. I realize i'm not on earth anymore. This planet looks more futuristic than earth. Just as I was getting to explore this planet. A shadow dragged me in an alley. The Shadowy Figure revealed itself and revealed a girl about my age, Blue eyes that look like little galaxies, a warm and comforting smile. Then I passed out due to exhaustion.


When I woke up I was in bed, as I got up I felt my powers surge with massive energy. I never felt like this before, it felt like my powers got stronger. I made my way to what looks like a living room and sat down. I got a little cautious and used my invisibility. A moment later the same girl walked in the room. She looked in my direction and said  i can see you."  ''You can stop hiding now." ''You can?'', I said in a curious voice. ''Yes your powers don't work here even though you have millions of them.'' ''How did you know I had powers?'' ''That's my ability search'','' if I look at someone  I know everything about them.'' ''Oh so do you know why I'm here?'' ''No but I know you wanna find your real parents.'' ''How did you know that?'' ''I told you my ability lets me know everything about you.'' ''Oh yea guess i forgot.''  ''what's your name?'' I asked. ''My name is Zaidia Nilia.'' ''Oh well I'm James Dian.'' she looked at me like she already knew that.'' '' I'm gonna go explore this planet more.'' I said. ''Well don't be long'' Zaidia said.

 Later that day I saw something that looked like a food truck. I searched my pockets for money. I had $40.50. But I don't think that this planet has the same currency as earth. Maybe if I find one type of this planet's currency maybe i can duplicate it. As I was walking in an alley I saw a strange slip on the ground. I picked it up and translated what it said. It said:  4 Celestial Drifts. After three hours of wandering around I decided to teleport to Zaidia so I can show her what I found. I showed her the slip of paper. She looked at me in disbelief. ''Do you know what this is?'' ''No'' I answered. ''This is the highest form of currency in the world.'' It is?'' ''yes!'' ''Where did you find it?'' ''On the ground.'' Hmmm. She handed me the paper back. ''You should keep this in a safe place somewhere untouchable.'' ''hmm'' I said. ''I know where I should keep it.'' 

  I sat in the middle of the room. A golden aura formed around me. I thought about my mind palace and appeared there. I walk up to the box of things I found ages ago. I rustle around in the box for a while. Then I found a small, black box. I grabbed it and carried it downstairs to a room that glowed with life and purity. I walked up to the source and looked at the gauge and the gauge said 324. The moment I looked at the number I became a little worried. The gauge is how strong my abilities are amplified by. I went back upstairs and disappeared out of my mind palace and teleported the black box into my hand.


   Zaidia looked at the box and wondered where it came from. I opened it and put the celestial drifts in the box. I closed it and asked Zaidia to open it but she couldn't, no matter how much she tried she couldn't even get it off the table. She looked at me in a frustrated look. Before she could say something my grumbling stomach interrupted her. Zaidia got up and went into the kitchen. After a few minutes she came back with a strange vial. ''Drink this.'' She said. I take the vial and drink it as it slithers down my throat. I felt the feeling of hunger leave my body completely. As I get up I feel a surge of power coursing throughout my body. I felt something similar when I woke up on this planet.The feeling died down. 

     I got up and started to leave the house. I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned around and saw Zaidia pulling my jacket. ''Yes?'' I said. ''You can stay with me'', she said in an timid voice. ''No, I couldn't be more of a bother to you, plus I'll be back in the morning.'' Just before she could say anything I entered my mind palace. I went up to my room and layed on my italian silk sheets and marshmallow pillow and went to sleep.

     I was in a dark room again but this time there was a trail of blood leading to a pile of bodies.

The giant then revealed himself. "I slaughtered all of you celestials and I'll kill you too." he said in a decrepit voice.  "But before I do I will give you my name." "Azaizel was the name giving to me by your idiotic people." he said in a displeased voice. "why are you doing this". I asked. "Because your people tried to kill me years ago." "They used all their power but it was no use. I was too strong. I then rained down pools of acid on your people carrying that hatred with me for the rest of my life." Said Azaizel in a loathing voice. " I felt the anger and despair welling up inside me. I threw all the power I had at him. I used Disks of light and my special scythe of eternal suffering. I was so fueled by my anger I turned into my godly state. I jumped up and sliced his head clean of his shoulders. I walked up to him and took his crown and put all the souls of my people in it. I teleported back to Zaidia's house and put on the crown. "We need to go to Vlesmir." I said. "Why?" Zaidia asked. "Because I'm gonna kill the man who slaughtered my people." "Hold on to me Zaidia." I said. She held onto my shoulder. We instantaneously appeared into the Hall Of The Vexxed. Where we saw The body of Azaizel. I take all my power and combine it into one. I will call this The Heavenly Spear. I approached Azaizel. I stabbed the body and it incinerated into ashes. Then I noticed a strange mark on my hand. I decided to leave it alone. 

 We teleported back to Zadia's house. I then went back into my mind palace to put my heavenly spear in a special case. I found the perfect case for it. I put it in and try to leave but I can't. No matter how much I struggle to leave I can't. But everything turned dark as I passed out.