
Goddess Assassin

Aliya_Adekunbi · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter Eight Elena pov

Actually I know you would be thinking that that was how the day got ruined but no,it was just the beginning of our problems. The party was going smoothly until it was time for the dance. I danced with Charles while charlie danced with some random good looking guy and when I say good looking don't believe me cause its a lie I made sure we danced closed to them so I could keep an eye on Charlie when I was busy looking at the guy I felt something was a little off with the way the man hands moved.It was very inappropriate so I told Charles that I wanted to switch partners with that guy and I also asked him to ask charlie what was going on.I switched places with Charlie,the guy stared lustfully at the cleavage in my dress but I acted like I saw nothing. I chatted with him and found out that he hosted the party and he his a very rich guy,but as it is I was not interested in his

money he took me away from the dance floor to have a drink but I refused. Suddenly a bulky body guard came out of nowhere "Now will you have a drink" He smiled thinking I was scared of the cat he brought to scare me I told him directly "I would not have a drink with a guy as dirty minded as you" He just chuckled "You see sweety this whole place belongs to me and you see those your friends over there can't save you from me after am done with you I would love to have a taste of the lady" I looked over and saw that he has his men pointing gun at charlie and Charles. I looked at him and said "Let my friends go and I will do whatever you want" I tried to look scared "That more I like it" He said,as we were walk in towards the bar I assessed the body guard. I took out a knife from inside my bra thank god my clothes has slits.

Charles pov

I was watching every of her movements so as to know when to strike,I looked over to charlie and she looked bored,so I continue looking at Elena.Whoosh,it happened that the so called body guard following elena and the rich guy just died. When did she even take out the knife,the rich guy looked back to see his body guard dead. I signaled to Charlie,I took the mussle of the gun of one of the guards counted the bullet and put a minus at the back. The people in the party were scared. Elena was beside me in a sec "You can speed travel right" The men were shooting but non of the bullet touched us before disappearing "Yeah" I nodded "You will take Charlie and yourself back to the base while I handle this fool" She said, I just looked at her like you are not serious "I do not need you to argue with me you will leave this ship and it is an order.Get it" She said firmly. Now I was really worried how can she survive on the water. I went to Charlie and told her what elly said she argued but I told her it was an order that I can't disobey. I held Charlie by the hand and camouflage both of us. It is what I like doing whenever am about to space travel,I could hear the guy screaming for his guards to find us but I ignored him and concentrated.I took one last look at elly before begining my space travel