
God of the Systems

"....Where am I...." [REBBOOTING SOUL.....] [Welcome back creator] Wait, WTH" Follow Adrian Helmdrow and explore the world as he gains followers and grows to become a true Celestial

DaoOfSurprise · Fantasie
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2 Chs

The World beyond me

"System You think I can name you something else"

Currently I was playing with the system, I learned my title actually gave the system some personality while giving me a true emotionless AI that would help the system holders and manage them.

[Yeah, sure boss, what you got in mind]

" I was thinking some like Jovani, what do you think hmm"

[Hmmm, Jovani, it sounds good its a nice name]

"Very well you shall be Jovani or Joe"

"I was wondering do I have a quest tab I never saw it"

It was normal that most systems had a quest tab so I thought it was either a hidden quest or I was free balling it.

[Ding ding ding, We got a winner, you just unlocked Quest Tab]

[Currently You have 5 quests though only 2 are finished]

"Sounds good what are the completed task"

[Explore the system-As a newbie god make sure to do a in depth search of what you can do. Reward: Not dying to void poisoning Punishment: DEATH and soul destruction]


[Its ok now so its fine]


[^Ignoring^ Lets continue]

Did he just ignore me

[Get your realm in order and explore your mind. Reward-Godly eyes and Download Punishment- None because its common sense]

"What are Godly eyes and download"

[Godly eyes- they provided no appearance change except making you look weird at staring towards people, be warned your face may be weird staring at people so hard, this skill allows you to inspect many things and give other peoples statuses, skills, and levels]

"Wow I always wondered why MC's faces looked weird when inspecting some one, who knew it was a hidden condition, should've read the description more in-depth losers"

[Download-Although you can buy skills on the store if you inspect some one you could download it from their status board for less though it would go back to level 1]

"Why do would it cost less?"

[The difference between download and the store is Download copies the person's memories down to make the skill and the Store has to make the memories for the player to use]

"Ohhhh makes sense"

I think I'm getting the hang of this now

"What's the other 3 quest Joe"

[Thanks for asking boss]

[First 2 are the main quest and the third is optional or daily]

[Main chain- Its pretty sad your just a lowly god, even worse you have no followers, get 5 followers or forever be forgotten Reward: Main source of FP Punishment: Get 500 FP taken]

[Main mission- Become a true Celestial and a main one of this world. Reward:??? Punishment: EXTERMINATION by Mid-Level Gods]

[Daily optional- Learn a skill by yourself by training Reward:100 fp Punishment: You being weak as hell]

"I don't know why but I feel like your mocking me Joe"

[I did no such thing, though you should start those quest especially the first one, some one may have already noticed you]

"Oh yeah, what type of world is this, is it fantasy"

[Currently the world your in is fantasy, it has multiple races and different gods, it has 6 different continents and its has a few empires and thousands of kingdoms, they have 4 energies Psy, Ki, and Mana the fourth energy is related to the gods and only few could use it which is called Divani or faith in its simpler term, most of the continents are filled with ruins of times pasted and fallen empires filled with monsters or phantom beast, most of the empires follow their specific god/gods and some kingdoms worship gods.]

[They have classes as well due to the high gods giving it to them though they have to go to a stone to get one or they cannot get one, most people never change class cause they search the energies to get classes, also classes are hard to train, nobles train their kids at 5 to increase their chances of mastering their class or having it evolve to become better](Sorry guys for the info dump but it was needed for the story)

[Hint: You should use your god eyes]

"Hmm, I'm getting it now, so if I need to make a system do I need FP and if I do can I customize them"

[Yes and yes though it would cost more to customize it and change it from the presets but it is possible.]

"Great hehe"

I'm guessing that the God eye's would be like a tv or satellite type thing so I could see the world and my followers.

??? POV change

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, damn my shitty luckkkkkkkk"

In this scene we could see a yelling man running, behind him seems to be, holy shit, its a huge ass rhino, if Adrian were to inspect it, it would look like



Earth Armored Rhinosaur










Condition-Blind in the left eye, raging


Rage lvl3-P

Charge lvl5-A

Mud Armor lvl2-A

Pain resistance lvl6-P

Iron Stab lvl4-A

Earthquake crush lvl5-A



*10 minutes ago*

"Damn such good luck finding this cave, who knew this place was so dense with earth energy, it seems these vines were the reason" He whispered.

Now you may wonder who this is, his names is Jonah Orion, he is a 18 year old with scout as his class, today he just left his village and became a adventurer his status would be this.



Jonah Orion











Condition- little tired


Stealth lvl 5-A

Unique grade Presence null lvl MAX-P

Rare grade Danger Radar lvl 2-A

Dagger proficiency lvl 1-P

Sling shot proficiency lvl 2-P

Haste lvl 4-A

Sprint lvl 10-A



Skill Grades- common, uncommon, rare, advance, epic, legendary, mythical, unique, evovlable.

Energy is Ki, Psy, and Mana

Skills are either passive/P and active/A

DaoOfSurprisecreators' thoughts