
Chp. 1 : Beacon Hills Welcomes a Monster

A 18 year old (looking) Fane Lycan, is walking through a gas station. His dark eyes burning with anger. Fane has not been able to stay in one place because of his urge for blood. Ever since his awakening of his vampire side, he has barely been able to stay in control. By no stretch was Fane a good guy. He has killed his fair share of people. After living as long as he has you are bound to get a reputation, people didn't call him the Devil or THE END (of times) for nothing.

Fane use to live in Beacon Hills for awhile. He knew of the Hale pack that use to be the guardians of the town but he was not worried. They knew of him through time that he and Laura Hale dated. She was the only person in his life that could calm the monster that was inside him. They had a pretty bad falling out after she found out he was part vampire. They argued and it ended with Fane leaving Beacon Hills. He heard about the Hale fire while he was in Club in L.A, enraged was putting it lightly. Thinking that the fire was what killed Laura, he ended up killing over a hundred people and letting the local witches clean up his mess. The witches had a seer with them that told him that Laura was alive but would die anyways and lose her alpha spark. But because of him killing the innocent people he would be sealed for a for awhile.

After only 10 years, he managed to escape. He booked it out of there, which is what brings us to the present.

Fane can be seen grimacing with unshed tears in his eyes . He was good at sensing other wolves and he knew that Laura was already killed.....


After looking around the gas station and seeing no one around but the cashier, I can't help but let out my hybrid features come out. I walk up and lock the doors and then walk up to the teen, I look him straight in the eyes.

Fane: "Be calm and quiet. Shut off all the security cameras and erase the time from when I arrived."

The teen guy, with his eyes glazed over nodded and walked away. I can't help but smirk. Compulsion is a great power to have. 'I haven't ate in a while. After this I should find out what happend to her..'

The teen calmly walks back and stands in front of me. I let my hybrid features come out again and I tell him he to be scared.

Teen: *screams and and runs to the door. Starts pulling on it to figure out that it is locked.*

'They always try to run' I roll my eyes. I vamp speed over to him and throw him into the middle of the store.

Teen: "W-www-why are you doing this? W-wwhat are you?"

I just smile and start to walk over to him, fangs in full display.

Fane: "I've had a very bad decade.. You see these witches trapped me in a room... While I was trapped the only person that can calm me died. You just so happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

I stop walking right in front of him.

Fane: "And to answer your other question, they call me many names but I'm just a monster."

I surge forward and sink my fangs into his neck. He starts to scream but i cover his mouth. After I'm finished I dropped him and wiped my mouth. 'Guess I should get out of here.' I vamp speed out of the gas station and start looking around town.


After walking around the town for awhile he caught the scent of blood in the air. Running into the woods, he knew it was taking him in the directions of the old Hales house. Hearing a roar, his eyes started glowing a bright red with his hybrid veins under them. Deciding to get higher to see what was going on he jump into the tree an started jump branch to branch. Reaching the house he stopped and watched. A 8 ft tale Alpha wolf/beast was caught on fire, right then and there he knew that, that was the one that stole the spark from his Laura..


My eyes glowed brighter, and with a angry face, I was about to jump down to finish it. But before i did, I watched as it fell down and two other werewolves approached it. The bigger of the two with blue glowing eyes stopped right in front of the alpha. I knew that was Lauras' brother from his scent. The younger wolf rushed up to him and yelled.

Young wolf: "Wait! Derek you said I could kill him and get rid of my curse? If you do this I'm dead. What am i suppose to do?"

I just shake my head. 'I'm guessing he is new to this. You can't just wish this away.' 'Derek probably just told him that stuff to get his help.' I continue to watch but I can feel my wolf wanting blood. Trying to hold my self back from slaughter everyone that is here. I look around noticing a dead body of a Argent hunter. 'Well I'll be, they killed Kate Argent.. Great just what I needed, move back here and I already know Gerard will want revenge.' My eyes roam to the rest of the group. Two teenage boys by a red porshe and a teenage girl with a bow, 'Looks like another Argent.' Hearing the wolves start talking again, I turn back around.

Alpha; "Yyy-you've already decided huh?"

Derek, pulled back his claws and slit the Alphas throat. Then Dereks eyes turned Alpha.

Young wolf: "Derek no! What did you do!?!?!"

Derek: "Scott, I had too. He killed my sister."

His eyes glowed a little brighter.

Derek: "I'm the Alpha now!"

Seeing enough and knowing Lauras killer was dead, it did nothing to stop myself from being angry. I could already feel my bones snapping and I knew my wolf side was wanted out.

Fane: "UGH!" I scream and finished the transition.

In my place instead of a human body was a huge white wolf. Shaking my head and fur, I turned and bolted deeper into the woods. After running for 30 minutes, I just roared, to get out all my pain and frustration for not being there for her.

Wolf Fane: "ROARRRRRR!!!!"

I decide it was time go shift and get myself a place to stay. 'Laura would want me to look after her brother. Derek was really never a fan of me and when he found out that I was a hybrid probably did not help.' 'Hopefully he won't make me hurt him, new Alphas tend to get aggressive with another dominate male was in his territory' I know I might be a lone wolf, but I'm a Alpha that doesn't need a pack for power.

After finding a good house to stay and draining the owners to stop the blood lust for now, I head off to bed thinking of Laura. 'Maybe my curse is just to be a monster all alone' I fall asleep with a broken heart knowing I failed her.

Dereks POV 30 minutes earlier

After I become Alpha I watched as Scott and his friends start to leave. 'I never thought I would be the Alpha, I always followed mom or Laura.' I look around the burned remain of our home. I decide I am going to make my Hale pack the best for a dedication for them. I started to sniff the air after i catch a whiff of something. Growling slightly I think to myself, ' So now he shows up.' I start to get angry. 'Laura was never the same after "HE" left, she even blamed herself, she wasn't mad that he was half vampire she was just upset he did not tell her. But "HE" did not give her a chance. "HE" just ran!' 'I knew he was a demon the moment her and I walk in on him feeding on a innocent woman.' I sigh, 'How could she have loved him? She changed after he left, and was always looking for him.' I walk into my house as I hear a load roar that shakes the ground and the whole house. I turn to look at Scott and his eyes are glowing gold as mine are glowing red.


Scott looked at me with hard eyes and could tell i knew something from the angry look on my face.

Scott: "Derek what the hell was that? Was that another Alpha?"

Stiles jumped from where he was. And started shaking is head.

Stiles: "I thought Derek just killed the Alpha!? Tell me we killed the right one?!"

Allison was already shaking from seeing everything tonight. Scott put is arm protectively over her shoulder.

I'm already annoyed from "HIS" return and they aren't making it any easier. My wolf wants me to protect my home from another Alpha but I know i'm not strong enough without a pack.

Derek: " Stiles, will you shut up!"

They all look at me surprised. Jackson is just standing off to the side looking like he pissed himself.

Scott: "What was it Derek?"

I look over at them.

Derek: *sigh* "A monster..."

This is my first fanfic so please keep that in mind.

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