
Chapter 183: Unforeseen Events Part 2

While the news buzzed over Arias's decision to turn himself in, the justice league wasn't the only one wondering what he was planning.

The president found himself in a familiar position once again, seated at the heading chair in a private meeting inside the White House with his closest aides.

After the scare of nearly losing his daughter, president Ross was beginning to find his duties far too burdensome and even somewhat saw the possibility of failing in the elections to be good luck.

This change in heart wasn't within Arias's expectations, as Arias only ever saw the end result and glossed over predicting emotions, why? Because reading someone was far more tricky than reading a situation, especially one that usually followed a certain pattern.

Even the president's own aides likely had no idea of the psychological impact the past few events have had on president Ross.

Losing Amanda Waller, Succumbing to a terrorist attack that nearly killed his daughter, failing to apprehend a wanted fugitive, losing numerous good soldiers and agents, and so much more.

His daughter nearly dying was the final straw for the president, whose desire to have a second term had all but faded.

Even during this meeting, he took a somewhat passive role as his aides debated vigorously over the situation surrounding Arias.

"We should send him to a black site immediately for questioning!"

"That won't do, not now when the public saw him surrender himself. We lack the evidence to do as we please in this situation, given the circumstances he is allowed trail."

"Is that a joke? Have you seen the fantasy polls? Once that Slade Wilson wins then no matter what result Arias Markovic gets in court, a presidential pardon is in his sights!"

"So what?! You're talking about a man whose organization created the cure to a biological attack that would have ruined us, the public is against us on this, just look at this, almost every major city has at least one protest in regards to the release of Arias Markovic!"

The debate raged on but no matter what points were brought up, Arias had thoroughly put the government into a corner they could not escape, at least, not without consequences.

At this time, the president's advisor turned to him and asked, "what do you think Mr. President? How do you feel this situation should be approached?"

The president fell silent for a moment and clasped his hands together, using them as rest for his head as he fell into thought.

Silence soon prevailed for what felt like minutes before the president moved his lips, "There's only one thing we can do now…"

At the same time, an armored vehicle with a very heavily escorted convoy drove through the streets of Gotham.

Inside the armored vehicle, Arias was cuffed by the legs, arms and waist, with power dampening collar around his neck.

Seated on either side of him were four heavily armed officers, whose fingers were resting on the triggers of their firearms.

Aside from the wailing sound of the siren and the occasional background noise, the area was silent, with each of the officers looking more than nervous.

'Dammit why couldn't I be assigned the truck carrying Harley?' One thought in regret, vividly aware of what Arias had done the first time he evaded capture.

Not too far from the convoy, atop one of Gotham's higher skyscrapers, stood WonderWoman, and beside her, Cheshire, who wore her mask.

"Hey, what exactly is the plan here?" Cheshire asked while leaning against the edge of concrete in a bored manner.

Before Arias surrendered, he had told Cheshire and Diana to exit the plane and just wait for him in the city, without providing any further instructions.

This wasn't because Arias had a set plan in mind but the pretty much the opposite. His decision to surrender was basically a throw of dice, with the outcome not yet even known to him, only possible scenarios.

The only real advantage he had to gain from doing this was an even bigger rise in reputation, as those who already believed him to be innocent before would surely have zero doubts, after all what guilty man would turn themselves in?

Even Diana who normally chose to trust in her friend was concerned over this plan. "I am unsure, but Arias has always carried himself with honor, they dirty his name with accusations so he chose to come forward and prove he has done no wrong, that is all I see."

Diana hovered slightly above the ground, arms crossed and expression firm. Cheshire gave Diana a side glance before sighing, 'Honor huh? The boss really has her fooled.'

Unlike Diana who was kept in the dark about Arias's true nature, Cheshire had received a bulky profile on Arias and was aware of his role in the lights most recent endeavors.

Calling him innocent was almost enough to make chuckle but she kept her thoughts to herself, after all, if he fell, so would she, not by choice but because under the league's strict rules, she would be seen as a failure who failed to protect her master, thus, she would need to die alongside him.

"Well one thing I know for sure, the boss is smart enough not to walk into a death trap, and if shit hits the fan, it's our job to rescue him right?" Cheshire added casually but received the full support from an inspired Diana.

"Indeed it is, we shall smite any and all who stand in the way. Those who defend the corrupt have no right to live! I understand now why Arias invited you to his noble cause, you have a warrior's spirit and a firm heart, you are now sister Cheshire!" Diana smiled and proclaimed friendship there and then, in her eyes, Cheshire's words were moving.

Cheshire could only inwardly sigh, 'If that's how she feels then I better keep my past and hobbies a secret from her, seriously, she's more likely to kill than me…'

The longer Cheshire hung out with Diana the more she felt just how dangerous the individuals Arias surrounded himself with were.

Before long, the armored convoy arrived at the Gotham PD headquarters where they were planning to hold Arias while awaiting instructions from Washington.

This alone though proved to be difficult because the largest of all the country wide protests was in Gotham, with many of the participants being students of the Ark Academies.

As the armored vehicle came to a stop, even the bound Arias could hear the chants outside.

"What do we want?"


"When do we want it?" "Now!"

"Free Arias Markovic!"

"Free Arias Markovic!"

Once Arias heard this, he couldn't help but crack a smile and chuckle. That innocent gesture though had all the officers around grow even more worried, to them, their lives hung in the balance.

Soon though, a loud banging resounded from outside, jolting up the officers, nearly causing one to pull his trigger.

'This can't be good for my heart.' He thought while swallowing saliva dryly.

One of the officers opened the door, and found the commissioner of the Gotham PD standing outside with his entourage of officers.

Bearing a frown, he quickly shouted, "What are you lot looking stunned for? You're holding an innocent man, undo those cuffs!"

Hearing this out of nowhere, the officers were hesitant, "But sir-"

"Now officer!"

The officers cast each other unsure expressions and each one brought out a key that unlocked one of Arias's cuffs.

Once done, they all shuffled away from him as he got out from the truck with the help of an officer below.

Even Arias was curious so he immediately turned to the commissioner and asked, "what's going on?"

The commissioner sported a smile and gave Arias's shoulder a hard pat, "You're the beneficiary of a presidential pardon that's what, not like you needed it, but congratulations nonetheless, those suits in Washington finally did something right!"

Arias cracked a small smile and shared in the commissioner's energy, "it would seem they did."

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