
Preparing For the Ceremony

Lee woke up to the sound of his mother calling him down for breakfast. He quickly jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes and brushed his teeth. He was supposed to be up thirty minutes ago and risked punishment if he wasn't down soon, of course that was if it wasn't already too late. Lee rushed down the stairs after finishing getting ready, careful not to run, greeting his mother who had been patiently waiting for him. His mother was a kind woman, nearing forty while still maintaining a youthful energy.

Although she was disappointed in his tardiness, she couldn't bring herself to punish him, at least not today. Today was the day that all children who were sixteen would receive their power. It was an important event that would determine the future of every child. Since she couldn't punish him right now she would just have to wait until after the ceremony.

After Lee's mother passed him a piece of toast with an egg on top she sent him out the door running so he would make it to the school on time. After all how could she let him be late on such an important day? It was already a shame enough that his father couldn't be here for it.

Seeing Lee go running out the door his mother quickly followed, hopping into Lee's scrappy car with him to go to the school. After a short five minute drive they arrived. The parking lot was packed, so it took them another ten minutes to find a parking spot. Here they separated, Lee going into the building to meet up with the rest of his class and his mother going towards the school's auditorium.

At this point, Lee was no longer in a rush. He walked into the school and found his room. Upon entering, Lee grabbed his favorite seat. It wasn't at the very back but instead just a row in front of it. Not in the corner, but still out of the way. Their teacher had a tendency to pay attention to the outer seats that he liked to avoid, just like how he preferred to avoid the rest of his class.

After waiting another fifteen or so minutes, their teacher, Mr. Hawkings, walked into the room. He was a kind and just man with a natural charisma that made it impossible to dislike him. Upon entering the room, he made a speech about how he was honored to be given the opportunity to have taught this class and how he would keep them forever in his memory. After finishing his speech, he explained the ceremony to them. He began, "First, you will all line up in the auditorium hallway in order of class rank. There will be numbers on the floor to ease the process and avoid any unnecessary complications. After you finish lining up, you will enter the auditorium and take seats in the chairs that have been reserved for students. When your name is called stand, and walk up onto the stage. Here, your awards and class rank will be stated. After this is completed, you will be asked to place your hand upon the awakening stone. The stone will display the name of your power and then you will walk back to your seat." At this point the room was full of nervous energy. The students were ready to get their powers.

1) I'm a new author and am pretty bad so I could use some criticism.

2) I would really appreciate it if you would point out any mistakes in the chapter.

3) I can't really write for a long period of time straight so my chapters will be pretty short. Probably just over 500 words per chapter. I'll try to drag up the word count as I go, but no promises. I also probably won't update that stably.

4) Sorry you read this, It was probably like punishment.

ImortalofSpagetticreators' thoughts
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