
Chapter 60: Body and Mind

''... my mind. With the remaining parasites, I should be able to remodel my body and get rid of its biggest flaws aside from my spotty memory. I need all the knowledge of my former self to reclaim godhood. Being male is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage in that regard.''

Through slightly nodding the Great One confirms my choice and vanishes. In his place, a 3D nude model of Sif Palatin appears in front of me.

My first body modification is it to integrate the tear stones into my wrists for convince sake. Confirming my choice for this minor form of remodeling a display appears telling me the remodeling of my brain will take three months.

Working out the specific mechanization takes me an unknown amount of time so that upon final completion only four days of the brain remodeling remains.

Crying out about how much the time has already past the system suddenly appears in my mind trying to help me swiftly modify the rest of my body, perfectly calculating every last parasite inside my body. So I change a lot.

Now looking at my body from the perspective of a man, I first change my boob size from B to D only to end up with C. Viewing my muscular straight body less in its effectiveness in combat and more from an aesthetic point, I change it to an athletic hourglass.

After changing some smaller details I finally tackle the biggest drawback of having the female body of a witcher, the inability to reproduce. Not wanting to ever get pregnant myself I am using an underhanded trick go around this predicament.

Thanks to the system I have access to my earliest drafts for reproduction organs. After considering the possibility of simply equipping the female body with a male reproductive organ, I swiftly disregard the idea because of its unappealing nature. In the end, I chose Pollination through skin contact. So I end up with the system telling me.

[Ethnicity: White Human/Elve

Measurements: 86B- 6O-86. --> 86.36C- 58.42- 83.82

Bra/cup size: BB --> CC

Boobs: naturally enhanced

Height: 1,75m

Weight: 65kg -->60 kg

Body type: muscular straight -->athletic hourglass

Fertility: Infertile --> Pollinating through magic rose tatoo

Eye color: blue

Hair: white

Underarm hair: Shaved-->permanently removed

Pubic hair: Shaved-->permanently removed

Scarring: Face, Bellie, Back --> Face

Tatoo: 0 --> Magical Rose left upper tight]

Confirming the body modifications my consciousness vanishes from the Astraltrower and returns into my body of Sif Palatine.


High up in the mountain range separating human country of Solitude from the elven country of Palatin in a sealed crypt near the mountaintop of the tallest mountain some grinding noises can be heard coming from the burial chamber.

Slowly but steady moves the cover plate of a stone coffin. After being moves aside some a boney hand comes out of it, speeding up the covers movement.

The moment the cover is half removed, a body squeezes himself out of the coffin. Wearing an ill-fitting faded robe that was once jet black but now an ugly grey and a plain half plated armor the body still shows signs of his gender, despite being hungered down to his bones.

Feeling his body powerless while being down by the armor, the body resembling more a corpse than a person slowly removes them. After having heard every piece of armor hit the floor of the chamber the man takes a deep breath and wipes away the sweat that has gathered on his forehead.

Still feeling powerless the man focuses his senses on feeling the natural flow of mana in the air to nurture his body back to health. Under the once again free flowing mana the man's body drastically changes from looking like the dead to looking like boney but healthy.

Having the strength to move his body around, the man reaches back into the coffin he just clawed his way out of to remove something that had previously played on top of him when awakening.

Reaching inside he takes out a straight rapier with plain but elaborate engravings. Fumbling around the heft of the weapon the man slowly withdraws a 38cm long wand. Caved out of elfen winter wood, the core made out of unicorn horn and held together with metal hoops that are engraved with runic symbols the wand combines a bloody history and an elegant design.

Rapier in his right the wand in his left the man feels mana slowly rushing into himself, refilling his mana reserves as if a sudden breach in a dike, is flooring a long ago dried up dessert. With mana returning into his body memories from before beginning to surface into his consciousness...

He remembers fighting the rebels at that pass separating the North from the South of Palatin. Memories of fighting on the frontline as a mage to lessen the burden of is soldiers are all the more painful thanks to him now knowing that all he did and all the sacrifices that his man was forced to make only ended in betrayal.

Wanting to die the man suppresses his memories with a mindless determination, his mind only thinking about his life's mission.

Casting a modified teleportation spell onto himself the man vanishes from the crypt.


(Warning the following very graphics scene contains Sif getting raped by the elven Commander called Paris Anwell the moment she wakes up.)

Returning into my female body for a short while I am disoriented and unable to move. Becoming aware of my body's senses I slowly awaken and feel my nipples gradually being hardened something painfully hot is squeezed inside of my opening. My pussy turns from damp to slightly moist to allow an easier penetration by something painfully hot. I can feel a male body warmth beside me.

Having something forcefully inserted into me my body instinctively self lubricates to lessen the pain because of that's what it is supposed to do regardless of my personal enjoyment.

Suddenly somebody places his fingers gently over my mouth. Although he needn't have. I am paralyzed with fear, and can't even utter a cry from out from my tight, painfully dry throat even if I had wanted to.

-But I don't want to.- I think feeling the cloak of silence and darkness behind my eyelids to be better. Safer. And more familiar than the alternative. I am covered in terror and shame. Without wanting it to happen I groan, sounding erotic even to my own ears.

Unable to control or suppress my body's reaction I can feel my body react to the continued invasion by building up the drive to orgasm.

''Be quiet, little one...'' I hear some a man whisper in the elven language, slowly caressing my neck. Slowly, with gentle movements, the burning rod slides in and out of me forcing a sudden of shameful pleasure run through me. While rhythmically moving in and out of me he continues to say. ''... And don't be afraid. You'll see how nice it is.''

I involuntary shudder beneath a hard, rough hand stroking my clitoris. I just lay stiff, motionless and tense, an overwhelming sense of revulsion which couplet with my current inability to move, taking my will away, and fills my temples and cheeks with a wave of heat.

At this point, I only want to get him to stop, even if it means having to spill his seed inside of me.

Suddenly an arm is slipped beneath my head, pulling me closer to a male chest. Unable to further endure this invasion and violation of my body I mentally separate my body and soul from one another.

After a short while, I see myself an orgasm while being filled up with male affection. Like an uninvolved third party, I see the elfen man slide his member out of my body, seed instantly leaking out of it. Wiping some leftover the seed of from his cock he smears it onto my slightly opened lips while smiling.

Slowly returning once again into my body I hear a door closing, smell the stale odor of one-sided lovemaking, that semen on my lips, feel used and think. -What the hell has happened in the past six months?-

Finally the end of the Worldends story arc...

I am really happy to not only finish up this part of Sifs journey but also to see this story to have gathered 200k views.

This author humbly thanks you all for sticking with this story.

Zibarncreators' thoughts
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