
God get bored, Now what to do?

Abyss_of_Darkness0 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Enchanted Encounter

In the realm where gods and mortals intertwined, the grand tapestry of destiny weaved its intricate patterns. Izan, the Supreme Almighty God, known to all celestial beings, had decided to erase his boredom by sending his own consciousness into the mortal world, turning himself into a baby. He concealed his true identity, and no mortal could fathom the divine existence walking amongst them.

From the very moment of his birth as an ordinary child, his divine essence radiated from within, and he was keenly aware of his purpose. As he grew, his father's expectations for magical talent weighed heavily upon him. On his fifth birthday, during the mana ceremony, it was no surprise to Izan that his magical talent was assessed at level 1, as he had always suppressed his true powers to experience life as a mortal child.

The day of the mana ceremony arrived, marked by a blend of excitement and apprehension in the household. Izan's father, consumed by his pride and ambition, had expected his child to possess extraordinary magical prowess. When the truth of Izan's seemingly ordinary abilities was revealed, his father's face contorted with anger and disdain.

"You're nothing but an ordinary child!" his father spat, his voice laced with bitterness. "I won't have a child with no magical potential sullying the reputation of our family!"

With a heart heavy with rejection, Izan was cast out of his home into the bitter cold of the winter night. The extreme cold was enough to make anyone retreat indoors, but Izan, a god in disguise, remained unaffected as he wandered the streets, alone and misunderstood.

Lost in contemplation, he found himself pondering the nature of the gods worshipped by mortals. Throughout his five years of existence, he had observed the fervent devotion that people bestowed upon the elemental deities—the gods of air, water, earth, and more. Mortals sought blessings and powers from these gods, believing that their faith and worship would grant them favor.

This concept amused Izan, for he knew that true gods, like himself, were beyond the need for worship or faith. He was the creator, the architect of this universe, and the source of all life. The devotion of mortals meant nothing to him, for his divine essence transcended such trivialities. He had crafted the mortal world for his own amusement, seeking to find meaning and excitement in the lives of the beings he had brought into existence.

Lost in thought, Izan continued his solitary journey through the icy streets. It was then that he came across a fragile figure huddled on the ground—a young girl named Ayame. She trembled from the cold, her body weakened by hunger and exhaustion. Compassion welled up within him as he gazed upon the vulnerable girl.

With a tender touch, he lifted Ayame into his arms, drawing her close to share his warmth. In that moment, the encounter of a god and a mortal unfolded amidst the stark contrast of their fates. Ayame, unconscious and frail, found solace in the arms of a god in disguise.

As they rested in the heart of the ordinary forest, Ayame remained unconscious, her life intertwined with the divine essence that embraced her. The once bustling surroundings fell into silence as Izan gazed down at the fragile girl. His heart, once burdened with the ennui of godhood, now felt an unfamiliar stir—a sense of care and responsibility for this fragile life before him.

In the heart of the ordinary forest, Izan ventured deeper, carrying Ayame on his back. Her unconscious form remained still, held securely by the divine embrace of the god in disguise. The forest exuded an aura of enchantment, and the mere presence of Izan seemed to awaken its secrets.

With a momentary glance at a tree nearby, Izan's divine essence pulsed within him. The ordinary tree trembled as if recognizing the divine presence before it. In an instant, it shed its mundane facade, and its trunk split open, revealing an extraordinary interior—a sanctuary where magic and wonder intertwined.

The dazzling house appeared before Izan, its ethereal beauty contrasting with the mundane exterior that remained unchanged. Amused by the irony of the situation, Izan stepped inside with Ayame in his arms. The interior was adorned with intricate magical sigils and shimmering light, all of which emanated from the divine power residing within him.

As he laid Ayame gently on a comfortable bed within the sanctuary, he decided to delve into her memories, seeking to understand the suffering she had endured. As a god, Izan possessed the ability to access the deepest recesses of one's mind—a power that allowed him to witness Ayame's past experiences.

Within the ethereal realm of memories, he saw glimpses of Ayame's life—how she and her family had lived peacefully as vampires, hidden from the mortal world. However, the balance he had intended for their existence had been disrupted. A conflict arose as people discovered their true nature, and their family faced persecution.

Izan's expression remained unchanged as he witnessed the tragedy that befell Ayame's family. Despite being a vampire—a creation meant to balance the world—they had become enemies of the very beings he sought to protect. The irony amused him, as he observed the complexity of the mortal world, where unintended consequences arose from the balance he had sought to maintain.

"It seems that even my carefully crafted balance can lead to unforeseen conflicts," he mused to himself, reflecting on the intricacies of mortal life. The mortal realm, with its blend of love, hate, joy, and sorrow, continued to captivate him. It was a world where beings were shaped by their experiences, their actions influencing the tapestry of existence.

Returning to the present, Izan watched over Ayame as she remained unconscious. He marveled at the resilience and fragility of mortal life—the fleeting moments of joy and the harshness of reality that shaped one's destiny. He had become more than an observer; he was now an active participant in this divine drama.

With a gentle touch, he ensured that Ayame's slumber remained peaceful within the sanctuary of the enchanted house. The interior shimmered with divine light, illuminating the shadows of uncertainty that surrounded Ayame's life. The world of gods and mortals had converged in this mystical abode, and he could feel their destinies intertwining with each passing moment.

As Ayame's fate now entwined with his own, Izan felt a newfound sense of responsibility. He had embarked on this mortal journey to experience the world in its raw form—to understand the lives of those he had created and the choices they made. Through Ayame, he found an opportunity to explore the intricacies of mortal existence, and in turn, he would guide her journey through the realms of divine and mortal alike.

As the moon cast its gentle light upon the enchanted sanctuary, the divine and the mortal stood united. The realm of gods held its breath, witnessing the unfolding tale of Izan and Ayame—a god in disguise and a fragile girl bound by destiny. Together, they would traverse the path of life, forging an unbreakable bond between the divine and the mortal—a bond that would redefine the boundaries of existence and the very essence of creation itself.