

"We will do this quickly, so listen to snotty kids. My name is Cedric and the man to my left is Sherman. We are both martial masters who are part of the Yami Armored Division. All of you are just abandoned children that no one would investigate his disappearance, for that reason if they die today during the exam no one will care, so I warn them if they bother me with their cries. I WILL KILL THEM AT TIME !! "

Cedric directed his aura full of blood thirst for the children, forcing them to be paralyzed by fear.

"Sherman explain what the exam consists of."

After the threat to the children the muscular giant called Cedric withdrew his thirst for blood and the man dressed in black named Sherman took a step forward.

"Yarayara ... Cedric the children are not what true telo."

"That does not concern you, hurry to start the exam."

"All right. Now children should understand that there is no way to go back for you, you can only fight to move forward and try to survive today, to join Yami. Your exam will be a race through the woods. Easy no. "

With a cruel smile and full of mockery towards the children Sherman explained everything about the race through the woods.

The race will consist of traveling 10km of land through the forest in 3 days, to reach the goal located behind the mountain that measures more than 500 meters high located in the south. Children can form groups of up to 3 people or they can go alone if they wish.

Each child will be provided with 2-day supplies and a weapon to hunt wild animals during their forest trek.

While Sherman gave his explanation the soldiers with black armor had placed 4 long tables and above them you could see all kinds of weapons that glowed by the sun shine, weapons such as swords, axes, hammers, spears, shields, knives, bows and arrows, etc.

"Listen to children I know some of you may be thinking about avoiding confronting the animals and just run as fast as you can towards the goal to be safe from any danger, but that's a big mistake. Since they would lose the opportunity to obtain death coins from the organization. "

Yami being a world organization, full of martial teachers who pursue the continuous improvement of their strength and not fortune, most do not have much interest in money, but for knowledge, weapons and special training areas, that's why Yami created a system called coins of death.

These death coins can be used by any member of the organization to buy to acquire objects of the organization or they can exchange their death coins for real money of any country. Being a coin of death equal to 1000 yen.

Everyone in Yami has a salary paid in death currencies, but the soldiers of the Armed Division as Disarmed may choose to carry out missions for the organization in exchange for payments in death currencies, but the missions are never simple and can lead to death.

"Listen well children, all the animals in this forest have a color label in their ears, you to hunt and to collect the labels in the ears of dead animals, you can then exchange them for death coins when they are part of Yami. "

"The labels have different value depending on the color. Green is equal to 1 coin, blue to 100 coins and red to 1000 coins. Now choose a weapon, take your backpack with supplies and form your equipment. "

Qin link held Iroha's hand and encouraged her to run quickly to the tables in search of the best weapons for them.

"Iroha if you trust me join my team and let me choose the weapons."

"All right. I trusted you Qin link. "

During Sherman's explanation, Qin link had asked Star to look for the best weapons in both quality and combat style for him and Iroha, being the result.

[Knight's Sword]

Rank: Deadly

Attack +25

Special Attributes:

+ Improved cut

+ Hardness

[Steel sword created by a skillful blacksmith with care.]

A long sword in the form of a cross, silver color with a handle for two violet hands and a purple cover for her. This sword was chosen by Estrella for her teacher.

[Butterfly Knives]

Rank: Deadly

Attack +12, Agility +3, Defense +3

Special Attributes:

+ Improved cut

[Pair of steel knives created by a skilled blacksmith with care.]

A pair of silver butterfly knives with light green handles and two white covers. It was the weapon chosen for Iroha after considering his unsuitable physique, for the fighting style using large and heavy weapons.

The butterfly knives being one of the most popular weapons in China for its effectiveness, comfort and quick learning of its handling, are the right weapon for a rookie of weapons like Iroha.

But Qin link had taken from the table, in addition to the two previous weapons a third that was.

[Composite Arc]

Rank: Deadly

Attack +15, Agility +10

Special Attributes:

+ Precision

[Wooden bow, lined with the antler of a wild deer inside and outside with its tendon. created by a skilled artisan.]

Qin link took this wooden arch and the quiver full of arrows, not for the fate for his third team member.

According to Estrella's recommendation to cross the entire forest reducing the danger, a team is needed that can coordinate its attack correctly, this by means of distance control of the weapons.

Iroha's battle style with his butterfly knives would only allow him to fight in close or close combat and the Qin link knight's sword could be used in mid-distance fighting but there would still be someone who could help with the attacks long distance, that is the reason that Qin link will take the arc.

"Tell me Qin link. Who will you recruit to be our partner? "Iroha asked.

"You'll see, follow me."

Estrella's ability to gather, analyze and make inferences with information is literally over human. since when Qin link asked him to find the best weapon to fight for them based on the quality of the weapon, the physics and abilities of their bodies, I also do searches for all the other children of the place and among them I select the best candidate for be a member of the Qin link team and carry this bow.

Being a thin girl, tanned skin with silky and silvery hair, tied in a ponytail by a bow.

This girl had a beautiful face but you could notice that she was withdrawn to interact with people, since she was just sitting on the floor, without showing the courage to look for a weapon or some team to join.

"Hey! You know how to use a bow." Qin link asked to the girl.

"Y-yes, learned from my family to use the bow." The girl replied timidly.

"Cool. So this bow and arrows are for you, also from the time, you are and will always be part of our team. I'm Qin link and she's Iroha. What is your name?"

The girl found it difficult to understand what was going on, how this child named Qin link appeared and asked if she could use the bow to be recruited into her team, not only for the test but forever, he said.

But when she saw Qin's face link with her blue eyes and see only pure honesty inside her black eyes, she felt the happiness that she thought she had forgotten a long time ago. Holding her new bow tightly, she looked at both of them and answered.

"I'm Mina. Mina Majikina, great pleasure Qin link and Iroha. "

finish writing two chapters for the week enjoy them and keep reading my novel.

do not forget to comment.

SkyRedcreators' thoughts