
Prolog (new)

in a small dimly lit prison filled with a pungent smell of blood and sweat, an obnoxious oder that will make anyone nausea. while the wall of this room painted with blood but the layers and layers of blood have already dry to a black-red colour truly a horrible scene. if any human come to this place they will be horrify and traumatize at this painting of blood. and only source of light in this room is a small window at the top, while the light from the window fall upon a body, a muscular body filled with wound and stab mark, now kneeling on the floor with various chain tightly wrapped around the neck, hand and feet.

The owner of the body, is a man with long disable black hair that already touch the floor while hideous wound that look like a centipede's crawling on his skin, is very disturbing to look at. Anyone that saw this man have a only word to describe it a "ghost" a " evill spirit" or a "monster". And eyes of this monster fill within nothing but empty Hollow, as he gaze upon the floor with his hollow eyes no one knows what he is thinking.

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*


Breaking the tranquil silence of the prison, sounds of footsteps could be heard from the opposite side of the door.

*keka* *keeeeeeee*

As the door made with unknown metal open and a bulky looking man came inside whom face cannot be seen because of darkness.

"Lord.." said the bulky looking man


Soma gaze upon the floor with he is lonely eyes thinking about those past memory with longing, wish if he can go to the past how things can be change. but then again this is but his fleeting wish that cannot be realise.

' ..Ahh....how many days it's again 100 years no... maybe 200 or 300 I don't even remember. lock in this prison thinking about the meaning of life, then again what is life?... life is like a candle which will eventually have a end...ahh..when will be my end?'

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*


sound of footstep...*keka* *keeeeeeee*.... and as the door opens the bulky looking man camo inside the prison.

"...lord"said the bulky looking man

" I....am...not...your..lord"horse voice come from his mouth like 100 years old dry wood rubbing against each other.

"I know but I wish you are." soma Suma cannot comprehend what is this man talking about what can he have that will make the man respect him.

"why... why are you treating me so well. even though I am your lord enemy? even though I have nothing, even poor than a beggar, nothing to give you, no strength, no money, no fame not even a dream, so why I can feel the belief you have in me?!? tell me why?!?!?"soma said with slightly agitated voice and narrow his eyes to glare at the man eye, like he want to see through his soul.

But the man remain unaffected said with a smile "because I want to. gods but a imagination of mortals, if I believe someone as a God then for me his a God and if I don't think someone as a God then even if he have the strength of entire world I would not believe him. beside unlike those gods who treated models like a ant you still have a compassion to those."

soma widen his eyes as he cannot believe the stupidity of this mortal. he lower his head and Sigh in defeat.

"Do you know you can be executed for this?"

"I know but a warrior will take responsibility of his action"

soma raise his eyes to look at the man like he was a fool

then said with voice like mocking him "Do you know There a thin line between the bravery and foolishness."

the man suddenly lower his head and said with a low voice

"lord...you have been call to the Colosseum"

'Colosseum?... it is finally coming?huh.?'

"do you want to escape?"the man suddenly said with extremely low voice like he afraid that someone might hear him.

"ha?..escape?...where to?" Soma suddenly react like he hear a most funny thing. "nothing will happen even if I escape, might will let be the final battle."

suddenly there's a strong fighting will flash past his eyes. and the aura radiat from him even push the man few step back.

But the man said nothing knowing that he have already make the decision and come to open his chain and escort him to the Colosseum.


the early man let him through the a long passageway, and the end of this passage there is a bright light unlike the rest of it where only some dim lights.

'Ahh..light how many years have been passed in that damm prison since I see such a light?' the sudden bright light assault his eyes making them narrow for moment.


after adjusting my eyes to the light. I can hear the burst of sounds from many directions-



"kill him!! kill that man!!"

"come on give us a good show!!"

"oi oi look here!!"

"kill! kill!! kill!!!!"

sounds of cheering, cursing and shouting can be heard from surrounding, hake! I can even hear them calling my name but I paid no attention to them. I only focus on my opponent, a grey skin giant at last 3 metre tall with his joint fat body and a club in his hand.

suddenly the man on my side give me a halberd and walk back while wishing me good luck 'ya I need that'

suddenly there is a rumbling sound and ground started to shake, I turn my head only to see the giant running towards me with bloodlust. then he make a sudden jump and swing his club down like he want to smash me into meat paste, I can also see a hideous grinn on this face. I quickly move to the sideway-


the club a contact to the ground while dust and debri flying everywhere. thanksfully I quickly move to the side just to avoid the impact. there is no way I can withstand that blow with my current state, not when I stripped off my priesthood.

see a opening I quickly stepped forward and sewing my halberd, landed squarely on the giant face, making him stumble few step back. suddenly monster turn his head to look at him with his angry face and blood red eyes like a volcano about erupt. and started to showing his club at any given direction.

Soma can only dodge from this giant madness, but he cannot dodge everything as some dust and dibri fill his vision and landed on his body causing he falter for moment, letting a hit from the giant.

soma spat out a mouth full of blood, and fly to towards the one corner of arena.

".....guess we are even now" soma laugh while wiping the blood from his mouth. he grip is weapon and started to run towards giant while the giant doing the same.

tow weapons collided causing a visible shockwave spread throughout the arena. as those two monsters fight and exchange moves loud booming sounds could be heard from everywhere. many pit started to form and the dust filled the sky. the fight at his peak as cheers of audience can be heard from every directions.

suddenly with a swing of his club the giant throw his(soma) weapon to the side. and just when the giant swing his club again. soma quickly dodge and run to his back, make quick jump and wrapped his hand around the giant neck with a death grip. the giant try to move his hand to the back but to no avail. because of unable to breathe to giant face started to go rad from grey. suddenly giant run to a side and smash his back against the wall smashing Soma in between. causing him to spat out another mouth full of blood. but he doesn't lose his grip instead tightening more as the giant wail in agony.

after sometimes the giant wail become weak and eventually stop. Soma push giant to the site and shakily stood up. exhausted from all that happen suddenly there's a blade come out from his chest and intense pain assaulted his nerve.

He turn his head with much difficulty only to see a man with hideous grinn on his face. this is the man responsible for EVERYTHING.'...Al..bert....Nicho..las'

my mind started to go heavy and have a difficulty of breathing. suddenly everything around me started to go dark

'so this is how I going to die? again a backstab?'then everything plunge into the darkness as my mind stop working.

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