

Almost 4 months later the basketball court-sized cavern hall was filled with thick mana currents, permeating the air with dense and purified mana. 

Suddenly, Jason, Isga, and their soulbonds all of whom were silently cultivating, were startled to hear Milan's overjoyed shout.

"I did it! YEAHH!" 

Barely being able to prevent disrupting the mana flow within their bodies in order to deter injuring their mana veins or mana core, Jason and Isga took a while to stop absorbing mana as they turned to Milan,

"Congratulations! You're only 17-years old and you've already liquefied your first drop of mana!" Jason said with a bright smile and Isga added,

"It took you a while but once you know how to liquefy mana drops, it will become much easier! Maybe you can become like Uncle Till Greil and enter the Lord stage in your 50s!" 

When Jason heard this, he almost blurted out 'You know Till?', but fortunately he was able to restrain himself from doing so.