
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Ties that Bind

Chapter 3: Ties that Bind

In the heart of an ancient forest, where silver-leaved trees stood tall and the shimmering moonlight broke through the canopy, a campfire roared, its golden flames reaching for the stars. Around it sat three unlikely companions: Ryota, the bewildered Japanese teenager turned goblin, Toshi, the mischievous mage-in-training, and Lia, the mysterious half-elf with silver hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall of moonlight.

The firelight danced upon their faces, revealing emotions ranging from hope to uncertainty. Ryota stared into the flames, his green goblin skin reflecting the glow. "I can't believe this," he murmured, "One minute I was playing an MMORPG, the next I was... here."

Toshi, absentmindedly trying to conjure a small flame on his fingertip but ending up with a tiny sparkler instead, grinned. "I've been in this world since birth, and trust me, it's filled with surprises. Some of them," he glanced at his failed spell, "more unexpected than others."

Lia, her half-elven ears slightly twitching, spoke with a gentler tone, "The world has many layers, Ryota. Each one of us has our stories, our battles." Her eyes hinted at a past filled with both wonder and pain.

As embers flew into the night, Lia leaned closer to the fire. "You should know, Ryota, in this world, goblins are often treated as lesser beings. Scorned, hunted, and feared."

Ryota clenched his fists, his nails digging into the earthy ground. "That's not fair! I still have my human heart, my human memories!"

Toshi, studying a butterfly dancing around the fire, mused, "Reality here isn't always just. Sometimes, it's not about who you truly are, but the label the world gives you."

The weight of the words hung in the air. Ryota's goblin heart pounded loudly in the silence. "I can't accept this. I have to rise above the stereotype."

Despite the somber talk, the night was young. And in that moment, a bond, as unbreakable as the hardest gemstone, was formed.

"We may be from different walks of life," Lia said, extending a slender hand towards the fire's center.

Toshi placed his own beside hers, the playful glint in his eyes replaced by serious determination. "But we've got each other's backs."

With a nod, Ryota added his smaller, rougher goblin hand atop theirs. "Together, we'll navigate this world, challenge the norms, and find our way."

The warmth of the fire seemed to grow brighter, more intense. Perhaps it was a reflection of their united resolve.

They began settling in for the night, with Lia gracefully reclining on a bed of ferns, and Toshi amusingly conjuring a lumpy pillow beneath his head. But as Ryota nestled against the bark of a tree, the rustling leaves caught their attention.

From the shadowed underbrush emerged a creature of midnight — a nightshade fox, its dark fur contrasted by luminescent eyes that glowed in the dark.

Toshi froze mid-spell, and Lia whispered urgently, "Stay still, they're unpredictable."

But instead of hostility, the fox approached Ryota with a curious tilt of its head. Ryota, drawn by its gaze, stretched out a trembling hand. The fox, sensing no threat, allowed him to touch its cool fur.

And there, beneath the vast, starry expanse, the goblin and the fox shared a quiet moment, a testament to unexpected alliances in a world brimming with mysteries.

As dawn approached, Ryota, Toshi, and Lia drifted into a deep slumber, united in purpose and guarded by the enigmatic nightshade fox. Little did they know of the adventures and challenges that awaited them.