
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasie
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27 Chs

The Mechanics of a New World

Chapter 4: The Mechanics of a New World

The first rays of dawn painted the Silverwood Forest in golds and ambers. Each droplet of dew shone like a tiny prism, refracting the morning light. The chorus of waking birds sang the melodies of a new day. The previous night's camaraderie among Ryota, Toshi, and Lia was replaced with a mix of curiosity and determination as the vast expanse of the world and its secrets lay before them.

Still nestled against the comforting bark of an age-old tree, Ryota's memories of the mysterious interface he had glimpsed bubbled up. Concentrating, he mentally called forth the status screen. It shimmered into existence before him, revealing a transparent grid filled with detailed data:


Name: Ryota Nakamura

Race: Goblin

Level: 1

Strength: 6

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 5

Health Points: 50/50


Toshi, rubbing his groggy eyes, noticed and chuckled. "Oh, that old thing?" He waved his hand and, after a few attempts with sparks flying, managed to summon a somewhat erratic status screen. It danced around him before stabilizing. "Still need to get the hang of it," he admitted sheepishly.

Lia, gracefully stretching her limbs, activated her own interface. The fluidity of her actions and the elegance of her screen hinted at her deeper understanding of this world's mechanics. "It's an innate system we're born with, but it seems it's new to you," she remarked, casting a sympathetic glance at Ryota.

While the trio delved deeper into their individual screens, poring over stats and skills, Toshi, leaning against his lumpy conjured pillow, shared, "You know, there are tales of beings evolving into higher forms here."

Ryota's ears perked up, "Evolve? Like in games?"

Lia, caressing a small pendant around her neck, nodded. "Yes, every being, based on their deeds, encounters, and learnings, can aspire to evolve, changing their very essence."

Ryota's fingers absentmindedly traced the rough texture of his goblin skin. "So there's hope for me?"

A gentle breeze rustled the silver leaves overhead, as if in affirmation.

Suddenly, a soft chime echoed in Ryota's mind. Blinking in surprise, he saw a new notification on his status screen:


Quest: Discover the Elder Tree of Silverwood Forest.

Rewards: Experience, Enchanted Leaf.


Simultaneously, Lia and Toshi received their unique quests, the details shimmering in front of them.

Gazing around, Ryota marveled, "The very world speaks to us, guiding and challenging."

Lia smiled, her silvery eyes reflecting the dappled sunlight, "Every step is a chance to learn, grow, and level up."

But nature had little patience. Even as the trio shared insights from their screens, a rhythmic thudding sounded in the distance. Birds took flight, their alarmed cries warning of an approaching threat.

From the dense foliage, a gargantuan Earth Golem lumbered into view. It was a majestic and terrifying sight, its massive stone body engraved with ancient runes, glowing faintly. As it set its glowing eyes on the group, Ryota's status alerted him:


Sub-Quest: Stand against the Earth Golem.

Rewards: Experience, Golem's Core.


Toshi swallowed hard, his playful demeanor replaced by apprehension. "Well, practice makes perfect, right?"

Lia, drawing her elven blade, whispered, "Every challenge is an opportunity."

Ryota, clutching a sturdy stick, nodded, "For our future, and for evolution."

And so, with the morning sun witnessing their resolve, the trio squared off against their first formidable challenge. Their journey in this wondrous world was only just beginning.

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