
Chapter 2 Moving Mountain_1

Translator: 549690339

With his height of 182 cm and weight of 220 pounds, Wei Cheng donned the rough cloth clothes, which oddly fit him perfectly. He even gave off an air reminiscent of a knight of old, graceful and authoritative.

But at this moment, he was not basking in his appearance, but rather, rapidly thinking.

"The temperature of this mine is probably about twenty degrees above zero. In my current state, as soon as I start mining, I will undoubtedly sweat profusely. The water in that water pouch is probably about a litre, enough for me to last a day."

"Therefore, mining is not a very good choice, unless I intend to get out, but what if this birth's mine is the only safe zone?"

"This bread looks very rough, but it should be edible, if saved, it could last three days, no, five days, if you include urine."

"So what level can I cultivate the Method of the Moving Mountain to in five days?"

Wei Cheng looked serious, he had, from the very start, chosen his priority, cultivation.

Even though with the help of the transferring stone stele, he was able to skip the process of learning and understanding the Method of the Moving Mountain, the Moving Mountain Inner Strength he possessed was just a tiny bit. Therefore, in this unfamiliar environment without any hints, the cultivation of Moving Mountain Inner Strength was the optimal solution.

Of course, others might find better solutions, but that had nothing to do with him.

Next, Wei Cheng did not have even the slightest inclination to explore the mine. He was worried that stepping outside a certain radius might take him out of the safe zone.

In his mind, all the information about the cultivation of the Method of the Moving Mountain was clearly visible. Wei Cheng sat down with his back against the stone wall. Even though he couldn't cross his legs because he was too fat, he could still quickly enter the state of cultivation, a process as familiar as picking up chopsticks to eat.

Even his understanding of his own body seemed to have been enhanced, as if he had an x-ray vision.

It was as if the three-second light exposure previously had resulted in an essential improvement in his physical constitution.

He exhaled, adjusted his breath, focused his mind, and guided his thoughts like flowing water. The Moving Mountain Inner Strength at his lower abdomen was silently moving, following the course of his meridians and passing through each with ease. Every time it passed through a meridian, a familiar yet unfamiliar name would automatically emerge deep in the mind of Wei Cheng: meridian, acupoint, crucial connections.

Starting from the lower abdomen, moving upwards along the lungs, through the left arm, circling through the cranium, then lungs, then right arm, penetrating downwards and completing a cycle, returning to the Dantian, the lower abdomen.

This was a cycle, Wei Cheng only felt comfortable and lighter by a pound or two, but simultaneously, his stomach made a violent growling sound, as an intense hunger struck without warning.

Desiring to reach for food, but lacking the strength even to extend his arm, his vision darkened, and he toppled onto the ground. He didn't know what happened at this moment, but every part of him - muscles, bones, lungs, meridians, and acupoints, were twitching uncontrollably like they were dancing in a square dance, convulsing violently.

This nightmare-like agony persisted for several minutes. Wei Cheng doubted whether he was still alive?

However, this peculiar hunger came fast and vanished just as quickly. When he could no longer feel the hunger, he suddenly regained his strength.

Getting up hastily, he felt a lot nimbler, which was quite noticeable for a fatty weighing 220 pounds.

Patting his belly, Wei Cheng was extremely doubtful - in just that short moment, he seemed to have lost at least 20 pounds of weight.

"Impurities? The impurities that should have been expelled?"

Sniffing himself, he didn't seem to stink.

Anyway, it's not important.

When he looked inward at his Dantian, the Moving Mountain Inner Strength had increased by about two-fifths more than before — the cause was evidently here.

Glancing at the two stone-like cakes, Wei Cheng decisively chose to continue losing weight.

Afterward, gritting his teeth, each time he cultivated a cycle, he would experience an incredibly intense wave of hunger, followed by violent tremors throughout his body that made him wish he was dead.

But the results were excellent.

After three cultivation cycles, the Moving Mountain Inner Strength in Wei Cheng's Dantian had approximately doubled, and he had essentially returned to as he was in high school, when he was so handsome that it seemed out of this world.

However, Wei Cheng didn't dare to continue anymore, he was extremely alarmed, feeling as if he was about to drop dead at any moment.

He uncapped the water sachet and carefully took a sip of water. This water was incredibly fresh, imbued with a faint chill that reached the depths of his lungs. He had never tasted such refreshing water in his life.


Wei Cheng closed his eyes, feeling the light chill circulating, quickly turning into a warmth, instantly wiping away all his fatigue. Even his thinking became remarkably lucid.

"This is not ordinary water, but a type of medicinal drink that can restore vitality, dispel fatigue, invigorate the mind, and most importantly, replenish physical strength."

Various thoughts flashed through Wei Cheng's mind, who then carefully sealed the cap of the water sachet.

This was beyond his expectations.

He began to reevaluate the whole situation.

"First, this is not a dream, at least not in the traditional sense."

"Second, this doesn't seem like traveling through time either, because just before, I saw thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, along with many who were shouting 'God save us'."

"Third, I chose the Method of the Moving Mountain Stele, so I ended up here. If this is a trigger medium, then it means I must find a second similar trigger medium to return to Earth."

"Fourth, if they're preparing such valuable items from the get-go, how dangerous must the situation outside be?"

"Could this be the so-called Cultivation World?"

A daring thought suddenly arose in Wei Cheng's heart.

If the invasion of the alien demons will affect the Earth in 300 years, then how are Earthlings going to intervene? Apparently, nothing could be more effective than throwing Earthlings onto the battlefield to fight against the alien demons.

For a moment, Wei Cheng felt a weight on his chest. Where would do he have the time to waste? No matter how valuable the water in the sachet, it couldn't compare to the strength he possessed.

What followed was as he expected, after cultivating for an entire day, his physical strength was just about exhausted. So, he immediately took another sip of water to replenish his strength to its peak.

By the time Wei Cheng drank three-quarters of the water in the bag, he had completed thirty full cycles of cultivation. Calculated by the Moving Mountain Inner Strength each cycle could produce, the Inner Strength in his Dantian had increased more than tenfold.

Such an abundance of Moving Mountain's Inner Strength brought forth different effects. Even if he didn't circulate the Inner Strength actively, he could still feel as if there was a roaring river in his Dantian, surging forward non-stop. If he willed it, the Moving Mountain Inner Strength could spread throughout his body. Wei Cheng truly felt that he could puncture the heavens, he felt invincible.

However, gaining this much of Moving Mountain's Inner Strength was not easy, Wei Cheng dared not be reckless or wasteful. Moreover, perhaps because he had advanced too quickly and his realm was not stable, he always felt unstable, as if he was drunk. The Inner Strength in his Dantian would be vomited out with any jolt...

This made Wei Cheng dare not to act rashly. He simply sat cross-legged, carefully refining the restless Moving Mountain Inner Strength through his meridians again and again until it completely settled down.

He didn't know how long it had been, but suddenly, a thunderous sound exploded in Wei Cheng's mind. As if responding, the Moving Mountain Inner Strength in his Dantian exploded like a volcano without any warning.

Wei Cheng was completely stunned, he could only watch helplessly as his hard-earned Moving Mountain Inner Strength burst forth, breaking the dam, and surging out directly.

However, in the next moment, the Method of the Moving Mountain Stele, reappeared in Wei Cheng's vision. More information flooded into his mind, and only then did he understand.

It turned out that he had cultivated the quantity of Moving Mountain Inner Strength to a count of sixty.

At this moment, this powerful sixty cycle burst of Inner Strength had made him an Innate Realm Martial Artist.

"This is too quick..."

Wei Cheng muttered to himself, but the next moment, he was horrified to find that there seemed to be some kind of change taking place within the cave. First, the moss that could emit a faint light began to darken, then layers of cobwebs appeared in the cave. Finally, he heard people shouting and screaming in the distance.

For some unknown reason, Wei Cheng suddenly had a moment of enlightenment. The safe house was gone, they had most likely arrived in the real Cultivation World.

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