
Giving The Female Lead A Happy Ending At All Costs To Save My Soul

Katarina had a picture perfect life: everlasting wealth, a loving husband, and everything she could ever want, but it all ended when she caught him and sister in bed together! To top it all, her husband ended up killing her after completely ruining her life. Luckily for her, she was granted a second chance to live. But, there was ONE clause. Katarina woke up in a story, as the main character of the book. In order to leave the story and return to her original life, she has to grant the female lead a happy and satisfying ending no matter what. The story’s female lead’s life was quite pathetic. She was blind, weak and bullied, and her betrothed who she was supposed to get married to, is fucking female lead’s step sister right under female lead’s nose. Katarina didn’t expect this quest to be an easy one, but she also didn’t expect it to be complicated to the extent of people wanting the weak female lead dead. ——— | ——— “Do I look like a fucking baby sitter to you?” He demanded, sounding as outraged as he looked. I let out a frustrated breath, knowing I was in no place to flare up since I’m the one in need right now. “No, your highness, you do not.” “Then why do you keep asking me t–” “Because my life is on the line!” I exclaimed urgently. His eyes narrowed and he scoffed. “What has that got to do with me? Do I look like I care? Cause I promise you that I do not.” “Because you need me, your highness. You know you do, even though you refuse to admit it.” I blurted out. A scowl settled on his handsome face. “Stop saying nonsense, you delusional weirdo.” “We both need each other and that’s the truth, so it’s best I don’t lose my life just yet, don’t you think so?”

Zendaya_4274 · Fantasie
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65 Chs

The Search

Katarina's POV


As the morning light filtered through the windows, I found myself lying in bed, my gaze fixed upon the ornate ceiling of my chamber. 


The weight of my situation pressed upon me, and a sense of longing for my own body and my own world consumed my thoughts.


I couldn't help but wonder what I could have been doing had I not transmigrated into this unfamiliar body in a medieval world. 


In my own time, I had been a person of influence, with knowledge and skills that could shape the world. 


It didn't shape the world but at least it was going to. It would definitely take some time.


But now, I was confined to the limitations of this foreign existence, grappling with the reality that I had been thrown into against my will.


I suddenly remembered how I had almost died the other day. It was a miracle I was still alive.


Why did I do it? That poison could have killed me. I could have died. Why would I risk everything to protect him?


That seemed stupid of me. The more I laid on the issue, the more I noticed how ridiculous I had been.


Maybe I should have stayed away from making such stupid and rash decisions.


After much contemplation, I resolved to make the most of my situation and bring about change in this world if I was ever going to get out of here. 


I had to stop getting sidetracked. 


I had always been driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to help others in my past life, maybe I could do the same here and try to save this Jane girl. 


And so, I set my sights on finding a cure for the prince's long-term condition, in the hopes of alleviating his suffering and bringing hope to the kingdom.


With determination in my heart, I rose from my bed and embarked on a quest to seek out the healers in the city. 


After having my bath, I stepped out of my room with my cane beating around the ground while I headed to the kitchen to get something to eat.


"How are you feeling?" A friend of mine from the kitchen staff said as he led me to a table while serving me a meal.


"I'm okay," I smiled. "A mild pain in my gut but I'll survive."


"Of course you will survive," he said, just as I finished eating.


In my head, I was going out to find out the cure for the prince and I would make sure I could bring up a solution.


I was sure if I finish with them, I would be able to get back to my own time. 


But the cure was only a tiny piece of the puzzle. Getting Jane hitched up with someone who would fall in love with her was important.


I got up and started for the gate of the palace.


I would go on my own and try to get the cure needed.


Clad in a simple cloak, I disguised myself as a blind girl, relying on my senses and intuition to navigate the bustling streets. I knew that my knowledge of modern medicine would be of little use in this ancient time, where herbal remedies and traditional healing methods held sway.


So I headed for an inn close to the marketplace.


My first encounter was with an elderly woman, her weathered face lined with wisdom and experience. I approached her timidly, explaining my purpose and seeking her guidance. She listened intently, her eyes filled with both curiosity and caution.


"My child," she began, her voice tinged with a touch of sadness, "the condition you speak of is not one that can be easily cured. Many healers, including myself, have tried various methods, but none have succeeded. It is a mystery that has plagued this kingdom for years."


Her words hit me like a blow, so challenges that laid ahead. I thanked the woman for her honesty and bid her farewell, feeling a mixture of disappointment and determination welling up within me.


I had not even told her my reason for doing this as I didn't want to bring up the king in a bad light. But it was getting increasingly disturbing as I walked around.


Undeterred, I continued my search, seeking out other healers, wise women, and sages who might hold the key to unlocking the prince's cure. 


Each encounter brought new insights and knowledge, but none of them led me any closer to the answer I sought. It seemed that the prince's condition was a puzzle without a solution, a torment endured not only by him but by the entire kingdom.


After a few hours, I stole into a library and asked the woman whether she knew me and she looked at me like she was high on drugs.


Looking around the library, I found out it was empty. There was no one here. I asked for the healing scrolls shelves to which she showed me and I took the books I could find to a dark corner where I could see the door and see people coming in but could not be seen myself.


My cover had to remain solid as I didn't want to blow it up.


I also asked for help with the librarian giving me healing books for blind people to keep by my side to go over as well but he looked at me like I was crazy.


"Blind people can't read," he said with a straight face. That was when I remembered that the braille system had not been invented yet and I was toast if anyone found me here.


With a nod, I waved him away and headed back into the library with my cloak.


I read ancient texts and manuscripts but came up blank with the knowledge to use.


I even left the library and consulted with scholars and wise men but they didn't understand why I was talking about.