
Chapter 41

The two of them bickered back and forth about the apparent cause of Ronnie's stay with Holden and Janelle. Twelve-hundred-dollar Christian Louboutin over-the-knee leather boots. V was lucky it had only taken Trish three days.

"You didn't seem to mind when I showed up to bed with nothing else on but those boots you've continuously bitched about." Ronnie never knew when to shut up.

"That was before I realized we could have made a house payment instead of adorning your feet."

"It's not like we can't afford them. Why do you care?" I could hear the pout in Ronnie's voice from the back seat.

"Because we're never going to have a baby if you don't stop spending money!"

Whoa. That was not something I'd expected to hear. Ronnie and I hadn't talked the way we normally did in recent weeks, but this revelation warranted a phone call-she should have made time.