
Gilgamesh in a New World

After witnessing the tragedy that is the life of Gilgamesh in the world, A goddess outside of that world's controll frees his soul from their control for a chance at a new start!

Gage_Rose · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

First time skip

2 years later:

over the course of these 2 years I've first sold half the treasure from my gate of Babylon to the system in exchange for system points.

I've purchased information about this world in order to figure out the power balance, so I've learned that a majority of people either go two routes being the Navy or pirates. The Navy enact their respective versions of "justice" on those who break the laws of the world government however I've quickly figured out they are nothing more than glorified watch dogs. That being said their strength is the real deal. I've also learned of the bigger pirate groups out there like the big mom pirates, the white beard pirates and the strongest group according to the system the Roger pirates.

something interesting I've found on this island is a giant slab of some kind of stone with some ancient language on it, and after buying a language translator from the shop I've figured out it basically talks about some ancient kingdom that existed 100s of years ago which used to lead the world before a revolt staged by other kingdom over through them, it also talks about some guy known as joy boy and the will of D. none of it mattered to me so I just left it and forgot about it.

I've also summoned 12 more summons who are 2 more knights of the round table, Agravain who I purchased a lesser logia the ash ash fruit for, and lastly Lancelot who got the iwa iwa no mi which makes the user a rock human. I knew Arturia both needed him here for a sense of closure and for the strength he offered the rest of the knights.

the last 8 we're an assortment starting with

Achilles given the Tori Tori no mi, model: Eagle.

Heracles given the iwa iwa no mi, model: titanium.

Perseus given the inu inu no mi, model wolf.....

Spartacus who's fruit I haven't decided on yet simply because there's so many and he said he'd wait to see along with some of the others.

Medea who shall be our cook has the Tori Tori no mi model harpy.

Sherlock Holmes who decided on his own he doesn't want a devil fruit.

Chiron who was summoned already in the possession of a fruit the hito hito no mi model centaur.

and lastly Medusa who same as Chiron has the hebi hebi no mi model Medusa..

I've also given them training manuals for Haki and information pertaining to this world. through combined efforts we have started building a city down the path from the castle of Camelot, for future citizens of our kingdom.

we have stocked up on plenty of valuable supplies such as the material known as sea stone, Adams wood for any ships we will build along with simple wooden homes in the city.

the biggest change would be that Arturia and I officially married 2 months ago, it may have been a simple wedding but I couldn't be happier especially after consimating the marriage, she was as fantastic as I always new she would be strong but soft at the same time! enough about that let's check out my stats

[name: Gilgamesh

title: King of Heroes

STR: vice admiral level

AGI: vice admiral level



armament: advanced

observation: advanced .5 second future vision

conquer: master (indomitable will)

swordplay: master

devil fruit: Gate of Babylon(100/100)awakened

desu desu no mi: (60/100)]

so far Ive made great progress naturally thanks to being a demi God.

Arturia has kept pace with me pretty well right behind us in strength being the three commanders and then the knights of the round table and then the rest.

Da'vinci has created a mechanical owl type information gathering device and she's figured away to mass produce them, we currently have 1000 of them out in the world scouring the seas for useful information. She is currently working on a way to make artificial devil fruits of a weaker variety as part of one of my plans for the future. One of the reasons the Navy is a strong as it is, is do to their secret training techniques along with them being in possession of powerful devil fruits even tho they are out numbered by pirates, so what I plan to do is have a massive supply of zoan type devil fruits of insect and reptile types to mass distribute through out the 4 blues to different pirate groups in order to put more strain on the Navy in general. it may cause even more death and chaos in the world however we have come to an agreement with Da'vinci and Sherlock Holmes chiming in on the idea that it will be needed in order to weaken the Navy and world government, you don't just rule the world for 100s of years without strength so these kinds of methods will be needed.

We have also been able to place what Da'vinci refers to as listening beetles in major kingdoms and one inside a celestial dragons home. mainly to keep up with important information, thankfully she has already awakened her fruit so she basically has 12 different thought processes with 2 dedicated to organizing the information from both the beetles and the owls. I've put a plan into motion in order to rescue the slaves from the so called "holy land" in order to get myself some loyal citizens, I have the perfect fruit for the task I just need a summon to use it, it's called the gate gate fruit. the user can create a gate leading to another marked location within a certain range which will be perfect for getting the slaves safely out of there before the Navy arrives. I won't force any of them to follow me tho any who wish will be given a ship and some money to get themselves home after I remove their slave mark.

currently I am laying in bed with Arturia cuddle against my left side while she sleep and I think over future plans..

*yawn* " I never new that this type of act could be so enjoyable however I am glad that I waited until now" (in this novel she never slept with shiro, screw that guy)

"I wish I would have been able to stay my hand until now as well it would have made this already perfect moment even more so, just know that I have never loved anyone in my life more than I love you my queen" I say gently as I rub my hand against her cheek.

"As have I never loved anyone more than I love you my King" she responds gently

I don't know what great deed I committed in any of my lives in order the the goddess of Creation to give me such and amazing gift as this one. I neither need nor want anyone other than my beautiful Queen laying here by my side, and I shall spend the rest of my days making sure she knows just how much I love her.

"light of my life,

one who drives out my darkness.

one who brings the dawn of spring into this harsh winter that used to be my heart.

know that I shall Love you for the rest of eternity."

"poetry again Gil, mmm I never grow tired of your sweet words"

*smooch* she places a gentle yet sweet kiss upon my lips, and I greedily reciprocate.

after pulling away "Arturia Pentagon, I cannot wait to sit on top of this world with you by my side as my queen. we all bring peace to these lands and seas for the rest of our days or until the great goddess decides we have done enough."

"as long as you are with me I could spend the rest of eternity as no more than a peasant and still live in bliss."

"now who has sweet words my queen" I say brushing her hair away from her face showing those beautiful blue eyes that Peirce into my very soul.

"I learned it from you!" she hits my chest gently.

"HAHAHAHA, I'm glad I taught you such a useful skill.... so Arturia who do you think we should summon next to strengthen our forces?"
