
Barely Made It!

Classes are finally done for the week. After classes, everyone was dismissed, while Isabelle, Alex and Pearl slump down on the bleachers, heaving out a relieved sigh. Yup, they did it and survived. They couldn't be more happier, but their celebration was short lived when Isabelle decided to open her laptop and check her emails, which she instantly regrets.

Life seemed to slowly leave her body as she opened her email one by one. After reading some of the emails, the majority of the rest of the emails came from the same sender, and every one of the email only said, "Please call me once you receive this email. I tried calling you on your home phone and your personal cell but you weren't answering. I even tried calling Alex and Pearl, but they also weren't answering. Just please call me once you get this email. I need to know if you guys are okay. I need you guys and I can't lose my greatest assets".

Isabelle immediately pulled out her MGC from her pocket and dialed Lyla's number.

The line rang for a long time before Lyla picked up.

"Hello?" Lyla answered groggily, sounding like she just woke up.

"Ummmm….. Hi Lyla-" Upon hearing Lyla's name, Pearl and Alex immediately turned to Isabelle. But before Isabelle could say anything else, she was already interrupted by Lyla who's suddenly wide awake.

"Oh thank God you're okay! What happened? Why weren't you answering my emails? I thought something happened bad to you. Is Alex and Pearl okay too? Are they with you?" Laya asked, question after question. It was obvious in her voice that she was very worried but really relieved as well.

"What does she want?" Pearl mouthed

Isabelle shrugged to so say "have no idea"

"I'm sorry we haven't been in touch lately, we just had a lot going on right now, but we're okay. All of us are okay." Isabelle said as she decided to take a stroll.

Isabelle's walking down the hallways of the training facility without a destination in mind. When Isabelle finally assured Lyla that everything was okay, she got more comfortable.

"You sounded very panicked on the email that you sent, what's up?" Isabelle asked

Wrong move

"Well you see, my workload has already piled up like crazy since you guys went under the radar. And I'm kinda having a little bit of a panic attack since my deadlines has been moved earlier than expected. Those emails were kinda like a distress call, asking for SOS"

Isabelle closed her tired eyes in regret. She knew that work will inevitably come as soon as she asked "What's up?". Lyla works for Alpha Magazine, which is one of the biggest and major magazine around the world. Isabelle has been helping out Lyla with a lot of stuff ever since Isabelle has remembered. Isabelle's parents recommended Isabelle's team to Lyla, who's one of their closest friends. They said that it was training for the future, so Isabelle agreed to it, and ever since Lyla has depended on Isabelle's team in more ways than one. Isabelle didn't complain though because credits were actually given where it's due. You might ask how are amature's names are on a major magazine? Well, let's just say that Lyla has her ways. When she saw that quality of work that Isabelle's team produces time after time, she just gotta put their names on the magazine. When Isabelle asked about the credits, Lyla just said that it is to help for their future work. Isabelle didn't complain, coz seeing Isabelle and her team's names on one of the major magazine in the world was really gratifying and really uplifts their confidence.

Isabelle never refused a job from Lyla, but on that particular day, Isabelle wanted nothing more than to just shut the whole world out and just get some sleep. Isabelle and her team haven't had a decent sleep in three days with all the teaching and stuff, so knowing that it was finally weekend, they were pretty relieved and happy, but now it's like she's finally woken up from her beautiful dream and back to reality.

"Yeah… Lyla it's just-"

When Lyla heard the impending refusal in Isabelle's voice, she immediately begged "Please, just this one time. I can't fail this one Izzy, this month's issue is a pretty big deal. I swear, your guy's names will be on that magazine. Plus it's not just going to be a single page spread, there's also a big possibility for the front page and five more pages."

When Isabelle heard the offer, her eyes widen because it is indeed a big deal. She was really tempted to say yes, but the offer might be amazing; the workload that comes with it, not so much. It is going to be twice the workload, with less time and less energy. They didn't have the time that they use to have, when they were in Crystal Mist.

When Lyla heard Isabelle's hesitation, "Please" She begged once again.

"I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise anything, okay?" Isabelle said.

As soon as the words came out of Isabelle's mouth, Lyla squealed in delight. It was so loud, that Isabelle had to pull her MGC away from her ear

"Thank you!" Lyla said, gratefully

"Don't get too excited, I said I can't promise anything" Isabelle reminded Lyla, but she couldn't help but smile.

"I'll take whatever help you can give, I'll gladly take it! Anything is better that nothing!" Lyla said, excitedly.

"So what's the topic for this issue?" Isabelle asked

"Oh, It's all about highschool. And since you are in highschool, this is the perfect job for you!"

Isabelle wasn't really paying attention to where she was going, so when she turned to a room, her feet immediately halted when she realized where she was.

"Isabelle?" Caleb's shocked voice echoed in her ears.

Yup, she just enereted that boy's locker room, and a bunch of half naked guys are staring at her with stunned expressions. It was definitely an awkward situation, but Isabelle wasn't really affected by it. Her mind was on overdrive the moment that she heard the theme. Her mind exploded with Ideas that she didn't have the time to feel awkward, entering the boys locker room.

Isabelle never blinked as her eyes roamed around the room.

"Izzy, you still there?" Lyla ask, who immediately started getting worried when Isabelle stopped responding.

A light bulb suddenly lit up, giving her the perfect idea

"Hey, Lyla can you hold for a sec" And without waiting for a response, Isabelle pulled her MGC away from her ear and pointed her MGC cam in frot of her. Setting the camera into panorama, she slowly moved her MGC from left to right, capturing everyone in the locker room.

All the guys in the locker room, didn't know how to react, as Isabelle calmly took a picture of them.

After taking the photo, Isabelle quickly checked the photo and when she saw that it was perfect, she sent the picture to Lyla, then puts the MGC back to her ear again.

"Hi Li, I'm back, did you see the picture I just sent?" Isabelle said to the MGC, as she turns around and leave the locker room like nothing happened.

As the door automatically slid shut, the guys in the locker room, looked at each other.

"What just happened?" Andrew asked to no one in particular.

"No….. idea" Andrew said, as he himself was left quite surprised, just as everyone else.


Isabelle stubbled back into the training facility, making Pearl and Alex turned to her with confused glances.

"What's up?" Alex asked

"We have a job" Isabelle said "And before you guys complain, it's for a cover"

Alex and Pearl looked at each other with wide eyes.

"A cover?" Pearl said, which sounded more like a question

"Yes a cover! Now hurry up, because we don't have much time!" Isabelle said, as she gathered her things.

"Until when do we have?" Alex asked the much fated question.

"Tomorrow at five in the morning" Isabelle said

"Five?! In the morning?!" Pearl said disbelief

"Yes, Five in the morning. Now can you guys hurry up? This is our major break!" Isabelle said

Hearing that it was indeed the major break that they've been working hard for, for a very long time; Both Alex and Pearl, immediately gathered and packed their stuff in record time.

The girls and boys were just heading back to the Guild mansion, when three figures zip passed through them.

"Whoa! Was that our teachers?" Bobby asked, who looked quite surprised.

"Uhh… yeah, I think?" Cameron said

"What's up with them?" Jordan asked Fleur

And just right on Que, Fleur and Sophia's MGCs vibrated, signaling that they just received a message. Both pulled out their MGCs and checked their messages.

As soon as they read the message, their eyes widen, then turned to look at each other. Just looking at each other, confirmed that what they've just read was real.

"We have to run, see yah guys!" Fleur informed everyone before, both her and Sophia ran like crazy, leaving everybody with more questions.

"I guess, we'll just have to check on them ourselves, when we're back to the Guild Mansion." June said as they all started walking again.


As Maria was heading down the stairs, heading to the kitchen to get herself a cup of coffee; the doorbell rang. Maria walked over to the door to see who it was. As she opened the door, she was greatly surprised to see Scott standing outside with his signature charming grin.

"Hi!" Scott greeted.

"Scott, what a pleasant surprise!" Maria said, as she hugs Scott.

"What brings you here?" Maria asked after she pulled away and gestures Scott to come in.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to pay you guys a visit to see how are things going. Plus, I miss this place" Scott said, as he walks together with Maira. "I heard about what happened with General Yakov's grandson. So how many stayed?"

"Enough" Maria answered

"You know, the Games are coming. And you know that every Guild are required to participate right? As you know very well, the Games are going to be brutal and difficult-"

"I know what the Games bring. Get right to the point" Maira said, interrupting Scott

"What, I'm trying to say is…. Is 'enough' really enough?" Scott asked. Not that he's worried or anything, but Maria just returned, so he thought that it would be courtesy to remind her.

Maria didn't seemed to be worried though.

"I'm not worried" Maria said, rather calmly

"This 'enough' must be really powerful" Scott said, piquing his curiosity and interest.

"It's because, I found such outstanding teachers" Maria said

"So, you're not teaching?"

"I still teach, but I mostly let the young ones take over"

"You must be very confident with the abilities of these teachers" Scott said

"They're very…. Special" Maria said, just as Isabelle, Alex and Pearl came running in front of them.

The three didn't seemed to have noticed Maria, because they just kept running and passed Maria and Scott, and straight to the living area. Hot in their trails, were Fleur and Sophia.

"Hey, Maria!" Fleur greeted Maria before turning to Scott. "Oooooooo…. You're hot"

"Thank you!" Scott said with charming smile.

"Fleur we have deadline, we don't have time for this" Sophia reminded Fleur

"It's was nice seeing you, Maria and Mr. O'Brien but we really have to go"

Before Maria and Scott could even say anything, Sophia dragged Fleur by the arm.

"Bye!" Fleur waved back, then ran towards the living area.

"How did she know my name?" Scott asked, who was left shocked

Maria didn't know how to answer because she herself doesn't know the answer.

As Maria and Scott was about to move, a loud voice called Maria's name, making both of them turn, to see June with his classmates walking towards their direction.

"Ahh…. Everyone, where are you all headed" Maria asked

"We were just catching up to Isabelle and her team" Caleb answered.

"Oh, they just entered the living area" Maria said, then remembering that Scott's with her, she started introducing him "Everyone, some of you might already know this man beside me, but to those who don't; this is Master Scott, one of the Four Guild Masters of the Castle and my previous student."

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Andrew formally greeted, as he held his hand out.

"Pleasure to meet you too" Scott greeted back, as he shakes Andrew's hand

After everyone said their greetings Scott said "We were also just about to head to living room, why don't we head there together"

"That would be great" June answered for everyone, since everyone didn't seemed to have any problems about it.

They all chatted as they all head to the living area, but as they were about to enter, all of them stopped in their tracks as they witness something amazing. Isabelle, Alex and Pearl were all facing their laptops as they work, while Fleur and Sophia are in a heavy discussion about something that Sophia's drawing on a sketch pad. Isabelle then lifted her head form her laptop and got her team's attention, while Maria and the rest just stayed at the entry way.

"Okay, so the theme of the issue is going to be high school" Isabelle explained.

"They really weren't kidding about the deadline, are they?" Cameron said in realization, on what's happening.

"I'm guessing, you already have some ideas?" Pearl asked, really hoping that Isabelle already thought of some ideas, because her and Alex's brain are already squeezed dry from exhaustion.

"You know me so well" Isabelle said, as a photo appeared on the glass monitor of the living area.

"Wait, Ts that the boy's locker room?" Alex said, immediately recognizing where the photo was taken from.

"Ooooooooooo..... Isabelle, you sneaky woman!" Fleur said, smirking at her.

"It wasn't intentional" Isabelle said, glaring at Fleur who's just continually smirking at her "Anyway that's not the point! Can everybody look at the photo please and tell me what you think?"

Her team started analyzing the photo but Sophia immediately noticed, what Isabelle's inspiration came from.

"Since everyone one in the photo does look like athletes, I'm guessing that this is suppose to be the men's locker room of the athletic team."

"Exactly!" Isabelle said

Hearing the inspiration behind the photo, the rest of her team nodded in understanding, as they further examine the photo with a bunch of gorgeous, hot, half naked young men in a steamy locker room.

"Can I just say, the way the photo was taken, is beautiful" Alex said, as he really noticed the almost perfect quality of the photo.

"How did you take this, and what did you take it from?" Alex ask, suddenly curious

"Well.... It was actually just by accident. When I was talking to Lyla, I wasn't really looking at where I was going. When I turned to a room, I was suddenly in the boy's locker room. That's where the light bulb lit up. The view was already great, so I took a quick photo on my MGC, and here you go, viola!" Isabelle explained.

"It's amazing, that this was taking with one shot. Candid shots rarely works, but in here, it does almost perfectly" Alex said in amazement.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Plus, those bodies are just works of art! It's so hot, I could melt right now!" Fleur said, melting dramatically on the sofa.

"But, this is one photo. How about the rest?" Pearl asked, raising a very valid problem.

"Don't worry, I already though of that" Isabelle smirked as she gestured towards the entry way of the living area. Her team turned their heads to see Maria and the rest standing there, watching them. As soon as Isabelle's team saw everyone at the entry way, it's like suddenly, light bulbs lit up simultaneously, and their mouths lifted into a smile.

"Uh oh, I don't like the way they're starring at us. It's like a bunch of hungry wolves are ready to pounce on us" Alisa said

"Hey guys, we really need all of your help, and unfortunately we're not going to take no for an answer" Isabelle said, then signaled Sophia.

"I'm really sorry, but we're really desperate" Sophia said in a apology, then manipulated the clothes that everyone was wearing, without waiting for anyone's consent.

"Whoa! I can't move" Jordan said, suddenly feeling his clothes restricting his every movement.

"Fleur, you're in charge of the makeovers!" Isabelle said

"With pleasure" Fleur said, as she immediately got to work. After setting up her makeup stations, she started pulling people out, staring from Ji Soo.

They really didn't have any choice but to go with the flow; since, just as Isabelle said, they won't take no for an answer, and also Isabelle is their teacher. Gifteds in the Castle were taught to obey their teachers no matter what, while on June and the others from Crystal Mist's case, they don't really have anything against helping Isabelle, since she and her team are their friends

While Fleur was doing the make overs, Sophia grabbed everybody's measurements and started sowing like crazy. The rest of the girls actually got excited, and started helping Fleur with the makeovers, except for Minerva who's silently standing on the side, watching as a whirlwind of fashion rages in front of her.

Some of the boys didn't need much of a makeover; like June, Andrew, Caleb, and Kai. While for some, they were treated to a full fashion makeover, from head to toe; like Shiro, Chen, Nadet and Ji Soo, just to name a few, who really is in dire need of having one.

While Fleur and Sophia do their magic , Isabelle approached Caleb and handed him a DSLR camera.

"What's this?" Caleb asked in confusion.

"We really need an extra pair of hands who's great with photography. Alex has his hands full with editing the photos so we kinda don't have a photographer. Please Cay, you're one of the best photographers I know. Please help us?" Isabelle asked.

"Uhhhh....Sure, but the pictures might not turn out the way you want them to be, since I'm still an amateur" Caleb said as he slowly takes the camera from Isabelle's hand. He didn't really have any complaints, since Isabelle was the one asking. The problem was, that he doesn't have any confidence in his own ability to photograph.

"You'll be great, don't worry." Isabelle said giving him a confident smile.

And with that everyone became busy once again. The living room was over flowing with so much youthful energy that living room just brights up.

"I have to say, you really got an amazing bunch right here" Scott said, as his eyes never left the living room.

"I do, indeed" Maria said in agreement.


Maria didn't really have any complaints about the photo shoot and all that's happening, because one: She really can't complain since that was in the agreement, when Isabelle took the teaching job, and second: It's a great activity for everyone to loosen up, and not think about training all the time. It really helps balance, their young lives.

While the makeovers were still happening; June, Jordan, Cameron and Charlotte were the first group to be photograph. They were at the library, full of books and their concept is "Studying is Sexy". Although Jordan wasn't really happy that he was given this theme, but when he was told that this was for a Alpha magazine, he cheered up pretty quickly.

June and Jordan were given a little trim in the hair, while Cameron got a full haircut. And also the four of them got styled to perfection. Sophia made clothes like they were pancakes. She might work fast, but the quality didn't suffer. The clothes they were wearing were super chic and elegant, at the same time, modern.

"So how do we do this? I don't really have any experience with modeling" June said, who looked very nervous.

"Cay" Isabelle mouthed, urging Caleb to give them some pointers, since he's the photographer.

"What am I suppose to say?" Caleb mouthed back, who look just as nervous

"I trust you! you can do it!" Isabelle mouthed back once again, but with a big smile.

If Isabelle trusts in him, then he wasn't going to let her down. He took a deep breath, then said "Just be natural guys. Imagine I'm not here"

"I don't really get it, but okay" June said. Books always helps June calm down, so he picked up a book and opened it. He leaned his back on the book self and actually started reading. And immediately Caleb took a shot, startling June, which made him look up from the book he was reading.

When Isabelle saw June's solo photograph, her heart literally skipped a beat. It was utter perfection. From the lighting, to the angle, to the softness in June's face, to the natural pose that he struck; it was all perfection, that Isabelle physically had to restrain herself from shouting in excitement.

But Caleb didn't miss the light in Isabelle's eyes.

Caleb gestured a thumbs up, asking if the photo was okay. The response he got in returned was an Isabelle, nodding vigorously, lifting up two thumbs up. Seeing Isabelle's response, Caleb couldn't help but smile, and feel validated.

After that Caleb, gained more confidence, that he actually started directing as well. After Isabelle said that the shot they took were enough; Caleb, June, Jordan and Charlotte all walked over behind Isabelle, eager to see the photos that were taken.

When Isabelle showed them the photographs, the models themselves were stunned.

"Is that us?" Jordan asked, almost not noticing themselves on the photo.

The photo was so amazing that it was truly breathtaking, just seeing it.

Isabelle didn't get the chance to show them all the photos, as Pearl already alerted her that they could move on to the next set.

June and Jordan felt kinda bummed, but what really matters most is the final outcome, so they'll just have to patiently wait for it's final product.

Isabelle and Caleb ran to the next set which was at the underground swimming pool in the training facility. There, Kai was already waiting. Kai looked more, refined with the new hair cut that he has, that accentuated his strong bone structure. He's also wearing a custom made swimming trunks that was made for him by Sophia, while he's topless, showing his beautiful sculpted and inked body. What's amazing is that Kai didn't even had to try and model, Caleb just gave him a few instructions and boom... Every shot was perfect. The theme for Kai's photo shoot was..... you guessed it, "Swim Team".

When Isabelle signaled that they got the perfect shot, Isabelle and Caleb ran to the next set, while Kai actually dived into the pool and started swimming some laps.

The next set was at the back garden. The SUV that Caleb brought from Crystal Mist was still at the same place where it was first left, so it became the next set for the photo shoot.

The group this time was composed of: Bobby, Apollo, and Charlie, who all looked badasses. The theme that was given to the group was, "Bad Boy Smart". It's kinda like rebel meets A+ plus student. They definitely look cool. As soon as Isabelle and Caleb arrived, they immediately got to work. The group this time around actually had fun, except for Charlie who's still a little reserved. They actually got to the roof of the SUV and posed like nobody's business. They were enjoying a little too much, that Isabelle had to be reminded by Pearl, that they still have a lot of work to do. Although the fun was short lived, Isabelle and Caleb were still laughing as they headed to the next set.

The next set was at the foyer, where Andrew and Alisa are waiting. The theme for the both of them is "Artistic Love". Like in real life, it's a musician who fell in love with dancer. Andrew and Alisa just looked exquisite in their clothes. Andrew had his hair styled, making his ice blue eyes pop even more, while Alisa is wearing this long flowy red dress, making her look so beautiful.

"You look so pretty, A" Caleb said, smiling at his sister

"Thanks" Alisa said shyly

And so the photo shoot began. The passion between Andrew and Alisa were so intense that Caleb and Isabelle felt like their intruding into something very private and personal. So after the shoot, both Isabelle and Caleb got out of there in record time.

After that, they got to the next set, which was at the dinning pavilion with Shawi, Pan, Minerva, Clara and Jewel. All who looked so stunning, that Caleb and Isabelle didn't even recognize them, especially Clara, who went from goth to sunshine. Minerva had a huge transformation too, she looked more put together, but still having her signature, badassness. The theme for them was "Lunch with my Girls". It was kind of the perfect theme for them, since they all have different personalities, yet it works in camera. It took a few camera testings before, the ball got rolling for real, since Pan got a little excited and can't control her hyper activity. Thankfully, they got enough perfect shots to work with. So after the shoot, they immediately headed to the next set, which was at the class room.

While heading to the next set, Isabelle and Caleb, bumped into Maria and Scott as they were also headed to the classroom, to observe the next shoot.

"Working hard?" Maria asked, with a smile

"Yup" Caleb answered proudly.

Isabelle on the other hand, had her mouth left wide open as she stares at the man in front of her.

"Oh my God! It's Scott O'Brien" Isabelle said, barely audible

"Yup, that's me" Scott said, "Say, how did you know my name?" Scott was finally able to ask

"Are you kidding me?! How could I not know, you are the most famous male model in the world!" Isabelle gushed "You graced every possible runway in the world; you hold the record of having the most cover page on Alpha magazine; and you also own, your very own male modeling agency, which is the first in the entire world"

"Wow, I didn't know I was that famous" Scott said, modestly

"Are you kidding?! When they say top male model, they think of 'The' Scott O'Brien!" Isabelle said, who started breathing faster and faster by the minute. Working in the Magazine industry, she studied quite a lot about the top male model in the world, and dreamt of being able to work with him, one day. She didn't expect to meet him right now.

"I'm very honored" Scott said, displaying his charming smile.

But suddenly, Isabelle frowned "You disappeared, five years ago without any trace, what happened?" Isabelle asked, as her inner reporter claws her way out.

"That is actually, quite a long story. But we don't have time today since you're catching a deadline right?" Scott said

Suddenly being reminded that she was indeed, catching up with a deadline, was like a cold water being dumped on her.

"Argh!" Isabelle, facepalaming "Yeah, we gotta go" But then before leaving She turned around "Say, would you mind if you joined in on the fun?" Isabelle asked, hopefully

Scott was really hesitant, but then Maria said in encouragement "Go on, I know how much you miss modeling"

And that was the only needed push for Scott to agree with Isabelle.

"Really?! Oh my God! I'm gonna be working with 'the' Scott O'Brien!" Isabelle squealed in excitement.

They all headed to the Classroom where the next set was located. Arriving at the class room, there were four strangers who looked like they were waiting for Isabelle and Caleb.

Caleb started getting cautions that he stepped in front of Isabelle, blocking their view of her.

"Who are you?" Caleb demanded

"Uhhhhh..... it's us" one of the stangers said with a familiar voice

"Wait, that voice... Chen?" Isabelle was stunned in realization

"Chen? You mean...." Caleb took a second look at the four, blinking his eye s multiple times. Seeing that he's not having a hallucination or something, means that it was true.

"Guys, it's us" Shiro said, gesturing to the four of them.

The four turned out to be Chen, Shiro, Nadet and Ji Soo. Their makeovers were so drastic that they weren't even recognizable anymore. It was good a thing though. They were cleaned up, from top to bottom. They each got a new haircut and shaved their beareds. They looked several years younger, compared to the time they transferred to Guild. And the clothes that their wearing was beyond better that what they were used to wearing. It was really a complete, transformation.

"Why? how do we look?" Ji Soo asked, suddenly becoming nervous

"You guys look amazing!" Isabelle said


"Stunning indeed!" Maria said, looking very delighted on how amazing the four looked.

"Well we can talk about how they look good later, for now we have to get back to work" Caleb said, reminding Isabelle.

"Oh, Right" Isabelle said, composing herself once again "Alright guys, you will be shooting with the one and only Scott O'Brien!" Isabelle announced

The four turned their heads to Scott's direction and placed their fists on their chest.

"It's an honor working with you Master Scott!" The four said simultaneously.

"It's a pleasure to be working with you four as well" Scott replied.

"Master?" Isabelle whispered, asking Caleb

"I'll explain later" Caleb whispered back, then said out loud "Shall we begin?"

"Yes" Scott answered

And begin they shall. The theme for the shoot is "Studying is Sexy part 2". This time it will be in a classroom with a bunch of hot guys and an exceedingly hot teacher which will be Scott O'Brien. The shoot went great and without a hitch. Scott truly lived up to his title of being "The famous male model in the world". He worked like a professional; even giving tips to the four, making the outcome much more amazing.

The next set was like a faculty picture with Maria serving as the principal, and around her are Scott, Miayaka, and Minjae who will serve as the teachers and school nurse. It was a pretty epic photograph, since everyone really gave it their all.

After that, the magazine team wasn't left out. They also took photos by pair. Fleur and Sophia were shot together, Alex and Pearl were shot together and finally, Isabelle and Caleb were shot together.

Everyone was working really hard that they didn't even realized that the deadline was already nearing until it was just five minutes before it.

"Oh God! It's almost deadline" Pearl, panicked

"Okay, we're sending everything right now" Isabelle said, whose fingers flew across the keyboard.

"But some of the pages are still not done yet" Alex said

"Lyla will just have to make it work in their end" Isabelle said. She was already exhausted beyond belief. Her and her team already did the best they could, and they can do nothing more.

Scott left around seven in the evening, while the other retired for bed at around twelve midnight. Fleur and Sophia lay on the sofas, already sleeping soundlessly.

"Well, I can't move a muscle anymore" Alex said with a yawn, as he couldn't fight the sleep anymore.

Pearl on the other hand already fallen asleep on Alex's shoulder.

"You guys, rest. I'll handle the rest" Isabelle said, who also yawned

"Okay, but don't take too long okay-" Alex said as he slowly fell into sleep, with his arms hooked around Pearl, who's now sleeping in his chest.

After the last document was sent, Isabelle immediately fell asleep at the table. They barely made it, but what's important is that they made it.

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