
Alex And Pearl

Alex and Pearl age: 5, Washington

"General Baryshnikov, Long time no see!" A man looking who looked like in his 30's, greeted

"The same could be said here Lieutenant Balanchine" A man also in his 30's said, Approaching the other man.

They did a manly hug. When they broke the hug, took a step back and the General saw a little girl hiding behind the Lieutenant.

"Who is this little princess?" The General said with a smile, while crouching.

The little girl blushed and hid behind her father even more .

The Lieutenant chuckled "It's okay sweetie" He said, dropping to the little girls height, so they're seeing eye to eye.

"That man is Uncle Bary" The Lieutenant said "He's the strong man in daddy's stories"

The little girl's eye's widen. She turned to the General with awe and did a shy little wave.

The General smiled and turned to the Lieutenant "Now, Chin what are you feeding this little girl's pretty brain"

The Lieutenant Grinned "Well She loves, how her uncle Bary saves everyone from the monsters"

And both the General and the Lieutenant Laughed.

"General, meet my daughter Pearl" The Lieutenant introduced.

"What a beautiful name, Just like this little princess" The General said with a smile and extended his hand.

"Go say hi, sweetie" The Lieutenant urged his daughter.

Pearl walked shyly to the General and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you little princess. I'm sure my son would be excited to meet you" The General said

And right on cue a little boy came running in their direction, "Daddy! daddy!" Shouted with a big smile on his face.

The little boy tackled his father, Both dropping to the ground, laughing.

"That kid has impressive energy" The Lieutenant said, in amusement.

"You have no idea" The General said trying to stand, his son now riding on his back , squealing.

When the Little boy saw Pearl looking at him, he suddenly calmed down.

The General gave the Lieutenant a knowing, smiling.

the boy got off of his father's back and stood beside him, still looking at pearl.

"Everyone meet my son Alexandrite" The General introduced, "Alex meet Uncle Chin and his Daughter Pearl"

"Hi " Alex greeted but he was still looking at pearl with a shy smile.

Pearl blushed, but also smiling, making Alex's smile bigger.


Both of their fathers are the best of friends. Really close and always have each others back.

After their first meeting, Alex and Pearl were inseparable. They went to the same school, entered the same subjects, always ate together, played together, and more often than not having sleepovers, and do everything together.

Since both father's are retired military veterans, both Alex and Pearl were train in combat training, handling a variety of fire arms, and first aid. But their fathers always drilled in their heads that they shouldn't use what they learned however they want. That it should be used to protect the people around them, no matter who they are.

Hunting was always their favorite activity with their fathers. Learning how to shoot and how to survive in the woods. They always competed on the biggest hunt of the day, but Alex always comes out as the victor.

Same with school. Saying that both of them are really good in their studies is an understatement. Both possess incredibly high IQ's, so they're always neck in neck, but in the end pearl always comes out as the victor in studies.


Alex and Pearl, Age: 15, Sophomore year, Washington High

Alex just got out of AP Calculus when he saw Pearl running, headed for the exit.

"Pearl!" Alex called, excited to see her

But Pearl didn't hear him and just kept running. Then he heard the girls laughing in the direction where pearl came from.

A guy from the Basketball team, who looked like the captain, got out of the locker rooms with a smug smile.

Then phones started beeping, including Alex's phone. He fished out his phone and his world stopped.

The video just kept playing of pearl and the guy form the basketball team. The guy, whose height must have been more than 6", was pinning a terrified Pearl against the wall, touching her in all her private parts. The guy was molesting her and he was having fun.

Pearl just stood there, eyes closed tight while tears streamed her cheeks. She didn't noticed that people taking the video, while they laugh at the scene.

Alex's hands started to shake as he watch the guy enjoy himself further.

"You said you like me didn't you? c' mon babe show me what you got" The guy said kissing her neck, his hands going under her skirt.

Pearl visibly winced when the guy touched her private part. What Alex saw after that was so horrible that he saw red. The video continued with the guy taking pearls virginity against her will (And mind you the Jerk was not a gentleman), the pain and horror on Pearl's face when she saw the people taking the video, then finally Pearl running out of the locker rooms.

And then Alex snapped when he heard the guys from the Basketball team celebrating their captain who won the "Bet"?

The Basketball team apparently made a bet on who could take the freaky genius Girl's virginity. Pearl told Alex a long time ago that she liked a guy from the basketball team. Alex always had his doubts and also he was already feeling something for Pearl so he didn't give out his support. But he he was correct on having his doubts, this was why.

Alex saw everyone in the hallway watching the video while laughing, saying dirty things about Pearl and became the main gossip of the School.

Alex's feet moved on their own, marching towards the Basketball team getting the guy who molested peal's attention. Alex could hear his phone snapping form gripping the phone too tight.

The guy had a cocky smirk plastered on his face and said "Enjoyed the show, freak?" And the guys from the Basketball team erupted in obnoxious laughing and cheering, hi-fiving one another.

But they didn't expect what Alex did next. It happened so fast, Alex's fist connected with molester's jaw, the molester dropped to the ground. Everyone went quiet, as the molester lie on the ground with with a shocked face.

When the molester regained his bearings, he turned his head to Alex giving him a deadly glare.

But it didn't have any effect on Alex. A raging Alex is very terrifying. He's just calm with one thing on him mind, and that is to destroy the molester. He didn't care of the consequences so long as he can avenge his bestfriend.

"What The *Beep*!" The Molester cussed, getting up looking all intimidating but Alex wasn't affected.

The Molester is no question taller and bigger than Alex but what they didn't know is that Alex was practically trained in CQC the moment he started walking.

The molester went and threw some punches but Alex effortlessly dodged all of them. He crouched down, and with so much speed he maneuvered towards the molester kicking his shins, making the molester looses his balance, dropping to the ground.

"You hurt my Best Friend and now I'm going to hurt you" Alex said in a deadly low voice.

The molester snorted, "It's none of your *Beep*ing business! Besides she wasn't even a great lay. It's like you're *Beep*ing a statue or some *Beep*" The guy said, spiting out a the blood in his mouth.

"You're gonna regret that you said that" Alex said, his voice cold, deadly and very low.

The guy barley heard it but then he let out another snort "And What can you do? Huh Little punk" Smirking, The rest of the Basketball team readying for a fight.

Alex was trained in all kind of martial arts but his favorite was Baji Quan and Combat Sambo. A Chinese and a Russian fighting style, that Alex always had a fascination on, from such a young age.

The Captain threw in a right hook but Alex dodged to the side and swiftly hit the molester square in the chest. The molester gasp as all the air left from his lungs. But Alex wasn't done, he grab the molesters arms, twisted it, then in one swift movement the molester is airborne, and Alex slammed him to the ground.

The rest of the basketball team was about to charge when they heard a loud cracking of bones. The molester screamed in pain, clutching his arm close to his body.

"I'll make sure that you remember this day. The day that you hurt my bestfriend. The day when you can no longer have any offspring" Alex said, grabbing both of the molester's leg and parting them.

"Please..... stop, I'm sorry..... Just please stop" The guy begged, his eyes watering from the pain.

Hearing the guys beg just made Alex more furious "You want me to stop?" his voice cold and deadly. "Did you stop when Pearl asked you stop? Did you stop when she begged you to not take her virginity by force?! " Alex was now shouting, Crying from the pain his best friend went through. "Did you stop, knowing that she was actually virgin. When you saw the blood in between her legs. When you shattered her fragile heart? Did you?" He said, his voice laced with sadness.

The Basketball team tried to sneak up on him, When he said "Don't worry I'll make sure all of you never gets the chance to lay your filthy hands on another woman ever again" Making them all stop dead in their tracks, fear etched in their faces.

"And as for you, I'll make you as example for what's gonna happened to anyone who hurt my bestfriend" Alex said, with murderous intent.

Alex was about to land a severe stomp no the molester's private part when he heard Pearl's voice.

"Stop! Please Alex, stop! This is not you.... Please stop" Pearl cried out.

"But they hurt you P" Alex said with so much anger and sadness. Angry that molester did horrible thing to Pearl. Sad that he has to see his best friend suffer.

"It doesn't matter... Everything don't matter if I'm going to loose my best friend too" Pearl said (referring to the full of joy, smiles, kind, caring, loving and whole lot more, Alex that she grew up with and knew very well) as she approaches. Her eyes were red as tears continue to stream her cheeks.

Everyone was silent, except for the occasional moan of pain from the molester. Nobody dared to approach them, knowing full well and fearing what Alex is capable of doing.

"Let's go home Al" Pearl said, touching Alex's arm.

Alex let out a painful sound. Battling between ripping the molester apart and loosing himself or grab the chance to go and not regret it for the rest of his life.

"Al... Please let's go home" Pearl begged.

Alex releases the molester's legs and turned to Pearl, Keeping his head down. Pearl took his hand and led him to the exit.

They walked under the freezing rain, holding each others hand tightly, not caring about anything, and knowing both of them just wanna get out of that place.

Both got in Alex's truck but just sat their, being assaulted by all the events that happened today.

"I'm so sorry P" Alex said with a soft voice full of pain and regret and sadness. Tears started falling down his cheeks. "I'm really sorry P. Sorry that you had to see that, sorry for what you've been through, sorry that I wasn't there to protect you, I'm just so sorry P, for everything" his hand gripped the stirring wheel tight that his knuckles started turning white.

When Pearl didn't say anything, hurt filled Alex but he knew that Pearl is hurting more that him right now and that he needed to stay strong for Pearl.

Alex pulled out of the parking lot and drove to Pearl's house. The entire drive was in silence but it was not awkward, both just knew that sometimes it's better to be quiet than fill it with meaningless small talk.

When they arrived to Pearl's house. The house was quiet since both Pearl's parents are running late that night. Both got out and entered the house, and went straight upstairs. Pearl went straight to her room and shut the door behind her. Alex was hurt by the action but he knew that he needed to give Pearl some space, knowing that Pearl needed time to recover, and just let all the pain, anger and sadness out. And when she's ready to let people in, Alex will be the first one to catch her and gather her broken pieces.

Since Alex is always having overnight at Pearl's place, Pearl's parents decided to make the guest room Alex's room. Alex went to the guest room dropped his bag and head straight to the bathroom and run a hot shower.

Getting in he just let the stream of water fall as his tears started to fall as well. He didn't know how long he was in the shower but when he sopped, shampooed and finish rinsing, when he got out of the bathroom he saw the time was already 5:30pm, and that he had been inside the bathroom for about an hour and a half.

After Changing in a pair of sweats and a shirt, Alex went down stairs to make Pearl's favorite Cream of mushroom soup.

Alex went upstairs with a bowl of Soup and pearl's favorite juice.

"Pearl, can I come in? I made you your favorite soup.." Alex said , knocking. When Silence only answered Alex, he tried the knob and it was unlocked. He carefully and quietly opened the door, and saw Pearl on the bed, curled up in a fetus position looking so small. Seeing his best friend like that broke Alex's heart. He wanted to approach her so bad and comfort her and just protect her from the world but resisted the urge.

Pearl's wearing her pajamas and her hair was still damp, maybe from taking a shower. Alex quietly placed the bowl of soul and juice on the night stand beside Pearl's bed. Alex was about to walk out when Pearl clutched the hem of his shirt.

Alex turned Pearl, her eyes still red from crying.

"Please don't go" Pearl said, her voice hoarse from crying. "Please stay..... I don't want to be alone"

Alex knew he would do everything for his best friend right now. He nodded get on the bed. Pearl made room for Alex.

Alex cocooned Pearl's body with his, protecting her from the harsh world. Her hands clutching the front of his shirt while her head burrowed his chest.

"They all laughed at me, Al" Pearl's voice was so small and scarred "I can still hear them Al.... please make them stop" Then she burst out another set of fresh tears, soaking Alex's shirt.

"Shhhhh..... It's okay, I'm hear. I won't let them hurt you again... Shhhhhh" Alex said, comforting her, and Hugging Pearl harder.


After what happened, Pearl's parents came home that night. Alex told them about what happened when Pearl finally caught some sleep.

Alex was able to restore the video from his broken phone, and showed it to Pearls parents. Alex knew it was non of his business showing the video to her parents, but they had the right know. Lieutenant Chin was all but tear the house down from his rage when he watched the video of what happened, her mother kept crying. The Lieutenant was ready to hunt down the captain of the basketball team, only to be stopped by Pearl.

And the next week that past was chaotic.

Pearl's parents with Alex's parents were determined to give justice to what the Molester did to Pearl and the other girls who fell under his trap. Both Alex and Pearl's parents called in favors, spent a lot of money and Pulled out their best family lawyers.

Pearl and Alex was able to dig some more dirt (By hacking) on the captain of the Basketball team. Apparently Pearl was just another victim of his charms and good looks. The guy had about four more victims before Pearl and they were all documented. The videos of the four before Pearl were more brutal, that Pearl couldn't even finish the first one without sobbing or run to the bathroom to puke her guts out.

Law suits flew everywhere. They attended Hearing after hearing after hearing. but the other camp didn't make it easy for them. They countered the lawsuit by Suing Alex and what he did to the Captain of the Basketball team, stating the he caused him emotional trauma (*Writer speaking* Which, by the way is utter rubbish!). The rest of the basketball team lied under oath stating that Pearl was the one who seduced their captain into taking her virginity (*Writer speaking* Which, again is utter rubbish!).

The four girls that were also victims, refused to speak and give their testimony. Afraid of what the attention will do to them.

So in the end nothing was achieved. The Captain walked free with the same cocky smirk on his face. Pearl didn't get her justice and both Alex and Pearl's parents spent a lot of money for nothing.

Pearl was just so exhausted by it all, that she decided that she needed a new start and she was stuck with Alex whether she likes it or not, which she's more that okay with. Alex is the only one in Pearl's life that she cannot imagine living without, making him the only constant in her life.

Both took the entrance exam in Crystal Mist High and passed it with flying colors. Both transferred immediately and stayed in a two bedroom, two stories, very modern townhouse owned by Alex's parents.

And That's where they met the very Cheerful Isabella and the very feisty Fleur.

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