

ally, whats wrong? n-nothing, its just i wish i was a human like you so when we get adopted mom can cuddle with me and see me, but its too bad wishes are not real. wait, your a ghost so have you ever tried doing magic? Miya ghosts can't do magic. Jimmy let ally speak. i don't know if i can do magic Miya? how about we wait a few years to know if you can do magic but-. kids time to go home! yay, come on lets go. okay, okay. ( car starts ) we are home! wow this is amazing are you rich? yes i am rich because i am a designer and a pop star. oh my gosh. ( door opens) come on up stairs. here is your room. wow, my dream room!! okay kids i will be down stairs if you need me. okay, we will play. ( door closes) what is that document ally? oh, my friend died a few years ago and no one knows how she died after that the same happened to me and i don't remember how i died or anything since i was a human? well i am old enough to make a case about it. well that is not a bad idea. let me see the document. okay, here you go. ( reads document)... what happened to the rest of the page? i don't know i think it got burnt. anyways, the document says your friend Martha died on February 11th 2000 and she was 10 years before she died, there were no trace's when she died the last place she was seen was in her room and when she died there was a note on here bed. Jimmy, do you have a scanning app on your iPad? yes, but why do you need it? i have to scan the document for more information because ally dose not remember and we need information to put a case. okay here.( Miya scan's the paper ) the scan says a few years back after Martha died, her classmates said that they see Martha around the school as if she was watching them and since then things around them started doing weird things. here's more information, it say's they started finding notes around the school and Martha's old house? wow, that's weird its like something or someone is related to Martha's death. the document also said she got a neck less for her birthday and the next day she was dead.( door opens) kids the chef made food so come down to eat. okay! here you go. mmm, tastes nice. done, mom i am going to do my night time routine. okay, Miya. ally, i am back. okay, let's go to Martha's school tomorrow. okay, and then we can put a case of the evidence. well i am going to brush my teeth and we can sleep. okay, i will wait.( brushes teeth ) okay i am back. ( everyone snore's ) oh, your all asleep. well ( turns light off ) goodnight. ( birds chirp outside ) good morning everyone. good morning Miya. good morning girls. lets go its 10:30 am! okay, okay. ( runs down stairs ) good morning kids. good morning mom. where are you both going? we are going to school. okay, bye kids. bye mom! ( door opens ) come on Jimmy and Miya!! okay, lets go. ( they run to school ) we... are...here ( catches her breath ). wait, why is no one here at the school? i think its summer break, so the lights are off. o-okay, this is scary. well lets go in. ( door creeks open ) wait look, there is a note! it say's," i had the power in my neck less to look at souls but there was a problem...i could never trust myself or i might dye. from Martha. what this is weird. lets go look around for more note's!! okay Jimmy. ( door opens ) uh who opened the door? none of us did it? hello, is anyone there? look a key! i think the key goes over there. let's go-. AHHH!! is that a soul?! i think so but the soul looked like Martha and the soul had a neck less like Martha's so, do you think it is Martha? i don't know if its her but lets go open the door with the lock. okay,i think the door is here. okay let me open it, ( opens door ) is that a doll? what is it doing here? i don't know, but look a note!! it says, i never new that i could not trust myself. after i got the neck less a weird doll comes out of no where time to time. its like the doll was waiting to kill me. from Martha. ( doll disappears ) where did the doll go? i don't know? Jimmy, ally look around for more files or documents. okay, ( they look for files ) i found a file it has her grades and talks about her! ( doll and Martha's soul appear ) AHH, quick run we have to get out of the school now!! ( they run out ) okay, we made it. do you have the file? yes, lets go home and read it. okay. ( they run home ) we are home mom! oh hi, kids. i am going to go do my homework, i will be down in a few mins. okay kids. ( they go up stairs ) what does the file say? it says, Martha was the student of the year she always got A+'s but the day she died weird things happened around the school. this is related to what some of Martha's classmates said. yes. kids come down stairs. okay mom! ( they run down stairs ) whats wrong mom. nothing kids, i called you to watch the news with me. okay sure mom. ( on's TV ) mom. yes Miya? do you think we can put a case? what for Miya and who are you putting a case on? well my best friend died and we don't know how she died do if we put a case we might know what happened. well i don't know Miya? please mom. well okay. yay, thank you mom!! no problem kids. come on Jimmy! okay, okay jeez, no rush. ( door opens ) the police station is not far. ( they all run ) we are here. ( opens door ) hi sir, are you free for a bit? oh hi kids, i was just eating donuts, how can i help you? we want to put a case of this girls death because we don't know how she died or who was related to her death, we also have her files and documents. hm, this is a very interesting case, but i guess i can put this case. we will contact detectives to do more research. okay, thank you sir. ( they walk home ) ally, do you think we should search the school again for more information? yes, i think we should. okay lets go now. ( they run to the school ) okay, here goes nothing.( door opens ) lets look up stairs this time. okay, Miya. ( they go up stairs ) look a note. it says, after i died the doll made me half dark soul and half my soul i tried getting out of the dark soul, but the dolls magic was to strong. from Martha. so, the soul is half Martha and half dark? yes Jimmy. wait but is we destroy the doll she might be free! true, but if Martha already tried destroying the doll and couldn't do it, then the magic is too powerful. just like the note said. your right but if we are powerful enough to destroy the neck less the doll might disappear and Martha might be free and you might be able to do magic ally!! i still don't know if i can do magic. you just have to try. but lets search for a key to open one of these doors. oh right. i found a stick. Jimmy, that's the key! oh well i new that. ( try's opening all doors ) none of them will open, but we have one more door left.(opens last door ) it worked! but the doll is there! Miya, do you have a extra dipper for me? ew, Jimmy that's gross! the last note! it says, its the end we are all doing to die and its my fault because i trusted myself. i am sorry but its too late to do anything. my dark soul it too powerful and the doll is more powerful. from Martha. no there is still a way to fix this!! Martha, might have failed to destroy the doll but we still have a chance! ya. we can save Martha. guys, we have to destroy the doll now! oh right, thanks for reminding me Jimmy. yes thank me thank the great Jimmy! i am going to make a run for the doll. okay ally, we will be there for back up. okay, ( makes a run for the doll ) got it! ( try's breaking the doll ) it won't open! ( the dolls eyes glow ) uh, whats happening! ( doll disappears ) ally!! whats, going on! i don't know Jimmy! Miya the dolls magic affected me! ally, don't worry we are going to help you! okay! ( ally disappears ) n-no, wh-where is ally!! i don't know but i am getting out of here!! Jimmy, wait for me!! ( they run outside ) i wish we never went in there! ( magical wishing fairy appears ) hi kids, i heard you needed me. who in the world are you lady? i am a fairy and my name is Trixi. hi Trixi, and yes we need your help to bring back ally! hm, i know ally but i don't know if i can do that, but i guess i can try. ( try's bringing ally back ) i think it worked!! i a- i am alive! ally, your back! oh and kids, i am sorry about ally still a ghost. its okay, we love ally no matter what. aw you guys are the best. oh i got to go, i need to grant more wishes. okay bye Trixi. bye kids! ( fairy disappears ) okay, we are never going back there again! yes, i almost made a accident. Jimmy, we don't need to talk about that. haha, that's right. lets go home quick. okay! ( they run home ) where home. hi kids, foods ready. hi mom, i am going to wash my hands. okay. ( they wash there hands ) all clean. ( they run down stairs ) where done mom. just on time kids i was setting the table. whats for lunch mom? well Jimmy, i was just going to tell you that we are having roman! what in the world is roman? Jimmy, sit. okay. ( they all sit and eat ) so, kids how did it go. how did what go? you when to put a case how did that go? ( Miya thinks about what happened to ally ) it went.....well i guess. well that's-. where are you going Miya? i am not hungry. oh well, should i give you medicine? no, i am fine i am just not hungry. okay Miya, come down stairs if you feel sick. okay mom. ( news plays on TV ) the news is talking about the case. yes, Jimmy. its very interesting. ( Jimmy runs upstairs ) ally, there is still one more place we have to search, to look for Martha. okay, where are we going to search? we are going to search Martha's old house next. Martha's family moved out of the house a few years ago. okay. ally, when did you get that neck less? my friend Martha gave it as a gift. that neck less looks like the one Martha was wearing. your right, maybe my neck less is connected to Martha's!! yes! ( they run down stairs ) mom, we are going to a friends house for a play date. okay, kids come home on time. okay, mom! ( they run to Martha's old house ) we are here. the house looks abandon. yes, but it makes sense because no one is in the house. well, lets go in. (door opens) look its Mar-tha. ( Martha disappears ) i don't like when Martha comes out of no where. same, i don't like when Martha disappears in thin air. anyways, lets go in. okay. ( they go in the house ) Martha had a lot of stuff. i found a note! okay ally, i am coming! ( they go to ally ) let me read it. it says, i remember giving my neck less to a friend but i don't know if she still has it. i have a feeling the only way to stop my dark soul is by connecting both necklaces and finding and finding a spell to cast on me. i don't know how to destroy the doll but i think the doll will be destroyed after you cast the spell. from Martha. then that means after we cast the spell we can wish for Martha to come back, because we can ask trixi to bring Martha back!! your right Miya. i don't trust that fairy lady. Jimmy she helped us bring ally back so it should work. okay but i still don't like her. off course you don't. lets go, back home. okay! ( they run home ) we are back mom! hi kids, how was the play date? good. ( they go up stairs ) so, how do we get the neck less from Martha? i don't know. maybe, i can contact Martha with my neck less? you can try. ( try's very hard to contact Martha ) she's here! Martha! so, lady Martha girl can we have your neck less? ( Martha makes a note ) she made a note. it says, i cant give my neck less. but you can take it and replace my neck less with a different neck less. from Martha. okay, i have this heart neck less to replace the one Martha has.

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