2 Birth

It was the day before the birth of Zack and his mother Lina Tentere was happy that her child was coming soon. His father Monen Vercini was very excited and couldn't wait to tell people that he would soon have a child. They knew they were going to be terrific parents and would try to get their Child the necessities he needed for example clothes, food, and a roof over their heads. Even though they were poor they would try to provide everything that their child needed so that he could have a great life and one day he could change the world.

Their child was going to be born any minute and the doctor was there to receive and give the child to its new parents. The time came and the child was born. Lina "so how is he." Doctor "He is a healthy boy and p sense a vibe from your child that he will have great power and great potential." Monen "I hope that is true I want him to change the world at the same time I want him to be nice and innocent." Doctor "There is also a chance that the king will take the child and use him for his wicked deeds." Monen "Over my dead body I will not let that wretched person who calls himself king touch my son he just takes our money and threatens us with his army because we are of a lower class and not as powerful or efficient in magic, skill, or wealth like them I wouldn't call him a king more over a damn crook." Doctor "You are right about that and I too believe that this child will have so much potential not only will he change our kingdom but others I can see it in this child. Well, I hope you have a great future and hope for the best for your families future and that the king never finds out about the child's potential. Well, I'm off."

Lina "We should keep this child a secret from the king so that he does not cause harm to the child or use him for his own greed or pleasure which ruin him and taint his soul to cause harm to others." Monen "I agree if the king were to find out he would harm our child one way or another and I to do not want my child to be hurt or tainted by that vile man." Lina "We shall see how our child grows and changes the view of the world on our behalf and others so that he may change the world for a better." Monen "I agree. But what shall we name this little guy." Lina "Let me think..... Oh, I know why not Zack Tentere Vercini." Monen "That's sound like a perfect name for our child I love it and I think others will to." Lina "Yes I know. I can see that he would be the future for many people and many people will support him I just know it."


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