
Genshin Impact: The Shogun's Blade

"Adventures across the lands, killing great monsters, having a big harem... nope. I am reincarnated, but I also have a job and responsibilities. Just how the hell can I gain a vision...

Albusmanc · Videospiele
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Shogun's Blade

There are countless people in the world, and there could be countless worlds, so there also could be countless circumstances.

Mine, for example, is that I am a reincarnator.

Strangely enough, while I am sure to be one, I have no memories of my past life, only a somewhat buggy memory of encountering a being that would grant me another chance and a boom in the new world, and peculiar sense of humor I could say.

My life wasn't that interesting from an outsider's point of view. Just a normal kid playing around in an orphanage and doing kid's thing. But they were wrong.

While I wasn't aware of myself during my first year, I was already matured at the age of three, and I started doing breathing exercises at five, my only option to train that wouldn't ruin my body in any way, since then.

The 'cheat' that unknown god gave me was something about memories of past people regarding a demon-slaying organization. Once every two birthdays, knowledge of their accomplishment in the art of the sword and other miscellaneous info were engraved on my memory.

While I couldn't use(or have for that matter) a sword and practice their forms, I could use a little bit of my time to correct myself to breathe in their manner and strengthen myself. And with the five years, I had to train, I have accomplished a lot for a normal kid.

Unfortunately, while I have my 'cheat', it's yet not something overly amazing in this world called Teyvat. The Archons and other supernatural beings walk on this land, and gods watch us, mortals, from their abode on Celestia. But that's not everything, as the gods' gift power to the mortals they acknowledge, or at least I was told.

Vision. It could be an old family memento imbued with the power of the Anemo or an everyday accessory that controls Cryo and so on... Those crystals are used by their respective owner to control their specific element. With them, mortals can show a power that could eclipse entire armies. And it doesn't end here. Having one would boost your body strength, vitality, and stamina by at least tenfold, and it could also be improved.

Anyway, today is the last day that I train directly since I will focus on other things apart from my body and breath. This is because of my goal. I want to improve my city.

You see, the world of Teyvat is divided into seven regions, the same number as the elements, with the ruler of each of those being a god that every mortal calls Archon. Each of the seven has an element correspondent and an Ideal that he or she pursue. Inazuma, where I am, is ruled by the Raiden Shogun, the Electro Archon, and the God of Eternity.

But while she is a god, even she can't rule everything, so since the foundation of Inazuma City, a tri-alliance was made to divide and make the best use of government personnel to the shogun's rule.

Now, while there weren't problems for the first centuries of this new government, slowly the main families that rule the commissions were getting greedier and greedier, to the point that it is causing problems here and there.

My orphanage is one of them, the owner had sent several letters to raise a bit of the budget as new and new children were taken, but the only response from the Kanjou commission is that this will be further discussed at later date.

Basically, it's sugarcoating the fact that they don't give a f**k about us so they won't do anything about it, and the worst part is that we can't do absolutely nothing.

We can't openly accuse them, as it will backfire on us, and we can't start to protest since the Tenryou Commission, the one responsible for military affairs and the like, will attack us, or worse, they could kill us.

Moreover, even going directly to the Shogun is more than impossible as she only makes decrees, and discusses affairs that at least two of the tri-commission decide to be an important one.

Basically, the poor are going to be poorer, and the rich are going to be richer.

And now, at the age of ten, I decided what to do.

"I will become the Shogun's Blade"