
Genshin Impact: Intertwined Fate

In the world of Teyvat, where elemental powers and ancient gods reign supreme. A young boy named Shirogane Orochi awakes to shape his destiny with his actions. With his new body and foreign knowledge, he finds himself caught amidst the battle between three dangerous forces: Fatui, Abyss Order, and Celestia. As his strength grows stronger each day, he seeks to achieve his goals and live a better life. ----- Disclaimer: I Don't owe anything other than the OC idea. And this is my own imagination. Story takes place during the Inazuma Arc! This will take place in Inazuma, which may or may not be included during the Inazuma Story Quest. Read at your own risk of Spoilers ⚠️

NatureNitaso · Videospiele
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8 Chs

5 Observing

'There they are,' Orochi focused on the blonde hair Traveler, followed by a fluffy white doll. 'You see them? The two following that blonde boy with horns?'

<You're talking about the blonde girl and her floating pet?> Tomoki asked, <Are you perhaps into blondes?>

'No! That's not what I'm talking about here!' Orochi rolled his eyes, 'Doesn't anything feel… off about them?'

<Now that you mentioned it…> Tomoki said, <Although I feel Elemental energy that only vision holders have on them, a vision is nowhere to be seen!>

'Right? That makes them exceptions' Orochi snickered, 'In other words, exceptions, the enemy of eternity.'

<!!!> Tomoki's eyes widened, <No way? Raiden Shogun's enemy to pursue Eternity? Wouldn't they be in danger then?>

'Why else do you think we're spying on them?' Orochi sighed, 'They might be our ticket to ending this mess.'

<But… how did you know of this?> Tomoki asked, <Unless you had this all planned out, how did you know when and where they were going to be?>

'I've got my ways… Knowledge from my world,' Orochi responded, 'Reality is often fabricated, so things happening aren't off script.'

As Tomoki and Orochi held their conversation, the blonde hair traveler, Lumine, and her traveling companion, Paimon, entered the Kamisato Estate behind the blonde, horned man, Thoma. <Why don't we… you know, infiltrate the Kamisato Estate as you did for the Kujou Encampment?> Tomoki suggested.

'As much as I'd love to do that…' Orochi sighed, 'It's simply not worth it… Especially since I know very well of the topics they're talking about…'

<Then what are we going to do? Wait until they're out?> Tomoki asked, <Isn't there more productive things we can do as we wait?>

' Well, laying the foundation of my plans is essential to success, so further observation will be helpful,' Orochi replied, 'Or we can have you sit here, observing, as I do other things.'

<Let's go with the first option, no need to bother with the latter.>

A few minutes after… Lumine and her traveling companion, Paimon, left the building and began to head to the Konda Village. Orochi continued to observe the two while staying at a safe distance away from the two. <What are they up to now?> Tomoki asked <What request did the Shirasagi Himegimi have for them?>

'Her request was simple, assist them with taking down the Vision Hunt Decree' Orochi explained, 'But like this doesn't align with the Traveler's goals, which led to a conflict.'

<Then where are they headed now?>

'Traveler wants to meet the Shogun, but is unable to do so because of her position in Inazuma, so the Shirasagi Himegimi asked for them to fulfill 3 of her requests' Orochi continued, 'And upon finishing these requests, she'll help them to meet the Shogun.'

<But… what goals do they have that need for them to meet with the Shogun herself?>

'Rumor has it that she's trying to find her lost brother and that she hopes that one of the seven archons can help her with that.' Orochi replied, 'Guess the rest yourself.'

<You're no fun.>

'Why thanks.'

<Where are we going now?>

'We could either follow and continue observing or we go ahead and infiltrate the Resistance.'

<Wait a minute.> Tomoki thought, <Why are you infiltrating the Resistance if you're planning to join it? What happens if you get caught?>

'Tomoki, you worry too much,' Orochi said, 'If I was to choose what side I'd want to align myself with, I'll need to have absolute control over their information. That way, it is beneficial for me. So, you decide, Plan A or Plan B

<Let's go with plan A, it's safer that way…>

'Ah ok then, we better catch up! Also, you're going to observe them for me,' Orochi informed, 'There's not much to hide around that village.'

<Sure, just make sure you're not too far away from me, otherwise, I can't observe them.>


In the Konda Village

Orochi hid behind a big rock with bushes as covers for his surroundings. "What should I do while I wait for Tomoki?" Orochi murmured, "Perhaps I can test out the local specialties to see if they are any good in poison recipes."

Orochi slides his hand into his pockets and grabbed out 3 things: Naku Weed, Sakura Bloom, and Amakumo fruit. For the Naku Weed, Orochi separated the leaves and stem into two piles, then. He then grinds the Sakura bloom and squeezes the Amakumo fruit for its juice. Finally, he made two different mixtures out of the three ingredients, one with the leaves of Naku weed and the other with the stems of Naku weed.

"There we go!" Orochi said as he wiped the sweat off of his head.

"Hmm… But now… it's the results that matter the most." Orochi murmured as he looked over the two mixtures. "Guess it's time to test them out."

Orochi took a pinch of the powder made from the Naku weed leaves and put it in his mouth to taste.

"No effect?" Orochi tilted his head seconds before the effect hit.

'My, my body! I can't feel it!' Orochi panicked, 'Uh oh, did I kill myself?!?'

'Let's calm down here' Orochi said to himself, 'Tomoki! Tomoki! Are you there?'

His shout was met by silence seconds for several seconds. The silence felt like decades before a voice broke the silence. <Hello? What do you need?> Tomoki asked, <Whoa whoa whoa, what happened here?>

'I may or may not have been mixing Inazuman Specialities with some poisonous stuff to see the effects.' Orochi explained, 'And now I can't feel my body.'

<Do you know how long it will last?>

'Probably around 5 minutes or so.' Orochi answered, 'I only took a pinch of it. I still have the other to try out.'

<What in the world?>

'Plus, knowledge is power. Haven't you heard of that?' Orochi ignored Tomoki.


<You all good now?> Tomoki inquired, <Are you going to consume the other mixture?>

'What? Don't believe me?' Orochi rebuked and reached out to take a pitch of mixture. 'I'll eat it in front of your face!'

<Let's calm down here!> Tomoki panicked.

But it was too late, Orochi had already swallowed the mixture. The effects happened almost instantly, but this time, instead of paralyzation, the Electro energy stored within the Naku Weed courses through Orochi's veins, causing excessive pain to Orochi.

By biting down on his teeth, Orochi prevents the possibility of him screaming and exposing himself. <ARE YOU OK?> Tomoki panicked, <Oh my archons, what am I supposed to do? Call for help? No one even sees me other than Orochi!!!>

Tears flooded down Orochi's closed eyes like a massive flood, caused by the pain of the effects. 'I-I'll be sleeping a bit.' Orochi announced before his vision blurred.

<What about the travelers then?> Tomoki asked, looking at the unconscious Orochi. <Whatever, I'm sure he knows where they'll be at at a later time. For now, let's look after him.>

<Knowledge is power, huh?> Tomoki murmured, <If he was a knowledgeable, he wouldn't have tasted that…>


A small object fell and bounced off of unconscious Orochi's head.

<What's this?> Tomoki wondered as he moved over. <A Vision?!?>

A/N: What vision do you think he got? Comment

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