

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 6

My head feels like its throbbing and my eyes feel heavy-I slowly open my eyes to see my father sitting right next to the bed.

"Hey, sweetheart how are you feeling, "He says with a soft smile.

" What happened to me?" I ask, my voice coming off rough.

"What is the last thing you remember?"

I start to panic, why is he asking me what I last remembered, did something happen to me?

"I Was in the house and I was sitting on your lap while you're holding me. I think we were talking about college"

He sighs

"Genora it's been more than a week since you moved out of the house"

"what, what time- what happened to me and I don't remember, I only remember-"

"You brought this upon yourself, you disobeyed me and stopped taking the pills, now look at you!"He yells.

I start to silently cry

"you know if it wasn't for your friend bringing you to me, the damage would have been more severe"


How did I get a friend? I think to myself

I have a friend how do I have a friend I could never get a friend

"well, as soon as you got to University, you threw everything I taught you out the window. Soon you stopped taking the pills for some reason but luckily she's a good friend and she brought you to me."

"what's her name?"

"Her name is Lisa logos and she's been quite worried about you actually, she's waiting outside as we speak. She tells me that your other friend James was the one who convinced you to stop taking those pills"


Yes, sweetie, he was the been the one that's hurting you, he convinced you to stop taking those pills. I told you people are evil, Lisa is an exception"

"I hope I never see him again, "I said while wiping away the tears.

Dad was right, and I didn't listen.

"you're safe now from now on you should only trust me and Lisa, she is a good friend and will take care of you alright?"

I hesitantly nod.

"Do u want to meet her?"

"I'm- I'm so sorry Dad" I stutter

"For what?"

"For worrying you and not taking the pills I don't know why I stopped taking them but I'll never do it again."

"That's my girl" He smirks

We hear a soft knock on the door

"Ahh that must be Lisa," Dad says while getting up

He opens the door, his back is turned to me, I can't make out how she looks yet but I can hear what they are talking about.

"Is she awake yet?"

"Yes, don't screw up," He says. He exits the room and she enters.

What does he mean by "don't screw up?" I wonder.


I open the door to see Genora lying in bed, I feel a weight come off my shoulders as I see she's Okay...well semi OKay.

"Hi... I'm Lisa" I say while extending out my hand to greet her.

She hesitantly shakes it back. I sigh internally realizing we are back to square one.

"I know you don't remember me, I hope we can pick up our relationship where we left off, "I said with a smile.

"I have never had a friend before but I'll try to remember you" she stutters

I internally sigh

" of course, one thing I want you to know is even though you don't remember me, I will always be here for you"

"thank you I just want to ask something do you know why I stop taking the pills my father gave me?"


Kade passes me a drink while we sit in his office. Genora is sleeping on the patient's bed, Kade and I sit opposite each other.

"So are you gonna tell me exactly what you did to your daughter or not"

"What you don't know won't hurt you, all you have to do is stick to the plan."He says while reaching out to caress my cheek.

I slap his hand away.

"Dont touch me!"

"Funny, that's not what you were saying a while ago, "He says with a stupid grin on his face.

"I mean if we are working together, don't you think I at least deserve to know exactly what you're doing to your daughter, and how are you so sure that she will forget everything and it will stay like that?"

"Lisa that's for me to know, I am like God-I have the power to change someone's destiny, how I do it is none of your busy. Just stick to the plan. The fewer people that know, the better"He firmly states.

"I'm not so sure if I can go through with this"

He scoffs, "Dont act so innocent little girl," He says while getting up.

"As long as you keep up your part of the deal then I will keep mine," I say while looking away.

"One thing I've realised about you is that you and I are not so different."He grabs my arm, forcefully making me stand.

"Now...get on your knees, "He says while pushing my head down.


"I don't exactly know what happened, but I know your other friend James is the reason why you stop taking those pills, he wanted to hurt you -he convinced you to stop taking them to go against your dad he wanted to hurt you," I said while avoiding her eyes. I can't bear to look her in the eye while lying to her.

"You can't trust him anymore you have to stay by my side always OK?"

She nods in silence.

"I am so sorry this has to happen to you, but don't worry-I hope we can continue where we left off."


"Yes, Genora we liked each other -we were about to start dating"


"Really?" I asked surprised. In all my years of living, I never thought I would be attracted to females. How much did I change in just a week?


"Did we ever get intimate"

"Yes, a few times and you loved it"

I was speechless-shocked.

"We can take things slow , Genora-I love you, from the first moment I saw you, and you felt the same."

" Sorry Lisa, I am really finding this hard to believe. I never thought I would like girls in that way-no offence, but I look at you now, and I feel nothing"

I could see the hurt expression on her face as soon as I said that.

"Im sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, it's going to take me a while to adjust"

"Its ok, as long as we are together," She says while giving me a small smile and reaching out to caress my hand.