
Chapter 5 : The Duchess of Berlowel

"Is there like, a story that surrounds the forest? You know, like big foot or a giant werewolf that attacks eveyone of the forest's visitors?" I asked as we walked along the trail in the middle of the forest. We had been out for a while, but I wasn't exactly sure what time it was. Neither did I care at this point.

"Not really. It's more like a warning from the officials." He said.

"What is it?" I looked at him before he spoke up once again.

"Well, they say that there's a dangerous animal roaming close to the river. But nobody I know has seen it." He started. "Some say that he or she who sees it, never comes back from the forest."

"Isn't that what they always say?"

"Yes, but there's a recent rumor going around about the creature. They say there's a man who's best friends with it and eats half of the food the animal hunts." I scrunched my nose in disgust hearing that. Why would a person hide in a forest and do that? I heard Vernon chuckle next to me. "It's probably just rumors though. I, for starters, don't think a wild animal would share a human body with anyone. Plus, if there was a man, he would be dead, right?"

"Probably." I said. Quiet had fallen upon us for a few minutes and all that we could hear were the sounds of chirping birds and the sound of Sarcoline's and Aesther's step behind me. I guess it felt nice to be away from my responsibilities in the palace. I was always expecting to be moved from the palace to the Holland Castle in Berlowel, a city in Eredhen, to begin my work as Duchess of Berlowel. It was my plan to show my father I was more than ready to take the throne.

But I was instead moved here. To Woodlock. And my aunt Amelia remained as Duchess of Berlowel. I had become her understudy for some time before coming here, learning everything I needed to know about being a duchess and eventually, Queen of Eredhen.

It was unfair that my own father was giving my rightful position to my cousin Julian, or Jules. My father was always off about him being more engaged with the public and keeping order in the south. But I wanted to change that. No matter what I had to do, I was going to take my title as queen. Not even Valentine was gonna stop me.

"It's getting a bit dark out... Maybe we should head back." Vernon's voice snapped me from my thoughts and I looked at him. I nodded and got on Sarcoline. Vernon got on Aesther and we turned around on the trail.

The forest was a beautiful place. It had been some time since I was out in a woodland. The fresh air filled my lungs as I took a deep breath in. I caught Vernon looking at me with a dimpled smile and I smiled back softly.

"What?" I asked.

"I-... Nothing." He said before turning away. I let my smile slowly fall from my face and looked forward. That's when I heard excessive rustling coming from a bush and I stopped, making Vernon stop as well. "What's wrong?"

"I thought I just heard something coming from the bush." I looked at him before hearing the rustling again. Vernon furrowed his eyebrows as he looked behind me before climbing down from Aesther and taking a sword from the leather scabbard I hadn't noticed was attached to Aesther's saddle. I climbed down as well as he walked around to the bush next to me. Noticing me stand next to him, he took my hand and pulled me behind him.

"Elizabeth, stay behind me. I can't risk being remembered as the guy who let the crown heir die in a forest." I noticed the hint of humor in his tone, trying to make the situation a bit less tense than it actually was.

It didn't work and the rustling continued for a quarter of a minute before a furry thing jumped out at us as Vernon swung his sword back, ready to charge. I let out a scream, holding on the him, causing Sarcoline to become scared and gallop away and Aesther to flinch. I didn't pay it any mind as I thought the creature would end my life any second. But it never happened.

"Oh..." I heard Vernon say. I opened my eyes as I felt him lower his arms, still holding his sword. In front of us, a white rabbit stared up at us with curious eyes and big ears. Specs of red tainted the white coat and I felt Vernon's eyes on me as I stared at the rabbit. It tooks me a while to process and when I realized I was still holding onto him, I let go and stepped away from him.

"Sorry..." I looked at him for a millisecond and back at the rabbit.

"It was just a rabbit. How very charming." The sword fell in front of him and I heard him sigh. I bent down to get a closer look at the rabbit. "Elizab-"

"It's hurt... Poor guy, it seems you've been stuck between the thorns.."

"Elizabeth leave the rabbit. It will get better." I looked at him with a questioning face and he cleared his throat. "My apologies, do as you please, Your Grace."

"Does Headmaster Woodlock accept animals in the academy?"

"Sadly, no."

"Then we'll just sneak him in." I took off my black jacket and picked up the rabbit, who made no objection to my action, holding him close to my chest.

"I- I'm sorry, what?" Vernon looked at me in disbelief as I picked up his sword and handed it to him.

"You heard me. I'll bathe him and clean his wounds." I couldn't believe what was coming out of my mouth either. I turned around and came face to face with the wife of Satan himself. Although she was widowed.

"You will not bring that animal to the academy, Elizabeth. I forbid it." She said in a firm tone.

"Your Highness..." Vernon said behind me, bowing at her presence. I curtsied, still holding the Rabbit to my chest.

"Aunt Amelia..."

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