
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Day 17: Nix's plan

A new day once began. Dennis was the first to wake up in the house after hearing a loud knocking coming from the main door. When he woke up, he noticed Dj was holding on to his left arm in his sleep. He gave out a yawn and was looking for his glasses around the bed, but he couldn't find it until he was on the edge of the bed and fell out.

When he realized he was about to fall. He got wide awake once he hit the floor. Dennis landed on his face, that muffled his voice.


Dennis said as he gets up from the floor. He was in pain at first, but he shook it off. Someone was still knocking on the door and it was getting louder that annoyed Dennis.


Dennis yelled as walks out of the room. His voice woke Dj up and left him sitting up on the bed, recollecting his thoughts. Before Dennis could even open the door. The knockings turned into banging and when he opened the door. Dennis ended up getting hit on the face.

"Ah!! Is it a Monday or something!?!"

Dennis asked himself, and felt blood coming out of his nose.

"Sorry about that Dennis… I'm in a bit of a hurry today… The queen wants me to come visit her today and she can become unpredictable at any certain moment…"

Nix said and helped Dennis get up and was handing over a white handkerchief with her signature on it for that Dennis can clean his nose bleed.

"Thank you."

Dennis said as he proceeded back to the bedroom to get his glasses and found out that Dj was awake.

"Who is this?"

"Nix, this is Dj. He showed up from the orb of light a few days ago…"

"So another traveler. But if it was from the orb of light, then this was not the harbingers doing at the very least… But let's get down with the plan."

Nix said as she used magic to create a light purple panel of magic. Showing what they had previously, but going down with the flower festival.

"If you remember, the flower festival will happen soon and it is the time that the harbingers will strike. We don't know who amongst them shall make the first move, but I know that they can't all show up at the same time."

"Because if there is more around, it will cause suspicions and make it complicated for them to apprehend me…?"

"Exactly on point. And you want to make the best of it. If you try to resist, they will take you down. You need to master that new magic you discovered in the book, but if you aren't ready… You can always try using a weapon such as a knife, sword, bow or a lance."

Nix mentioned. She had a good reasoning on what she said. Trying to convince Dennis that he will need to defend himself when the time comes.

The idea of having a weapon made Dennis realize he had no other choice. Using magic has its own limits depending by person. Over using it could inflict pain on the body.

Dennis then knew what he needed to do, but he had regrets about the decision he was willing to make.

"I'm going to visit the queen and ask her if the guards can teach me how to use a sword or a bow."

"Then you're in luck, come. I can show you around a bit in the capital before we visit the queen."

Nix said as she takes a seat in the bed.

While Nix waited, Dennis was able to get his body clean. He was in the bathroom that was two doors away from the bedroom. Inside, the floor had white tiles with a laundry basket, a toilet to the left side, a hand wash to the right, and a shower straight ahead to a wall. Dennis was almost done. The only thing that he was missing was his scarf.

"Where did it go…?"

Dennis asked himself, and suddenly felt that someone else was in the room with him. He turned around and saw a shadow that was spewing a dark purple mist, slowly swallowing Dennis scarf.

"Give… That… Back!!"

Dennis said. Yelling out loud in anger, chasing the shadow out of the bathroom. Around that time, Dj opened his eyes and saw Nix waiting for Dennis to be ready.


Dj said as he was wondering who she was. Nix then turned around to see that Dj was now awake.

"Ah, morning Dj. My name is Nix. I'm a friend of Dennis's and I want you to know that if you are in any sort of trouble. We are here to help."

Nix said as she then heard footsteps coming from outside the room. When they looked over, they saw Dennis chasing something on the ground and he was ready-to-use magic. Dennis, over time, went outside and was creating ice lances. Throwing them at the direction of the shadow and creating a fence around it. Making it unable to escape.

"Give me back my scarf!"

As Dennis said. The shadow then turned into a human shape. It was a deformed body that couldn't be described, but it had a pair of red glowing eyes.

"You seem to be doing well… And surprising that you got them on your side… Its only a matter of time before you all meet your demise."

The shadow said in a rough voice. Unable to be distinguished if it was a guy's voice or a girl's voice. As it then laughs and releases the scarf.

Nix and Dj got out of the house and saw Dennis armed, prepared to fight as the shadow continued laughing.

"Well, if it isn't the stargazer… We have so much for you to see, the destruction of this once magnificent land will crumble to ashes!!"

As the shadow mentioned. Dennis then saw visions of his friends all down while they had a black knight with a sword pointing at the queen. It made Dennis snap and clenched his left hand into a fist. Forcing the ice lances to pierce the shadow. Making it vanish as it gave a faint laugh.

"I'm… going to stay inside…"

Dennis then went back indoors to rest. Nix wanted to help Dennis calm down, but she knew whatever she was going to do was going to make him more upset.

"Dj… Keep an eye out on him…"

Nix said to Dj, and she soon left to go see the queen. Dj understood what he needed to do, but he had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts