
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Day 12: Fencing around

It was early in the morning, right before the sun could even set. The golem was the first to wake up. It saw that everything was alright except a small orb of light passing by. Moving from tree to tree until it went deep into the woods.

Hours later, Dennis was already up outside, working on the fence with the help of Zack. They started over from the line that Dennis had made the previous day and worked on a gate. They made the foundation of the fence with stones while at the gate they made it from hardwood.

It took about two hours to accomplish, and they went to take a break. They went to the front side of the house and sat down on the set of stairs to catch a breather.

"The gate seems alright, however… We are you staying here in the first place, Dennis?"

Zack asked. She was then seeing the golem walk by moving processed wood into a squared marked spot. Stacking them into a block.

"Since I'm being hunted by the harbingers. I thought that this place would be great to stay while the only ones that know this place are the queen, you and the others."

"Still, you're just a kid and getting adjusted to a new life ain't that easy."

"You can say that again, but at least this beats from going back to school…"

Dennis said and felt that someone was closing by. He turned over to the path and saw Nix with a book in hand. He waves at her while she approaches with concern.

"Fancy seeing you out here today, Nix."

Zack said, while tilting her hat down.

"Morning, Zack. I got some important news and what the heck are you two doing?"

"Building a fence."

Zack and Dennis said at the same time. Nix noticed the gate that they build at the entrance to the woods.

"May I ask why?"

"Dennis wants to make this place more like a home to him while being chased by the harbingers."

Zack then got up and went back to working on the fences. When she goes off to work, Nix hands over the book to Dennis on the page that was missing. He grabbed the book and noticed that the page was still blank.

"It's still blank…"

"Thats not the point. Focus your mana on the page."

As Nix instructed, Dennis focused his mana on the page, revealed writing that correspond to a new format of magic.

"The blank page reveals a secret art that only the one that reveals it can master it."

Dennis then read the page and found out about how to wield magic as a weapon. The procedure was simple, but it comes with a few risks. The risks mentioned at first were losing control, fatigue, and reduced mana recovery. This was called an oversoul.

"This doesn't sound bad… But I guess I can make it work…"

Dennis then closed the book to study it later and continued to work on the fences, but before he could get to it. Nix stops him, wondering why he didn't go mastering what he just learned.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Going to finish some of these fences. I really like it here and I want to make it like a place I can call home. Plus, if I'm going to learn this new form of magic, I truly need an arena."

Dennis said. The idea of an open arena came into Nix mind and she thought of something. She went to the back side of the house to work on something.

Hours later. Dennis and Zack finished making the fences. They were glad about their work and gave one another a hand shake until they heard something crash coming from the back side of the house.

Dennis worried he had to fight something for the third time in arrow. They ran to the back of the house and found Nix on the ground alongside a few grey slates.

"Nix! Are you okay!?"

Dennis said and hurried over to help her up, but she declined by moving his hand out of the way.

"I'm fine… Just got carried away…"

Nix said. She then coughed from all the rising dust. Then she got up from the ground and turned over to see a ten by ten square.

"Wait, did you make this so that he can train on his magic?"

"That's right. This place should be durable enough to withstand high tier magic."

Nix said, but when she looked over at Dennis. He was not impressed, yet pleased with the results. Dennis knew it was missing something. Something that he could use as practice. But they had more pressing matters. Finishing the fences for the back area. Nix helped in their work to make the process faster.

The back side of the house had a pathway. It was a small path that lead to somewhere and they built a gate on it. They continued on till they connect the fences from the side of the house and made an opening in the front right side of the house. It was the safest area that can only be entered.

It took a few hours to make, around this time. It was finally noon. They were inside the house, sitting on a bed in the room that Dennis was resting.

"So, Dennis, what have you been doing in here for the past few days?"

Zack asked.

"Sleeping. I haven't gotten enough chance to check around the house, but the queen visited me the other day and gave me a scare and handed me a letter."

Dennis then pointed at his pillow, and Nix lifted and found the letter that was still closed. She tried to open, but it didn't budge.

"Don't bother. That thing won't open."

Dennis said. Nix gave up on opening the letter and put it back to its place.

"Oh yeah, Sara wanted to talk to you about something. You should visit her when you can."

Nix said. After that, they left the house. Dennis was already getting himself ready to sleep until he checked his bag of coins. There were only twenty coins left and thought that he should work for Zack. He then went to sleep to end his day.