
Chapter 1: New Threats in Unknown Land

By the way, props to for creating the image above.


Ha yden: You've won. It's over.

Samuel: You've closed the portal and stopped the invasion, but it came at a cost. Argent, VEGA, this entire operation. You see, I've watched you work- come to understand your motivation.... You think the only way is to kill them all, leave nothing behind...

Hayden: But we just can't shut it all down! Without Argent Energy, it will be worse.

I felt the Crucible being ripped from my hands into his.

Hayden: But with this, we can continue our work....I'm not the villain in this story. I do what I do because I must. I don't expect you to agree.

Hayden: I can't kill you, but I will not have you in the way of progress.

Hayden: Till we meet again.

And with that, Hayden sent me through the light into the unknown. I stayed motionless, unable to do anything. Transported against my will, I would have to wait until arriving at a new location. Wherever it would be, I do not know. An alert on my Heads up Display informed me of an incoming signal. The sender shown as 'Unknown' with only static coming through. A few hisses and clicks later, a familiar voice spoke through.

???: Hello.

VEGA: Yes. I am VEGA. I thank you for taking a backup of myself. It has taken the length of time from when you made the backup to just now for me to correctly integrate myself with your suit.

A representation of VEGA appeared in the visor. A hollow blue circle cut into three, with another circle in the middle.

VEGA: 94% of my capabilities had to be disabled in order for me to come online. Though I am greatly hindered, I will still be able to assist you in your future endeavors.

VEGA: We are currently trapped in an area referred to as the dimensional gap. From what I have been able to gather, Dr. Hayden did not actually set a physical destination for you. In fact, I believe that this is the exact place he meant to send you, in hopes of trapping you here forever.


The extra screen disappeared.

VEGA: Since I have successfully integrated with your Praetor Suit, I can activate the Tether system to travel to the nearest dimension. Do you wish for me to do so?

I nodded.

VEGA: I must warn you though, I cannot guarantee we will be landing anywhere familiar. We may land in Hell, Earth, Mars, an alternate Earth or a completely alien planet. It may take many jumps and many attempts before we can even get close to our original dimension, and there is no guarantee we will succeed during your lifetime or any lifetime.

VEGA: Given their ability to cross through dimensions unscathed, there is a possibility. Speaking of unscathed, there is also the small chance that you or I may change, whether it's for the better or for the worse, it's entirely random. With that out of the way, do you still wish to proceed?

I nodded without hesistation.

VEGA: Very well.

VEGA's dialogue appeared on the left side of my visor, a small crack made some words illegible to read. Saying to hell with it, I closed my eyes and braced for any form of impact.

VEGA: Scanning nearby dimensions..........Dimension found. Activating tether system.........Jump in 3......2......1.......

VEGA: Jumping now...

And in that instance, I saw nothing but light. Shining....burning...light. Closing my eyes did nothing to dim it. After about a few seconds, the burning light finally dimmed towards pitch black darkness. Opening my eyes, I expected a hellish landscape, but was welcomed to a cheerful, bright, cloud covered sky. Realizing I was laying down, I stood up to see the trees that had surrounded me. A single gravel path laid beside me.

Placing the palm of my hand to my face, I realized then that I was not wearing my helmet. Searching around me, I found it lying on the ground. Wiping off the dirt and dust on it, I put in the helmet and waited for the Praetor Suit's system to initiate.