
GATE but warhammer (mainly krieg)

you watched/read GATE and must have gone "man there is no Warhammer 40K" same so I wrote this. enjoy the Death Korps will be a bit more lax in this story NOW BLOOD FOR THE GOD EMPEROR AND SKULLS FOR THE GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND

DaoistcNgNHn · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

The time of dragons has come to an end

The two recon teams of the Death Korp and J.S.D.F assessed in the evacuation of the village or 'Koda' as the J.S.D.F call it but while they were going on both Amim and Itami were trying to keep both groups from killing each other which was not easy at all.

but as the last cart finely pulled out well it tried at lest but one of the horses tripped

"Kurokawa see if anyone is wounded" Itami said to a female solder

"Grenadiers 781-692, 392-863, 999-999 follow her" Amim said to his men pointing to at the women

Itami looked over at Amim confused

"how the can hell can you tell who's who" Itami asked

Amim pointed to his shoulder pad showing his identification number '365-759'

the Death Korps Grenadiers following that J.S.D.F women, they then saw a broken cart as well as an out of control horse and as Death Korps do, they shot the horse dead on the spot, all while a little girl watched, said girl was a little hurt, so the the women from the J.S.D.F had her carried off to their convoy.

Then the convoy had the J.S.D.F in the front (like the canon fodder they were) while the Death Korp convoy had a leman Russ in the front and 6 chimeras in the middle and the other leman Russ at the end of the convoy. the slow speed of the convoy made it easy to spot any enemies, any carts that had their parts broke were burned, little to noting was ever taken from said carts. carts were also pushed out of the mud by the J.S.D.F but then the convoy stopped and in the middle of the road was a little girl she was carrying a large axe of some kind, the lead Lemen Russ was ready to blow her sky high and it would have done it with joy but it did not (unfortunately) and for some unknow she joined the J.S.D.F and the Death Korps really did not care

finally the convoy reached a large open rocky plain, the convoy moved along the cliff then looking off in the distance a small dragon was just flying off in the distance, then it was just eaten in one bite by a massive red dragon.

The chimeras and leman Russes of the death korps and the JSDF transports went off into an open field to engage the dragon, the JSDF fired at the dragon with their stub guns and then the first Leman Russ fired it's main gun at the dragon, it's heavy shell barley missed the beast so in anger the beast sent a blast of flames killing at the poor kriegs men who was out of the top of a chimera (A/N poor him, anyway)

then second Lemen Russ did not miss it hit that dam dragon center mass and stunned it, then the JSDF fired a missile blowing off the dragons arm causing it to flee. after the battle the Death Korps made a grave for their fallen comrade, both the JSDF and as while some people from the convoy prayed, while the Death Korps made an eagle with their hands across their chests. Amim had taken the equipment of the dead guardsmen well at lest what he could recover.