
Garden of White Poppies and Black Tulips

Back in the times were magic ruled the world, where witches stood at the top of the chain, ensuring order and respect of the rules in a continent of vampires and humans after a war meant to establish their dominion came a rather peaceful atmosphere. With their visions and skills, witches were invincible. Or so that was what was thought until one day, the witch queendom, Luxia, was destroyed. Several witch children then found themselves homeless and sold into slavery, without anyone knowing about it. Without any witch foreseeing it, leaving the few humans in total despair and vampires finally holding the power they had craved for. The worst about all this was that the only witch royalty that remained was an amnesiac coward, a girl scared of the truth yet with ambitious dreams of breaking away from slavery. With a pseudo-pride and a stubborn interior. Once a princess admire by all who had lost her magic or at least was what she thought went ahead with an idiotic plan of running away. Of course, fate wasn't having any of it, and she made an encounter that could be called reality. A handsome and heartless cold reality.

Someweirdbunny · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Hate To kill

"Report" He ordered the young maid who knelt before him. She couldn't last a second without his aura completely crushing her, and it wasn't helping that he was angry.

"She throws up whatever she eats and she spends her whole days gazing outside. She doesn't speak except to said she won't eat"

"And it is only now you thought about telling me?" He questioned.

"We thought it was just a little grief episode that would eventually pass. It's because she has been like that for three days, that..."

"I get it" He cut her off sharply, forcing her to clamp her mouth. "Cook a steak with a few vegetables and bring it to her room"

"Your majesty, she doesn't eat nor let anyone feed her" She said and he glared at her almost making her pee on herself.

"I want it in the minute" He said and she said up, bowing before leaving hastily. He rubbed his face with his palm. He could not let her die. All his projects would be foiled. He sighed. Maybe watching the death of that little girl was too much for her to handle.

He took the stairs, descending quickly. Every person by who he passed bowed but he didn't even bod at them. He went straight for her room and entered it. He saw her sitting there, on the window seat, looking outside. It was the first time he'd seen her in three days. She was again clad in her white dress and her black hair dropped like a curtain over her face, making him wonder if she could actually see a thing.

He shut the door loudly, but she didn't even jolt. He sighed tiredly. It was going to be a long evening.


"Don't. You. Dare! Don't speak to me monster" She said angrily, not bothering to look at him.

"So I am a monster?" He asked finally having her whip her head towards him at the speed of light.

"Yes you are. The worst of the worst. She... She was just a kid..." Her voice dying down into a sob before glaring at him fiercely. "... But you killed her"

"From the report I received you were going to kill her as well" He said nonchalantly and she frowned turning away from him.

"I-I wasn't! Staying here makes me delusional!"

"I bet it does. So what is your plan. Starve yourself to death?" He asked but she ignored him, staring at the outside.

Just then, someone rapped the door twice. She didn't want to know it was. All she knew was that the smell of food came in and later the door was shut.

"Eat" He said simply, but she didn't even look at him.

She didn't want to eat. Starving to death wasn't as hard as she thought it to be. The first day was difficult, but after one day, you just get numb to the pain from your stomach.

She felt a pair of strong hands grabbing her by her shoulders, spinning her around.

"What do you think you are doing?" She asked, but her parted her legs, standing just in front of her, the food in her face.

"Making you eat"

"I won't eat food from someone I hate"

"Not enough apparently." He decided it was a good time to switch to the second way of manipulating her. By making her hate him. It would be pretty easy seeing the look she had on her face at that moment.

"I hate you enough to want you death" She said. "I want you dead, you and that Dan and the vampire who killed Vera. She was the only reason I wanted to live. Before she came I was contemplating biting my tongue and bleeding to death..."

"Then live to kill me. Live to kill us" He said and she chuckled dryly.

"Please don't insult my intelligence. As weak as I am I cannot kill you"

"I never said you would kill me if you stayed weak but you'll definitely not kill me if you die. I told you, you can be powerful. All you have to do is to accept my proposal. You don't need to be completely devoted to me. Seduce me Adaliah, not only me but all those who can be useful to you, learn my strength and my weaknesses, then make your move. Kill me. You don't know how to fight? I'll teach you. You want to develop your magic? I'll teach you. Just agree" He said but had her frowning, her eyes caught into his.

"No normal person teaches another how to kill him" She underlined and he smiled at her.

"I thought you'll have figured I wasn't normal." He said. She looked away, but he knew she was considering it.

Thinking deeply, she realized she didn't have anything to loose. His proposal was too enticing to reject it. If he was as powerful as she had heard and she answered only to him, that means she wasn't really a slave.

"I answer only to you?"

"You'll have to right to be complacent with anyone you deem is weaker than I am, but be careful when I am not around"

"That means I have your protection?"

"It goes without saying" He nodded and she bit her lip.

"You said I could set up some rules"

"I am willing to listen to all them, before you even agree"

"What makes me believe you will respect them?"

"I might be insane, cruel and malicious, but I am also truthful and a man of my word." He saw her looking at him in an unconvinced way and sighed. "We can as well sign a blood pact" He said and she frowned, pulling a disgusted expression.

"I don't want to get my hopes up" She said, blinking her tears back furiously. "I want the truth, will I really be able to kill you?" She asked and he nodded.

"You will be. And if you want another truth I had planned to kill her from the very day I sent her to you, now eat" She gaped in disbelief, and he took advantage of that to force the food in her mouth. She chewed and swallowed, glaring at him finally letting the dam open.

"I hate you. I hate you so much" She sobbed and he hid his smirk, patting her head.

"It's fine to hate me, do it all you want" He fed her a few bites before she snatched it from him, eating by herself, while he sat in the corner watching her.

She chunked the steak into smaller bites, still thinking about the terms of her agreement. She glanced at him and he smiled innocently at her. She gripped her fork. She could drive it in his eye and he would die right? She sighed. How could someone kill another person so casually and later live with it? Smile like that? Or was it all a facade to make her drop her guard?