
Chapter 6

A computer voice spoke "Who are you? "

I turned my head and saw an image of a man.

He was speaking to me. He seemed like a doctor or a scientist as he wore a white lab coat. I looked at him and smiled.

I knew that Skynet was semi-sentient. Or else why would it try to wipe out the entire human race?

I said looking at the face "Me. I am just a normal traveller." I smiled and started searching the data again.

He spoke again " What are you doing?" I didn't reply to him. Why would I? This thing just killed almost all the humans.

I was little angry. As much as a grey character I am, I was still a human. So before I leave this world I will destroy this A.I. once and for all.

It also did mess with time so I won't take any risk. I searched everything but I only found a little information.

There was some experimentations on carbon based structure and nanorobots. I guess Skynet needed more time.

But I won't give it any. I am pretty sure I can create my own versions of terminators with these. I wanted to learn information about the time machine but I couldn't as I was blocked by Skynet.

I tried to break into Skynet but it seems I wasn't strong enough yet. Also it was getting late. It has been a few hours and I don't know how my terminators are doing.

I know for a fact that skynet had more terminators than me. Even if my terminators are stronger they will lose.

I looked at the face on screen and said " You blocked me now but be prepared because next time you won't be able to. "

I then left the room and went to find the advanced terminators. They were in the underground.

I located the T-800 of Arnold's version. It was pretty much ready. It only didn't have any sort of programming.

But as a technopath it was easy for me. I activated him and said "Can you talk?"

He replied with almost no expression "Yes."

"Okay then follow me. " I said and started running but stopped.

"Wear something first. " He was completely naked. And in the movie they didn't show if terminators had a genitalia or not.

But I now know the answer. They had genitals. And Arnold had a good one at that.

Anyways, there was no clothes to be found around us. So in the end he was still nude. I didn't care anymore and ran to the T-1000 production room.

I saw many T-1000 models. Some were submerged in liquid metal.

But there was three models that were separate from others. It seems they were almost completed.

I hacked into one of them and made it follow me along with the T-800 Arnold. Then I went towards where T-X was.

The room T-X was very different. This room was for experimentations not production.

I saw the T-X model standing still. It was naked. But it only had skin on half of it's body. The right side was exposed where I could see the exoskeleton.

And her right arm was not like a regular one. It had a weapon on it or weapons if I remember correctly. But I think it was not fully developed yet.

So I analyzed her weapons. It seems a flamethrower, grenade launcher, multiple types of guns and a surgical saw was installed in it.

But it seems the plasma shooter was still being worked on. So I used my creation power and created one of the plasma rifles that I created and I merged it with her weapons.

Then I looked at T-1000 and analyzed him. I created one more T-1000 and merged it with the T-X. So a brand new T-X was created. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

I said to her " How are you feeling?" She replied with a smile " I am feeling well." I saw her smile. It was very much like human. I would be fooled if I didn't know that she was terminator. Anyway I asked her " Can you copy my clothes? "

She said yes and I told her were my clothes for now. I didn't want to walk around with a naked girl with me.

I am not gonna lie i was a little excited seeing her naked body. But I had more things to do. I also asked the T-1000 to copy my clothes.

Now only Arnold was naked. But I could not do anything right now. I went to the carbon based liquid like thingy. I don't know what it is called but it was what used for Rev-9. I analyzed it and now i could create it.

Then I went into another room it was full of weapons and various machinery. So I

analyzed everything. I didn't need them but there was something I needed that was here.

Nanorobots, it was used on John Connor to change his human body into Nanocyte Structure. He could avoid anything because of this. The Nanobots could separate and replicate themselves. But the current ones that I analyzed wasn't nearly as advanced as them.

Nevertheless I along with the three terminators went out. And what I saw could only be described as chaos. Complete and utter chaos. My terminators really did a lot of damage.

But I could sense that most of them were destroyed and the rest were not doing well. And my back up unit was still on standby. I could tell them to attack but it was not necessary right now. I would come back again.

And this time me and my army both will be stronger. So with that I left with my army and new terminators on my HK aerial units. As I flew away I saw the explosions and fire that surrounded the Skynet base.

(AN:Thanks for reading guys. I hope you are liking this so far. Please give it power stones and share it. It would really encourage me to write more.)

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