
DxD: Getting Into Shape 02.5

"Ahh, thanks for that Axton!" Kiba says as he gets up from the massage table clad in only his underwear.

<+7 Affection with Yuuto Kiba>

<A lewd skill gem has been rewarded for Yuuto Kiba reaching exactly 69 Affection>

My eye twitches as I try to keep my expression normal. I don't know how, but Kyu arranged this on purpose, I'm sure of it. "Sure thing Kiba," I say, voice only slightly strained. "This sort of thing is important to your training as well, any little bit that helps."

"You're absolutely right," Kiba agrees with a nod before his expression becomes more serious. "Thanks for helping us out Axton, it means a lot to Rias, and we all appreciate it."

I relax. It's hard to get annoyed when he's such a genuinely nice dude. "I'm happy to help," I say. Then I make shoo-ing motions with my hand. "Now get dressed and get outta here, the next person is on their way."

"Got it," he agrees easily, quickly getting dressed. A few seconds later he's gone, and I sigh. I knew when I offered massages that Kiba would be included in that, and it's not like I was grossed out by just touching a dude. But all I could think of is how much I'd rather be massaging any of the girls. Kiba, alone in the smaller bathroom, finished his own bath pretty quickly and got here first though.

Oh well. Now that he's out of the way, it's nothing but girls from here on out. Before the next person gets here, I quickly use the lewd skill gem I got.

--<Lewd Skill Gem Used!>--

Pick a Lewd Skill!

[Refraction Reduction]

[Alter Size]

[Imbue Tightness]

[Summon Appendages]

[X-Ray Vision]


[Clean Body]

[Seal Orgasm]

[Link Sensations]

[Phantom Hands]



Are there more skills on this list than before? Kyu must have added some. Looking over the list, I decide on [Clean Body]. Certainly not the most exciting skill, but in this training camp where everyone is getting sweaty and dirty, it's probably one of the most useful to me right now.

<[Clean Body] - Level 1(0%)>

<Clean a person or being that you're touching. Costs 20MP.>

That's pretty vague. Clean them of what? As a test, I use it on myself. I can tell there's a slight change. I guess I feel cleaner? Not that I felt particularly dirty before. And using it on myself again doesn't seem to change anything. Does leveling the skill even change anything? It's not like the cost can go down much more, and if there's a difference in how much it cleans, I can't tell. Though maybe I'd see the difference if I tried it on someone who was actually dirty.

I shrug. Since repeat uses of it seem to be effective in leveling it up, I just keep spamming it on myself. Might as well power level the skill.

It's then that the next person arrives for their massage, and of course, it's Aika. She's still wet from the bath and has nothing but a towel around her to protect her modesty, but as soon as the door closes behind her the towel drops to the floor.

I let my eyes roam over her body, knowing she's showing off on purpose. "You always manage to know exactly what makes me happy," I say. I indicate the table. "Go ahead and lay down though, and we'll get started."

She blinks in surprise. "Wait, you're actually doing the massages?"

I tilt my head at her. "Yes?" I answer, unsure.

"I thought it was just an excuse to get each of us alone so you could have your way with us," she admits as she lays face down on the table.

"Well. I might indulge a little," I admit as I run a finger from her thigh and up the curves of her ass. A small shiver ripples through her at my touch. "But no, for the most part, I'll be doing actual massages. It actually is helpful for you and it'll help prevent a lot of soreness tomorrow. The fact that it lets me put my hands all over beautiful girls is a plus, for certain."

"Uh-huh," she says, not at all convinced. "And you're not going to do anything lewd?"

"Not tonight," I clarify as I pour massage oil onto her back. "You can't rush these sorts of things. First, I'll just give everyone a really nice massage, get them comfortable with it. Then things will get a little lewder from there, depending on the girl."

"I knew it," she says. "It's a good plan though, I fully approve."

I laugh as I start rubbing the oil into her skin and activate [Massage]. "I'm glad. Speaking of plans, did you come up with anything for Asia?"

Aika moans a little as [Massage] gets to work on her sore muscles. "Hmm, maybe. How'd your one on one time go with her?"

"I think she almost confessed," I admit. "She chickened out though, and I didn't push."

"So she's already there huh?" Aika contemplates. "I might not need to do much then. Okay. Atsuko and I were going to drag you back to the bath after you finished the massages anyways. It's a nice bath and we wanted to relax there with you. I'll drag Asia along as well. Hopefully, we'll be able to show her what 'love' is like and encourage her to try it for herself."

"That does sound nice," I say. "And like a good plan. When I'm done I'll head straight to the bath then. You guys can meet me there." I move my way down from her back and start working on her legs.

She moans again. I'm not even using [Touch of Pleasure], but she's really feeling it. "Are you sure I can't convince you to ravish me right here and now on this table?" she asks hopefully.

"What are you talking about Aika?" I ask her innocently. "You didn't hit me in our little spar today, so no reward. You'll have to work a little harder for that."

She groans. "I was hoping you forgot," she admits, and I laugh.

"Just come up with a plan to hit me once, doesn't even need to be a good hit, and tomorrow night I'll fill you up with my cum right here on this table," I whisper in her ear.

"You're such a tease," she grumbles, but I sense a powerful sense of motivation from her.

I grin. "I believe in you Aika, you can do it."

I finish the massage quickly and finish it off by casting [Clean Body] on her, and then I cast [Erotic Dreams] on here since she's here. "There you go, you're good to go."

She gets up with a noise of contentment. "I might be really horny now, but that sure did hit the spot." She gives me a hug and a kiss, still naked, which I return. "Thanks, Axton."

"Sure thing, Aika," I say. "Akeno's outside the door waiting for her turn though, so go ahead and get going so I can get to her. I have a lot of girls to give a massage to, so I can't dally too much."

"Yeah yeah," she says as she picks up her towel and wraps it around herself. "Have fun~" she says with a wink before she opens the door and strolls out.

Akeno steps in, also wrapped in just a towel, with an eyebrow raised. "Oh? Is that what this is about?" she asks teasingly. "Are you just here to have fun?"

"I'm here for a lot of reasons," I reply easily. "Having fun is usually on there somewhere. But no, that was just Aika teasing. I'm mainly here to help you guys relax after training and have you guys fresh and ready for tomorrow."

"Mainly?" she asks, and as she does so she casually unwraps her towel, exposing herself in front of me.

My eyes take in the sight of her glistening pale skin, still wet from her bath. Her crotch is smooth, clean-shaven, and her tits are topped by erect nipples. [Lewd Scouter] says that she's at moderate arousal already. "There's a bit of selfishness in my motivation as well I suppose," I say distractedly, which causes her smile to widen.

Before things go too far though, I turn around and grab some massage oil. "Go ahead and lay down and we can get started," I say.

"You know," she says as I hear her lay down on the table. "Atsuko and Aika could not stop talking about your massages."

I turn around, massage oil in hand, and I cast [Clean] on her quickly before I pour some of it onto her back. "Didn't I tell you the other day?" I ask, referring to the day at the pool. "You wouldn't believe what I can do with my fingers." With that, I activate [Massage] and [Touch of Pleasure] and start kneading her sore muscles.

She lets out a soft noise of satisfaction and pleasure. "Mmm," she moans. "You're right, I wouldn't have believed it would feel this good."

"If there's one thing I take pride in, it's my ability to make others feel good," I reply as I work on her upper back.

"That must be why you're so popular," she comments in a relaxed tone. I move down to her lower back. "A girl could get used to massages like this every day."

"There's a reason I learned how to do this," I claim. "And it's not because I'm interested in a career in physical therapy."

She laughs. "So forward and frank," she says. "Not that I dislike that sort of thing."

I grin and move my hands down to cup the supple meat of her ass cheeks. "Me? Forward?" I say as I blatantly grope her ass, slightly turning up [Touch of Pleasure]. "You must be getting me mixed up with someone else."

"You-" she starts, but it turns into a moan as I squeeze. Her legs shift slightly, most likely unconsciously, and I realize that I have a pretty clear view of her pussy, glistening with arousal.

"I still owe you for that day at the pool, don't I?" I ask her. I let my hands trail down from her ass and down to her plump thighs, fingers tracing light paths as they went. My hands stop as they approach her inner thighs, and their position makes my intentions clear. "That offer is still on the table. And it looks like you could use it right about now."

She hesitates, and [Empathy] practically lets me feel the war of uncertainty and arousal going on inside of her head. I trace my fingers in small circles as I increase the power of [Touch of Pleasure] another small bit, and I feel as arousal wins out.

She spreads her legs further in clear invitation. "If you insist," she says, not letting a speck of her previous uncertainty show. "I'd like to see how much of you is all talk, or if you have the skills to back it up."

A challenge is it? Well, I'll have to pull out all of my tricks. [Erotic Pierrot] works on increasing her already pretty high arousal, [Increase Sensitivity] to make her even more sensitive, and [Touch of Pleasure] is increased to even higher levels. I don't go too hard on any of the skills. I keep it relatively low so it can just be explained by technique and the atmosphere alone. I don't want anyone below 100 Affection to know of my lewd skills.

As tempting as it is, I don't dive straight for the main attraction. I continue my earlier actions, and slowly trace a meandering path up her inner thighs with my fingertips. With all of my skills active it produces a powerful effect. Shivers run through her and I can hear a sultry moan escape her lips.

"So sensitive," I tease her. Before she has a chance to retort I run a finger along her wet slit, and whatever she was going to say turns into another keening moan. I grin. I enjoyed it when she was in charge and giving me a reach around, but turning the tables on her is pretty nice too.

I continue to run my finger up and down her entrance, pressing harder into her warm and soft flesh. I keep my pace slow though, taking my time. Unfortunately, it occurs to me that as much as I enjoy the slow teasing, we don't have that kind of time here.

So I spread her lower lips a little as I jump straight to inserting two fingers inside of her. I take it slow, gently spreading her as I feel her clamp around my fingers. Her moans increase in pitch as I push my fingers inside of her.

"There's a lot of pressure here," I comment as if I'm not two knuckles deep inside of her. "Don't you worry, I'll thoroughly massage it and clear that right up for you." Interestingly enough, [Massage] was still active and seemed to be working.

"Axton-" she starts, but she's interrupted by another moan as I start probing her insides. I explore her as much as I can, trying different angles, focusing on different spots, spreading my fingers as I slowly pump my fingers. It's not long before I find the spot that makes her continuous moaning sharply increase in pitch.

"There we go," I say gently. "There's the source of the pressure." I increase my tempo, focusing on that one spot. Akeno has given up on speaking, giving in to the pleasure as her moans and breathing fill the room. [Sound Domain] makes sure it doesn't go further than that though, which is a good thing because [Void Detect] picks up Rias approaching the room.

I amp up [Touch of Pleasure] and [Increase Sensitivity] even more as well as increase my speed, fingers pumping into her rapidly. A wet schlicking noise accompanies Akeno, and in what feels like no time at all I feel her clamping around my fingers as her back arches. I feel the spasms jolting through her as a scream of ecstasy escapes her lips, and I don't stop my fingering until her climax finishes.

<+9 Affection with Akeno Himejima>

After Akeno relaxes I slowly extract my fingers from her, causing her to shiver slightly. "I'd say that's enough to prove I'm not just all talk, no?"

"You certainly aren't lacking in talent," Akeno admits, already back to her composed self. She slowly pushes herself up, getting off of the table. I quickly cast [Clean] on both of us as I hand her the towel she was wearing when she came in. "The massage was very good too before you got distracted." She gives me a stern look. "I hope you don't plan on getting distracted with everyone else you'll be giving a massage to though."

I raise my hands in surrender. "Aside from Atsuko and Aika, you're the only one that seemed interested, which is the only reason I offered. I'm not the kind of guy to pressure the uninterested or unwilling."

"I suppose that's true," she admits, seemingly satisfied with that answer. Her expression turns teasing again. "Aika was in here before me, does that mean she received the same treatment?"

"She wishes," I say. "But no, she didn't manage to hit me during training today, and she doesn't get her reward until she manages to do so."

"Ooh, so cruel," Akeno comments, but her expression is one of enjoyment. "To think you would torture a poor girl like that."

I roll my eyes, but I'm grinning. "Oh yes, I'm the very picture of cruelty." There's a knock on the door. "And there's Rias, ready for her turn."

"I'll leave her in your hands then," Akeno says as she opens the door, towel not wrapped around her but instead held casually in her hand, leaving her naked for all to see. Rias, who is on the other side of the door, raises an eyebrow at Akeno's state of dress. The other girl ignores this and greets her casually as she walks past her, uncaring of her nudity.

"That girl," Rias says with a sigh, even as she steps into the room and drops her own towel, leaving her just as exposed.

"Go ahead and lay down on the table and I can get started on you," I say as I close the door behind her.

She does as I instruct, guiding her long red hair to hang to her side so it's not in the way. I wait for her to settle and get comfortable before applying massage oil to her back and rubbing it into her pale white skin. I have my skills turned off except for [Massage] and [Touch of Pleasure], the latter of which is activated at the lowest amount that I can, just enough to enhance the massage slightly.

Even so, Rias lets out a small noise of contentment as I start applying pressure to the tight spots in her back. "I had no idea you were a man of so many talents Axton," she compliments. "It seems like every day I learn something new about you that makes me want you in my peerage more and more."

I chuckle. "I pick up new skills pretty easily," I reply. "And I like to put enough time into practicing them to make them useful. Massaging is definitely one of those."

She hums in response but doesn't say anything, and the next couple of minutes go by in silence, the only sound being Rias's occasional sighs as I work my way down her back and to her legs. It's too early to start groping her ass, unfortunately. Which is a shame, because it's certainly very hard to ignore. Akeno's boobs might be bigger, but Rias's ass beats her out.

"You know, I'm really grateful that you're going through this much effort for me," Rias says. "In truth, relying on a Rating Game wasn't something I wanted to do. It's risky. But somehow I feel that your help is all I need to make it happen."

"It's not like I'm being entirely selfless," I point out. "Two of my lovers are part of your peerage. They'd get caught up in Riser's clutches as well if he got his hands on you. And that is something I can't allow to happen."

"But you let them join my peerage even knowing about Riser," Rias points out. "And you were looking for ways to help before even then."

Ah, right. I did say that, didn't I? Well, the better of Rias's opinion of me, the easier my life, so I'll just keep up the modest act. "Phrasing it like that makes it sound like I would have stopped them if I didn't want it to happen," I comment. "They may be my lovers, but I'd never control them like that." Not so heavy-handedly at least.

"But you don't deny that you were going to help me either way," she says with a smug giggle.

"I was exploring options, yes," I 'admit'. "Of course Riser ruined all that though. I understand the desire to pursue someone like you, but the way he's going about it is just gross."

"Someone like me, huh?" Rias says in an unexpectedly sad voice. What was wrong with what I said? Oh. That's right, she has that whole complex about people only caring about her being the Gremory heiress. I need to defuse this situation before she gets the wrong idea.

"I don't know if you realized Rias, but you are a very attractive young woman," I comment. I can't just praise her looks though, even if that's her strongest aspect. "You're also kind and caring, and you have a presence to you that makes people want to pay attention to you."

+10 Affection with Rias Gremory

She doesn't respond for a moment, but I see the tips of her ears turn red. [Void Sight] lets me get a good look at her face, where she's not bothering to hide her embarrassed expression. Laying it on thick was well worth it to see that look on her face.

"I appreciate the compliments," she somehow manages to say in a normal sounding voice, though I can feel the embarrassment coming off of her with [Empathy]. The conversation dies off again though, and I finish the massage without any more conversation.

As I finish up I cast [Clean Body] on her to get rid of any sweat or massage oil that might remain. "There you go, that should do it for you."

She gets up and stretches, giving me a very good look at her nude body from various angles. "Thanks a lot, Axton, I feel great!" she comments with a smile, just as uncaring of her nudity as Akeno was. But unlike Akeno, she wraps her towel around herself before leaving.

I have a few moments to myself, which I spend wiping down the massage table before Atsuko arrives.

"I kinda thought I would see you in here right after Aika," I comment as she comes in and shuts the door behind her.

"I got distracted in the bath," she admits as she strips. Unlike the others, she actually came here dressed. It seems that walking through the halls in just a towel is a little too advanced for her right now.

"Completely understandable," I say as I watch her finish getting undressed. She blushes a little at my gaze but makes no move to try to hide herself. "It must have been a feast for the eyes in there."

"Such a good variety too," she says as she lays down. I start pouring massage oil onto her back. "From Akeno's juicy watermelons to Koneko's cute little kiwis, and everything in between."

"Wish I could've been there to see it," I comment. I had seen it, [Void Sight] was a wonderful skill, but I'm not going to reveal that. Atsuko would probably just be jealous, but I'll keep it to myself for now.

"Well, you kinda will, won't you?" Atsuko asks. Her breath is getting kinda heavy. "You got to massage Akeno and Rias right?"

"True," I admit. "And those two certainly aren't shy about their bodies. They spent most of the time here face down though."

"Yeah but you get to put your hands all over them," Atsuko says wistfully.

"That was pretty nice," I say. "I don't think Asia or Koneko will come in here nude though."

"Hmm," Atsuko says. "No, probably not. I don't think Koneko is going to come at all. She already left the bath."

Damn. She's at 75 Affection too. "Well, no matter. This isn't just an excuse to be able to touch a bunch of pretty girls, I am actually doing this to help."

"You're so smart Axton," Atsuko comments almost sleepily as she relaxes under my fingers. "Coming up with a way to do both."

"It's all to gather the best harem," I say. "And just like these massages, my selfish desire also helps others. Like you, and your ability to also get a harem. Because I'm willing to share if it's with you."

"You're the best," she says with a smile.

Asia arrives and is waiting outside the door by the time I finish with Atsuko. Atsuko gets dressed and opens the door before suddenly spinning around. "Almost forgot!" she says before wrapping her arms around my neck and giving me a kiss. Surprised, but certainly pleased, I return the kiss. When she pulls back she winks at me and then turns back towards the door. "Sorry about that Asia," she says as she walks past. "He's all yours!"

Asia is blushing slightly as she enters the room and closes the door behind her. "Sorry about her," I say. "Atsuko's a great girl, but she's also a little scatterbrained at times. You ready for your massage?"

She nods. "Can- can I keep my underwear on?" she asks nervously.

"As I said before, you can keep as much on as you want," I tell her. "Whatever you're comfortable with, I can work with."

"But it's better if I'm wearing less?" she says, fingers nervously pulling at her clothes.

"The more skin I can massage directly, the better it feels, and the more easily I can relax your muscles, yes," I confirm.

She nods and slowly starts stripping out of her clothes. She came in dressed in her nightgown, so really it's just a matter of taking that off. I see her hesitate for a moment, but she shakes her head and then moves to lay down on the table. I guess that's as far as she's going tonight. No matter, I more or less expected this. I was hoping for maybe no bra, but oh well. I'll trust in Aika's plan tonight to help expedite things.

I make casual conversation with Asia while I massage her, asking her how she felt about how her training went and her opinions on all of the other people here. Safe topics to get her to relax as I worked on relaxing her muscles. Like it was with Rias, [Touch of Pleasure] is on at a very low level.

It seems to work. By the time her massage is finished, Asia is both emotionally and physically relaxed, and her mood seems much improved. I don't think she even cares anymore about being in her underwear and shows no signs of shyness as she gets up to get dressed again.

As she leaves, I start to pack things up, thinking I'm done for the day, but through [Void Detect] I feel Koneko head in my direction. Oh? Is she coming after all?

She enters the room a minute later, and I've made sure everything is clean by the time she does. "I wasn't sure if you were going to take me up on my offer," I say. "But I'm glad you did. Come in, come in."

"Kiba said to," she says. "He said it was important to training, and that you did a good job of it."

At just like that, any regrets I had over having to massage Kiba disappear. I'm sure that if he had Affection gain notifications, he would have gotten one just now. Massaging Kiba was a small price to pay if it means I get to massage Koneko as well.

"He's right about the training part, and I want to agree with the second part, but I'm biased," I joke. "Go ahead and strip down as much as you're comfortable and we'll get started." I turn around, giving her a degree of privacy to dress down. Or seemingly at least, [Void Sight] and [Void Detect] shows me everything.

Not that it's very exciting. She simply takes off her pajama shirt and shorts, leaving her in just a sports bra and a pair of plain panties. I don't think she needs the bra. It's probably there for the sake of her modesty. She climbs onto the table and lays face down. "Ready," she says.

I turn around with a friendly smile and wordlessly get to work. Koneko is shy, so I have to be on my best behavior, or else I'll scare her off. Thankfully, I'm well suited for subtlety. In addition to a slight [Touch of Pleasure], I also hit her with [Increase Sensitivity]. The goal is to make the massage feel as good as possible without making it 'ecchi', which might push her away.

It certainly seems to work, and after just a couple minutes of me taking it nice and slow, making sure to be thorough, she's utterly relaxed and making small noises of contentment. It's as I get to her lower back that I get a surprise.

With a noise that could almost be called a purr, two fluffy white ears appear on top of her head and a tail appears on her lower back. I pause, unsure how to handle this, but when Koneko doesn't seem to even notice, I shrug and continue the massage.

By the time I'm finishing up, [Empathy] reads heavy levels of contentment and happiness coming from her. Good, it seems like I did a good job giving her a good massage without pushing it into the lewd territory. What's most important right now is getting her comfortable with me. And her Nekoshou features appearing is a good sign for exactly that.

"You're all done," I tell her. She doesn't get up immediately, just relaxing for a moment later, but soon she gathers the willpower to start moving. Facing away from me, she gets off the table and starts getting dressed again. But as she puts on her shorts, they bump up against her tail, and she freezes.

She quickly whirls to face me, eyes wide, uncaring that she's still shirtless. I cock my head at her. "What's wrong?" I ask her, pretending cluelessness.

"You...aren't surprised?" she asks, unsure.

"By the ears and tail?" I ask, and she nods. "A little, but not really. Yua called you a 'kitten' the first day you met her and fed her. I thought she meant another cat had shared some food with her, but when I came to the club and you said it was you that had fed her, I realized that it probably meant you were the kitten in question. Which was a little strange, since Yua hadn't ever called anyone else a kitten before, but I figured something about you reminded her of a cat. So when those popped up in the middle of the massage, I was a little surprised, but it was more along the lines of 'Oh, I guess that's why'."

She pauses, processing my explanation. "That's it?" she asks.

"No," I say, and she tenses slightly as if bracing herself. "I also want to say that I think you look really cute with your ears and tail showing. You should show them off more often."

She blushes slightly and turns around without a word and walks out. "Koneko!" I call out to her, and she turns around. I point at the ground, where her shirt still is. "Your shirt." Her blush deepens as she walks back to it, picks it up, puts it on, and then stiffly walks away again.

I chuckle. Ahh, she's so cute. Too bad calling her cute didn't get me any Affection, but I suppose her Affection is a little too high for something like that to raise it. Oh well.

Massages done for the day, I clean everything up and head for the bath. I'm clean already, but a nice soak, while I wait to be joined by my girlfriends and my soon to be girlfriend, sounds pretty enticing.


The bath is technically an open-air bath, though half of it is still covered by a roof. The changing room is fully enclosed, and you exit it into a sort of patio area. There's a roof overhead and a floor underneath, and it's where all of the shower heads and mirrors are so you can wash yourself. But then you step out into the pool-sized steaming bath, and instead of a roof, it's just the open sky and some rather high walls. It's nice, and I spend my time relaxing and watching the stars.

I don't look back when I detect the three girls entering the bath to join me. Aika and Atsuko slip into the bath on my left and right respectively, just as naked as I am. I wrap my arms around their shoulders and hold them close to me, giving each of them a kiss.

Asia slips into the bath more timidly, a short distance away but still close by. She's not naked but instead is wrapped in a towel. Ah well.

"Hey girls," I greet all of them. "I didn't know you were coming too Asia, though I'm glad you did."

"I invited her," Aika says, playing along. "You said you wanted to relax, and she has a very soothing presence, so I figured her being here would help." Aika turns her attention directly to Asia. "Plus, you're cute, and I want to spend more time with you."

Atsuko and I nod in agreement, and Asia blushes deeper and lowers her eyes.

"This is nice," I comment, trying to draw the attention away from Asia just a little bit. Too much attention and she might flee. "I know you girls worked really hard today, so getting a chance to relax with you under the stars is nice." I move my arms down from their shoulders to their waists.

"You worked hard too," Atsuko says, moving to sit on one of my legs. "You focused on each and every one of us, helping us all. And none of this would have been possible without you."

"No, this is Rias's place, she would have trained you guys herself, and done a fine job of it too," I say.

"Not as good as you," Aika says, copying Atsuko by climbing onto my lap as well. Now both of them sat on my legs, their legs intertwining between my own, and their boobs level with my eyes. "But the point is, you worked hard too, and so you should relax too."

I make a small noise of agreement, but don't reply. Instead, I look over to Asia. It might be too much of a push, but I decide to risk it. "You want to come closer and join us in some skinship?" I ask her. "I'm sure I can fit you on my lap as well."

Unfortunately, I forgot to account for one thing. My own horniness. With both Aika and Atsuko on my lap already, combined with me just having done the massages where I fingered Akeno, I'm feeling pretty aroused myself. And it shows as I look at my lap and see my quickly hardening shaft.

Asia sees as well, and her light blush quickly turns a deep crimson. "I- umm- I- maybenexttime!" she stammers before quickly standing up and fleeing to the changing room.

I sigh. "Damn, pushed too hard."

"You might have had a chance there if it weren't for Axton junior making an appearance," Aika laughs.

"How could it not in this situation?" I ask them. "Especially after those massages."

"Feeling a little pent up?" Aika teases as she reaches down with a hand to lightly stroke my shaft. "Maybe we should take care of that?"

"Oh no you don't," I tell Aika, gently removing her hand from me. "I haven't forgotten that you haven't earned your reward yet."

Aika clicks her tongue in disappointment at being caught. I laugh, but my hand slips down to Atsuko's crotch. "You on the other hand," I say as I turn to her. "If you don't mind, I could use some relief, since it's just the three of us now.

Atsuko grins and answers by kissing me and straddling me properly. In a flash, she's lined herself up and lowered herself onto me, and we both groan into the other's mouth as I hilt myself in her.


Asia stood in the changing room, face burning. Getting into the bath with Axton had been hard, but she covered herself and all she had to do was not look too closely at Axton. That turned out to be a lot harder than she expected. It was like there was a magnet that pulled her gaze to his chest, and once there it was hard not to look further down.

She groaned as she held her face in her hand as she remembered seeing his...his thing. That was the first time she had seen one in real life. She'd seen it bulge in his underwear after they woke up, but she at least knew that much was normal for boys, she remembered one of the other girls at the church talking about it in hushed whispers to another one.

But seeing it out in the open was another thing entirely. She wasn't prepared for that. She was glad that it was Axton's she saw first, but she wasn't ready for the strange feeling it sent through her. So she got scared and she ran, but she regretted it now. She just wanted to spend some time with him, but she ruined it because of a perfectly natural biological phenomenon.

She sighed. It would be too embarrassing to go back in there though, so she decided to dry off and just go to bed. It had been a long day, and she wanted to put this whole thing behind her. But as she started to dry herself off, she paused, hearing something. It sounded like a girl, and it was coming from the bath?

She stood there, curiosity battling with her nervousness, but the sound of a girl crying out again gave curiosity the boost it needed to win out. She slowly approached the door to the bath, opened it up just a crack, and peeked through.

She had to slap a hand over her mouth to stifle the noise of surprise she made. Axton, Atsuko, and Aika were all out of the bath now, and she could see Axton…! She couldn't even put it into words. He was doing that to Atsuko, causing the girl to cry out in pleasure. Aika was behind Atsuko, supporting her and kissing the back of her neck.

A rush of heat washed over her as she watched. Atsuko continued to cry out as Axton kept moving. She could see flashes of his thingy before it disappeared from view in-inside of Atsuko.

Asia wanted to look away, but she found herself unable to. Heat continued to build up inside of her, pooling in her lower stomach, as she watched. Her breath grew ragged as the other girl cried out in pleasure. She knew what they were doing was wrong...or was it? They all looked so happy. Axton bent down to kiss Atsuko, and the look of joy on her face was one of the most beautiful things Asia had ever seen. Even Aika smiled at the two of them kissing.

Could something like that really be called a sin? Something that made people she cared about, good people that she loved, so happy? They weren't hurting anyone. She knew the church said it was wrong, but the Bible was so confusing sometimes. Maybe they misunderstood? There were a lot of men in the Bible with multiple wives, and more with a lot of children. So maybe this was okay?

Asia continued to watch the three of them pleasure each other, and her eyes widened as Axton sped up before Atsuko cried out and Axton stopped moving, pleasure written clearly on his face. It wasn't until he pulled back, and she saw his thingy on full display, that she realized that he had just….done that inside of her.

Did that mean they were trying to have kids? She knew doing that to have kids wasn't a sin, or else there wouldn't be people. But she also knew that it could be hard sometimes. And hadn't someone mentioned Devils having issues with that in particular? In that case, it would make sense to try as often as possible.

The heat inside of her was starting to get unbearable though, and she felt something running down her leg, so she tore her gaze away and silently shut the door. No, what they were doing might be okay, but spying on them was not. She was going to finish getting dressed and go to bed. Maybe reread some sections of her Bible. Surely the Church had misunderstood something, and she was going to try to figure out what.


I sit back on my knees, panting as I look at the cum filled Atsuko, but my attention is on our little voyeur. I had noticed her as soon as we started, and I repositioned us so Asia could get a good look at us through the door. Aika had seemed confused until I pointed at the door with my head right as it inched open slightly, and then she understood.

Luring Asia to the door was easy, requiring only [Sound Domain] and a [Void Sight] enabled [Erotic Pierrot] to raise her arousal at the right moments. And then, once she was watching us, I hit her hard with [Erotic Pierrot].

It had been a little difficult to split my attention between doing that and fully enjoying Atsuko, but it was so worth it. She was too far away for [Empathy] to work, but [Lewd Scouter] showed her arousal had increased to Moderately High, and more importantly, her Perversion is now just Moderate.

"She's gone," I tell Aika. "But she seemed to enjoy the show quite a bit."

"Well, it's not the progress I hoped to see, but maybe this is better," Aika says. She wraps her arms around Atsuko, one hand going down to her lower lips and spreading them, allowing a bit of my cum to dribble out. "Now, back to business. I know once isn't enough for you, and I want to at least watch as you fill Atsuko again."

I grin. "You don't have to tell me twice," I say. Atsuko's face lights up as I plunge into her once more, and she moans, uncaring of who might hear her. I kiss Aika as I thrust into Atsuko. I have a lot of grinding to do tonight, but that can wait a little longer. I just want to enjoy this for now before I get back to work.

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