The Wandering Wizard, Sean Cliffer, is one of the last wizard of the modern day of Earth. he lived his life for a hundred of years, learning and experiencing the real world. Especially for a wizard, always hiding and lurking in the shadows. And always afraid someone will find out, as they say, humans are afraid of what they don't understand. This time, his magic has failed him. It was already past of his limited time, only with his power was holding his life in a thin thread, finally snapping. But, what he did not expect was, it was only the beginning of the end. Another life of challenges. Reborn as a second son of an highborn family, a spare in case the heir met a terrible death. His new name is Torrhen, of house Karstark, born of the year 266 after Aegon's Conquest. The second son of Karlon Karstark and Berena Flint, younger brother of Rickard Karstark, the heir of Karhold. There's a new player in 'the Game'. **************************************** Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones. A/N: This story was inspired by 'Harry Potter Reborn as Bomeric Bolton', 'The Road to Hell'. and so much more Fanfics about Game of Thrones. I don't know any good pairings for now, so suggestions can be written on the chat. And, my English isn't that very good, so be easy on me. As for the update rate, maybe I can put 4-5 chapters per week. Having college studies to think of. Also, there will be foul words and violent actions in the novels. What can you expect in Game of Thrones, eh, lad?
So... here I am, still conscious in my mind, knowing I'm dead. But, hey, I was ready before I die in my deathbed. I mean, a hundreds years to live is all the most I can have.
I could have died in the two World Wars.
Yes, I have definitely experienced it. Need a strong stomach and strong heart. That is how I endured.
Though, it may also be... how can I say this? I'm a wizard, and wizard don't die early. That's how I've prolong my life. Shot twice in the neck, three times in my torso, scalded and lacerated, but all healed by my magic... and so many other lives I've saved. Our community of wizards are always hiding in the shadows, smelling the dirty feet of humanity for all our lives or we could be all in danger.
Well, except for the title the 'Wandering Wizard', I have no other things to know me.
Maybe my obesity killed me.
Don't blame me, I love food! Everyone loves food, only, most are restrained by diet. Oh, the harsh face of humanity!
But, anyways, I'm just chilling here in this dark forsaken, barren of a space. Still a long way to go to the judgement of poor old wizard.
266 AC. Karhold
"Ah! Why did you put another son in me, Karlon?!" A woman screamed, while birthing. she has black hair, very beautiful, even after birthing a second son.
"Well... the Maesters said it would not be possible for you to give birth again... you know, after Rickard." An man with white streak of white hair, said dryly. He honestly didn't expect this.
"Did you say I was... Barren!?" The screaming woman said.
"No... no, no. I-it was the Maester... yeah, I'm sure of it." Karlon muttered quietly.
"M'lord, man should not be present while M'lady is birthing." The midwife said to Karlon, very urging to get out of the room.
"Is the Maester not a man, as well?" Karlon said questionly. It was right in the end.
"Yes, M'lord, but Maesters are learned man, with chains to prove it. It would be wise to leave the room. You wife is with capable hands." The Midwife explained carefully, gesture the door for Karlon.
Karlon grunted, bringing his attitude, but got out of the room. Along the way, he muttered, "I still do not want to think those grubby hands of the Maester... touching my beloved."
Later that day, Torrhen Karstark was born. Second son of Karlon Karstark and Berena Flint. But that was it, a second son. A spare.
A noble born, with no castle or holdfast to inherit, no golds or shiny silvers, only small opportunities for marriage alliances. Probably, only small Northern Houses will accept alliances. Southrons always ignores the North, saying it was a barren, cold land, with nothing but savages living poorly.
His elder brother, Rickard, is the heir of Karhold, he will have the inheritance of a true noble born.*t. All I do is sh*tting, sucking teats, and pretending to wail. This... is ruining my dignity as a grown man. I always expected to stay in the darkness. Just floating endlessly... forever.
But, now, well... was it reincarnation? or reborn? Ah, a philosophical difference. I did not study any of the reincarnation, to see if it's true.
I did say I was a Wizard, right? Well, I... was only a middle-grade Wizard. Sorry to disappoint you, I was the only one left. Did I mention two World Wars? That's not the only one, I was a participant of the Shadow war, between Wizards and Black sorcerers. Those vile beast sacrifices lives for blood magic, they used virgin girls for their essence, they cut off cocks and balls or boy as breakfast.
Those sh*tty, worse of the worse possible creature to ever lived, uses evil magic for them to use magic. We, Wizards, however, we use the life energy to build our forms of magic.
Fortunately, we defeated them, ending their race for good. And... it was the wishes of Wizards to be burned after death, so no on can disrespect their body for resources. Magic seeps into bones, perfect for rune vessels. I only hope my son burned my body.
Now, magic finally was gone into Earth, as it does not inherit through blood. And our magical construct, our only source of magic was slowly disappearing, lowering the chance to find if you're able to use magic.
I found out that most second sons commonly become Knights. I'm certainly not an athletic person, or a string bodied one. I could absorb the magical energy permanently into my bones, blood and skins as I grow up.
As long as magic remains here in the new world, I could propagate it if I can find the source of it.
If I'm going to live in here, I need physical strength in body. Cultivate my whole system, starting as a babe, I could only imagine how strong I would be in my prime.
That's what I thought after a year had passed since the I was reborn.
Now, I was able to walk like a proper human being, able to eat and sh*t by myself, put my clothes without the help of nursemaid or my Mother.
I had finally recovered my tattered dignity.
One nameday, I will be a force to be reckoned with. A conciousness of a hundred years old man inside of a child, I would be the greatest second son of this new world.
Today, the library will have a problem. A storm will sweep those books at shelves as I, Torrhen Karstark, will be coming for them.