
The Tournament Begin

( A.N. I'm trying to change my way of writing so please bear with me)

At the time Akira aware of his surrounding, What he saw is great plain that full of people. In the sky there a huge monitor that showing a lot of name. Every name is in white colour, he found the name that he make on those huge monitor. After some time there system message echoing on his head.

[Ascending Battle Mission Preleminaries Rule:

1. Stay alive for next 6 hours.

2. The one that collecting higher poin will be the winner or the last man standing.

3. You can get poin by eliminating another candidate.

4. Candidate that are eliminated will be banned to entering Central Continent for 3 months.]

After hearing those system announcement, few people is start to rampage, they attack they one beside them without mind.

Akira: Holding back huh? I'll try to limit by few spell. But first WING.

With using wing to flying, Akira, he became target of everyone. There a multiple magic that flying toward him. He then taking out his gunblade and point it upward.

Akira: i always want to try this spell.. METEOR.

There are few huge burning boulder that raining down and negated all of the magic that came to his way. The other candidate are trying yo run but no one can escape their fate. After seeing there no one that stand in the scorched earth Akira sigh in relief. He then heard the system announcement.

[Congratulation by the last man standing, you'll be transfered to the hall]

Akira: Too easy.. it's a bit anticlimatic

After he came back in the hall, the first thing he saw is few Old man that slacked it jaw. Odin then coming and hit his head.

Odin: Fool. I said holding back. Why aren't you do as i say?

Akira: Old man i already held back as much as i can. I only use one spell you see.

Hearing his answer the old mans only can shook their head. They're thinking the same thing 'it really aren't bad choice to seal his stats'.

After waiting for six hours the one pass are one by one appearing. Some of them collapse on the spot. Some of them are go straight to dream world. We then escorted toward our room.

At morning the knight are waking them up and escorting them toward the same hall.

Odin: I welcome all of you. Congratulation to became the winner of the premilinaries. All of you have the right to ascend to the next world Nidavelier. But you can't just ascend like that. You must fight untill there a sole winner. The winner be granted by one wish. The main tournament is divide be few phase, first phase is group phase. There are 8 group and you'll be randomly divided to that group. We'll use a poin system. You will be fighting once a day so you'll fight for 7 day straight without rest. All group battle will commence at the same time. Because we know your fatigue still there, the main tournament start from tomorrow. You can bring your servant if you want yo help you fight. That's all.

After he said that, in the name colum on the monitor behind him start to roll. After few minutes the rolling is stop.

Akira: C group huh?

While seeing where he are, he really want to laugh. Those name in his group really a unique one..

I'm sorry for the delay. I'll try yo make a 'good' battle scene, But don't get your hope up okay..

LoliHuntercreators' thoughts
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