After a hundred days of relentless survival on the alien planet and harnessing cosmic energies, the protagonist metamorphosed into a superhuman with astonishing abilities. Their augmented physique bestowed immense strength, enduring stamina, and an arsenal of energy-based weaponry, solidifying their position as a cosmic powerhouse. Utilizing newfound powers, the superhuman valiantly vanquished the malevolent alien threats plaguing the planet. The grateful society of the alien inhabitants hailed the transformed protagonist as the "King of Power." Filled with gratitude, they extended their heartfelt thanks to the superhuman for liberating them from the clutches of the menacing aliens and bringing peace to their world. In the annals of the planet's history, the superhuman's heroic deeds and unmatched might were etched, leaving a legacy of hope and empowerment. The moniker "King of Power" echoed throughout the cosmos, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil and the rise of a true cosmic champion.