
Re-visit to Planet Terria

The gang returns home after school and their field trip. They each go to their rooms to rest their feet after a busy day. In Barbara's room, we see her chatting with her invention, Robo-Fly.

"Did you have fun, Robo-Fly? I got to show you to everyone, and they seemed to like you."- Barbara, she pats Robo-Fly on the head.

She flies towards Barbara to hug her.

"You're so cute and affectionate! I'm so glad I made you!"- Barbara, laughing happily.

Someone knocks on her door.

"Hey Barbara?"- Budo.

"Come in!"- Barbara.

Budo enters.

"Say, about Planet Terria?"- Budo.

"Don't worry, Budo. We can go there tomorrow if you want. I would actually like to see Shapu again."- Barbara, she happily agrees to their adventure tomorrow.

Budo pumps his fist in joy.

"Sweet! I knew you'd agree, Barbara! I kinda miss Shapu too. I'm really excited to see the guy again! I know it's only been a week or so, but still."- Budo.

Barbara leaves her desk to walk towards Budo.

"Yeah. I wonder if he's doing okay. Especially considering his situation with the people of the Terranian village."- Barbara.

"Let's hope. I'm sure he can manage."- Budo.

"Well, I'm gonna go help the professor with dinner. See you and Nero then! Robo-Fly, wanna come?"- Barbara.

Robo-Fly happily follows Barbara.

Nero heads to the elevator to the kitchen floor. He grabs some chip out of the cabinet. Barbara catches him.

"Nero, you'll spoil your dinner!"- Barbara.

"Sorry. I just needed a snack to help me focus on my homework. I'm learning about the different planets in the galaxy."- Nero.

"You sure take school assiduously. But remember, we just got back from school. So, you don't need to do any work right now. Besides, we're revisiting Terria tomorrow."- Barbara.

"I know. I just thought I could use a head start so I won't worry about catching up on homework anymore. But I'm really looking forward to tomorrow though!"- Nero.

"Okay, guys. Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes. Could you let Budo know, Barbara."- Franklin, appearing.

Barbara happily nods.

"You can eat those after dinner, Nero."- Franklin.

"Okay, professor."- Nero, as he puts the chips back.

Nero heads to the gym floor to train. He spots Budo lifting a 20lbs dumbbell.

"Hey, Budo!"- Nero.

"Hey, Nero."- Budo, as he puts the bell down to walk towards his friend.

"What a day, am I right?"- Nero.

"You mean the field trip? Yeah, it was pretty fun. We also saw Luna again."- Budo.

"Yeah… She was tough but was also helpful. It was certainly surprising that she works with a galactic army. "- Nero.

"Which reminds me, I forgot to thank her!"- Budo.

"For what? Helping us get the crystals back?"- Nero.

"Yeah! I missed my chance."- Budo.

Nero reassures him that she probably knows he's grateful to her.

"Yeah, you're right."- Budo.

Elevator comes down as Barbara appears.

"There you are, Budo! Of course, you would be at the gym!"- Barbara.

"Hey, Barbara! I'm just exercising."- Budo.

"Right. Well, dinner will be ready and just a bit. The professor is making stew."- Barbara.

"Oh, man! I love that stuff! You ready to dive your taste buds into some of that legendary stew, Nero?"- Budo.

"You know I am! You'd better get ready, stomach!"- Nero.

Barbara laughs and is happy see them so wholesome.

"Well, okay, you food monsters. When the beeping sound happens, that's when your plates are on the table. See you at dinner!"- Barbara, as she waves at them while riding the elevator to the kitchen floor.

"Boys these days are so enthusiastic and full of energy."- Barbara, commenting happily.

Time passes a bit, and everyone is having dinner.

"Man! This is so good!"- Budo.

"You said it!"- Nero.

They're really enjoying the stew.

"So, how was the filed trip?"- Franklin.

"It was awesome! Not only did we get tour around the facility with Captain Galtic guiding our class, but we also saw Luna there!"- Nero.

"Luna?! You mean she is associated with the Galactic Federation?!"- Franklin is surprised.

Luna probably didn't tell him.

"Well, from what she told me, yeah. Galtic said she's one of his most trusted soldiers. Although, she looks too young to be a part of an army. Probably as young as me, Budo, and Barbara."- Nero.

"She must've been quite the young prodigy for Galtic."- Franklin.

Meanwhile, Dr. Z and Infamous are in bandages after their excruciating defeat against Nero and co.

"Hmm. I have an idea for revenge. And it will require your help, Infamous."- Dr. Z.

"Of course, Master."- Infamous.

"Come closer to me."- Dr. Z.

Infamous walks towards him, and the doctor whispers something in his ear.

"Brilliant plan, Master."- Infamous.

"Yes, it is. Get ready to suffer some humiliation, Nero! Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"- Dr. Z.

It's now 9:00 pm. Nero, in the hallway while looking outside the window, is thinking about Luna. He really wants her to stay with him and the others. But understands that she already has a home of her own.

"She seemed pretty cool. I wonder if we'll meet each other again."- Nero.

Barbara, while in her nightgown and white slippers, walks over to where Nero is.

"Nero. Is everything okay?"- Barbara.

Nero gets a little startled before turning around to see Barbara.

"Woah! H-hey Barbara. Yeah, just thinking about Luna."- Nero.

"I see. Do you miss her? If so, don't worry. We'll see her again."- Barbara.

"Yeah, I know. But wouldn't it be cool if someone like her could join our group? Not that I'm complaining of how things are now, but we're a small party. Just in case Z starts causing trouble again with bigger guns, we'll need more manpower to deal with him." Nero.

"You're right. But remember, I can invent something very useful now if he does. Plus, Luna works with the Federation. I kind of want her to join us too. But we can't force her."- Barbara.

"Yeah. What we should think about now is another trip to Terria tomorrow."- Nero.

"We should get some rest then. Goodnight, Nero!"- Barbara walks back to her room.

"G'night!"- Nero, yawning before doing the same as well.

The next morning, Nero and the others eat breakfast and get ready for the day. Onward to Planet Terria!

"Alright! Professor, if you would?"- Nero.

Franklin happily nods as he flies the ship to Terria.

"There are some aliens who don't like humans so I might have to stay here."- Franklin.

"I see… Sorry, professor. We'll be back, okay?"- Nero.

"We still like you, though. We'll let you know right away when we're done exploring."- Barbara.

"Okay. Take care! Don't get into any trouble!"- Franklin, he waves as they exit the main control room.

They wave back, take the elevator to the garage, type in the location on the Teleport Rocket's keyboard before entering. Franklin opens the garages hatch. And they exit from it to go to Terria. The rocket blasts off to the planet and lands safely on the ground unharmed.

The kids step out of the rocket. And Nero breathes the fresh air of Terria's atmosphere.

"Hey guys! Let's go see how Shapu's doing!"- Nero.

Budo and Barbara agree with the suggestion. They run to Shapu's cabin. However, it looks badly damaged.

"What the heck? What happened to his place?"- Budo.

"I don't know. I hope Shapu's okay."- Barbara.

"Me too. He should be at the village. Let's go."- Nero.

The gang runs towards the Terranian Village. It looks to be in ruins as well.

"Oh no!"- Barbara, covering her mouth while gasping.

She and her friends look terrified at the sight of the state the village is in. They're in horror by the destruction. A young Terrian boy jumps down from the roof of the village inn. And readies his spear.

"Shapu! Where are you?!"- Nero. Budo and Barbara start calling for him too. Nero then notices the Terrian boy charging straight at him. Nero quickly dodges.

"Hey!"- Nero.

"I've finally found you, psychopath! All the people in this village fled for their lives because you destroyed their homes! Now I'm going to bring you to justice!"- The boy, pointing his spear at Nero.

"What?! I would never do something like that!"- Nero.

"Liar! Don't try to feign your innocence!"- Terrian.

"Please wait! He's telling the truth!"- Barbara.

"Yeah! Why do you think Nero's responsible?!"- Budo.

"Nero, huh? So that's the psychopath's name."- Terrian.

"He's not a psychopath! Like I just asked, why do you think he would do this?"- Budo.

The Terrian boy puts his spear away.

"You'll see why. Follow me." Terrian.

They follow him to a village that's only four miles from here by foot.

They finally made it to Tetra Village. They see all wanted posters of Nero scatter throughout the village.

"So, this is why I'm the suspect?"- Nero.

"Exactly. I'm taking you directly to the villagers and have you arrested."- the boy.

"No! I'm telling you I didn't attack the village!"- Nero.

He doesn't believe Nero's innocence and aggressively takes his arm.

"If you want time to argue, do it at court!"- the Terrian boy.

Budo and Barbara rush in to stop the boy from taking Nero away. But it's too late as the villagers arrive to see Nero as a suspect.

"Well done, Hade! Now bring him over to me and I'll report him to the chief!"- the terrain villager with the red beard and hair. Hade does as the man says. The man ties Nero up by the hands with a rope.

"You're coming with me!"- he says.

They arrive at the chief's hut.

"Chief! I brought you the criminal!"- the man.

He forcefully kicks Nero on the back, and Nero falls to the ground.

"Hmmm. Looks exactly like the person in the wanted posters scattered throughout our village. You must the one we're looking for!"- Chief.

"Chief, listen to me! I didn't-" the Chief cuts Nero off.

"You have the right to remain silent! I'm the chief around here, and only I get to judge. The trial for tomorrow morning will determine your sentence! Take him to the cellar and lock him up! This fiend will learn what happens when he commits such violence to our environment!"- the chief.

"Understood, sir! Let's go, you vile creature! Get up!"- the man.

He takes Nero up off the ground and outside. Budo and Barbara watched with displeasure.

"Budo! What are we gonna do?!"- Barbara.

"I'll try busting Nero out with the use of my Force Crystal!"- Budo.

"I don't think that's such a good idea. We could get into more trouble. We need to find a way to prove to the Terrians that Nero isn't guilty."- Barbara.

"Good idea. Let's go visit Nero to see how's doing, first. I'm worried about him."- Budo.

"Me too."- Barbara.

Budo and Barbara exit the hut. When they leave, they see an old friend, Shapu.

"Budo! Barbara!"- Shapu.

He runs to hug them.

"Shapu!"- Budo and Barbara.

"It's great to see you kids again! I've heard about Nero, by the way. And I know he wouldn't pull something like this!"- Shapu.

"You know he's innocent too?"- Budo.

"Yeah. The Nero I know helped me out before. So, I'm gonna help him! How about we investigate who the real culprit is?"- Shapu.

Budo and Barbara nodded.

"We were actually gonna go visit Nero first. To see if he is alright."- Barbara.

"I'll come with."- Shapu.

The three go to the underground passage to the cellar. They come across a guard in from of the door blocking their way.

"State your business! What do you hope to accomplish by speaking with the suspect?"- guard.

"Look, man! We're just here to visit him!"- Budo.

"Visit? What is it that you need to confirm with him?"- guard.

"Just get out of our way!"- Budo.

"Budo, take it easy. Let me handle this."- Shapu.

"You see, sir, we're just going to check on his condition. If you don't mind, we'd love to have a little talk with the suspect. Surely the chief wouldn't mind, right? Think of it as a little interrogation."- Shapu.

"Very well. You three have ten minutes."- guard.

He lets them through the wooden door.

They see their friend in the cell.

"Nero! Are you okay?!"- Barbara.

"Hey, guys."- Nero.

"We were worried about you. Are you holding up okay?"- Budo.

"Aside from the rough treatment I got from those Terrians, yeah. Oh hey, Shapu!"- Nero.

"Nero. I've heard what happened. Don't worry though. I believe you're innocent."- Shapu.

"It's good to know you're the only Terrian on my side right now."- Nero.

"Well, once we prove to them that you didn't wreak havoc on the Terranian Village, they'll be on your side too. We just need to investigate. Budo, Barbara and I will search for clues."- Shapu.

"Really?"- Nero.

Shapu nodded. "Just hang tight. We'll be back for you."- Shapu.

The three head outside and back into Terranian village.

"Hmm. Well, this place looks burnt to a crisp."- Shapu.

"Yeah. Someone could've been something really powerful to tear up the place like this."- Budo.

"And these wanted posters have the exact image of Nero. So, it could be someone imposing him. I need to contact the professor and let him know what's going on."- Barbara, pulling out her communicator.

"Hello, professor?"

"Barbara, how are you all doing?"- Franklin.

She explains the whole scenario to him.

"What?! This is bad. Nero might get executed for a crime he would never commit! Did you find any clues?"- Franklin.

"Well, all we know is that the town was burned down and damaged. And there were wanted posters of Nero everywhere throughout town. We assume it might be an imposter."- Barbara.

"I see. Please investigate carefully. Do what you can to prove Nero's innocence."- Franklin, hanging up.

Barbara puts her communicator as the call ended.

"What did he say, Barbara?"- Budo.

"He said we should investigate every angle of the village carefully. Let's split up."- Barbara.

"Good idea. It will be faster that way. I'll check out north."- Shapu.

"I'll take the west side. That leaves east to you, Barbara."- Budo.

Barbara nodded. The three begin to split up and search for more clues.

Searching through the east part of the village, Barbara sees a lot of ash on the ground.

"Budo said it could be someone really powerful. I think it was someone who was able to look like Nero."- Barbara.

"Hmm… It had to be someone with the ability to shapeshift."- she is musing.

She trips over something that was buried and falls over.

"Ow! What in the world?"- Barbara.

"Huh? Something's buried here."- Barbara, picking the object up from the sand. She takes a closer look at it. It looks like a metal chain. It has a purple Z on it.

"Dr. Z! He's the reason for Nero's situation! I remember him using a shapeshifting bracelet before. When he disguised himself as a scientist in Galactic Academy. I need to show Budo and Shapu the evidence."- Barbara.

Budo and Shapu reunite.

"Fine anything, Budo?"- Shapu.

"Nope. Nothing but ash."- Budo.

"Hey guys! I found something!"- Barbara, running towards the group. She is also carrying the chain she found earlier.

"What did you find, Barbara?"- Budo.

"This chain. See? It has the letter Z on it that's colored purple."- Barbara.

"So that proves that Z's been here before we showed up, huh?"- Budo.

"Remember when he used a device to disguise himself as a scientist from the school lab?"- Barbara.

"Yeah. It was that bracelet he had on. But even if Z did have powerful robots, how would he disguise himself as Nero and set the robots to destroy the village at the same time?"- Budo.

Barbara remembers that it was stated that the villagers only saw Nero and no one else.

"Hmm. Back at the doctor's base, we saw Infamous having these chains to his arms. That could only mean that he had Infamous impersonate Nero. And ordered him to destroy the village."- Barbara.

"Those two infuriate me to no end! It's their fault Nero's in prison! They tried to pin the blame on our friend!"- Budo.

"So, it was that crazy doctor that attacked us before?"- Shapu.

"Well, it was actually his minion, Infamous. You see, he has the Dark Crystal in his chest and uses it to destroy anything he sees as an enemy."- Budo.

"Shapu, you stay in the Tetra Village. We'll be right back."- Barbara.

Barbara calls Franklin and asks him to pick them up.

Budo and Barbara are back in the ship. Franklin examines the metallic object that Barbara just found.

"You're right! This does belong to the doctor judging by the letter. How careless of him to leave this piece of evidence behind."- Franklin.

Barbara calls for Robo-Fly.

"Can you go into Dr. Z's base and find the Shape-shifting Bracelet, please?"- Barbara.

"I'll also fly us over there."- Franklin.

Robo-Fly nods at Barbara's request. She goes outside from the roof of Home Base.

"But we're in space. Is she gonna be okay?"- Budo.

"I'm positive. I'm sure robots don't need any oxygen. She'll be fine. I just hope Dr. Z or Infamous don't harm her."- Barbara.

"You have a gift, Barbara. You're extraordinary."- Franklin.

"Um, thank you, professor. But I'm not really extraordinary at all. Honest."- Barbara, blushing intensely.

"Let's head into the base!"- Franklin, getting into the chair and driving the ship to Dr. Z's base.

And they arrived. "So, we're just gonna talk to Z directly?"- Budo.

"Just to ask him some questions. We need all the proof we need to save Nero."- Franklin.

"Okay. Still hate the guy though."- Budo, sighing a bit. They walk inside.

"Hey, Z! You in here?!"- Budo.

The doctor appears from the lab.

"Oh no. Not you pests again. And to what do I owe the pleasure, Franklin?"- Dr. Z.

"We want you to answer all the questions we have for you. Bring Infamous here."- Franklin.

The sociopathic doctor calls for Infamous. He arrives in front of the group. Infamous begins to attack.

"Stand down, you fool!"- Dr. Z.

"Apologies, Master. But they're the enemy. And I've never seen this man before."- Infamous.

"As soon as we answer them truthfully, these annoying space rats will get lost. And they won't interfere with our plan to capture Nero."- Dr. Z, whispering into Infamous' ear.

Infamous agrees.

"Alright, what is it?"- Dr. Z.

"We noticed that Nero was falsely accused of terrorizing a village when we went to Planet Terria. Were you two behind it? You should answer truthfully."- Barbara.

"Erm well…"- Dr. Z.

"She said to answer truthfully! So, give us the truth already!"- Budo.

"F- fine… I placed a device around Infamous' wrist."- Dr. Z.

"Was it the Shape- Shifting Bracelet?"- Barbara.

"W-well yes. I made Infamous transform into Nero with that device. After that, I left my base by taking a V-Ship from my garage to Terria."- Dr. Z.

"And when you both arrived at the planet, you made Infamous destroy the Terranian village, correct?"- Barbara.

"That's what happen. While Infamous was destroying the place, I had to get back to my V-Ship. So, the Terrians wouldn't see me."- Dr. Z.

"But how did you come to the conclusion that we were In Terria?"- Infamous.

"I found this."- Barbara, showing the chain.

"Infamous, you buffoon! How and why did you leave one of your chains there?! You just left a trail of breadcrumbs! Now we're caught on the scene!"- Dr. Z, snapping at Infamous.

"Please forgive me, Master Z. I hadn't noticed."- Infamous.

"So what if you found out that we were behind it all? What are you planning to do with such intel?"- Dr. Z.

"Save our friend. That's what."- Budo.

"Hmph. They'll never believe you. If Nero is defined guilty, it will make things easier for me to capture him if he's sentenced to prison. The amount of evidence you have won't be enough."- Dr. Z.

"We'll see about that, Dr. Doofus!"- Budo.

Dr. Z becomes angry at the insult. The group walks to the exit of the base. Robo-Fly quickly flies to them without being noticed by Dr. Z nor Infamous.

The group is back on the ship.

"Welcome back, Robo-Fly. Sorry for making travel such long way"- Barbara.

"Hey, where's the bracelet?"- Budo.

Robo-Fly activates her photo systems. She prints it out from her mouth. It appears to be a small sized photo of the Shape Shifting Bracelet.

"This is just what we need! Now we can confirm that Nero's innocent!"- Barbara, patting Robo-Fly's head.

Robo-Fly flies around happily and hugs Barbara by the face.

"Eek! You're so adorable!!"- Barbara, squealing with joy.

"Uh, shouldn't we head back to Terria?"- Budo.

"Oh! Right! We have all the proof we need! Professor, if you will."- Barbara.

Franklin nods then gets into his seat then rides the ship back into Planet Terria.

"Let's go! Nero's counting on us!"- Budo, racing ahead to the garage.

"Right!"- Barbara, running as well.

They're finally back at Terria.

"I hope Nero is okay."- Barbara.

"He will be once we prove his innocence with the amount of evidence we have. Let's find Shapu."- Budo.

He runs on ahead into the Terranean village.

"Budo, wait for me! I can't run very fast!"- Barbara.

"Right. Sorry. Here, you can take my hand."- Budo, slowing down for Barbara and offering his hand to her. This causes her to blush.

"Ready?"- Budo.

"Y-yeah! We shouldn't keep Shapu waiting!"- Barbara.

They both run together towards the ruined village.

"Shapu! We're back!"- Budo.

Shapu notices them.

"Oh, hey! Where exactly were you guys?"- Shapu.

"Look what we've found."- Budo, showing the photo of the Shape-Shifting Bracelet.

"What's that?"- Shapu.

"It's Z's invention. When we were at his base, we learned that he put this thing on Infamous to have him transform into Nero."- Budo.

"So, they're the ones responsible for framing him!"- Shapu.

"Dr. Z needs to answer for his crimes!"- Barbara.

"The trial is tomorrow, right? We can show them that Nero did nothing wrong."- Budo.

"Yeah! Or wait. We can show them now! Let's head to the Tetra Village."- Shapu.

They make their way to the village. And finally, they arrived.

"Everyone! Please listen up!"- Barbara.

The villagers start gathering in front of them.

"Nero is innocent! We have evidence to confirm why!"- Shapu.

The villagers begin chatting quietly in confusion.

"Take a look what we've got!"- Budo, showing the chain.

"You know the surface outside your home planet has other places, right? That's outer space!"- Budo.

"Yeah, we Terrians know about space. So what?"- a villager.

"Well, a person came to your planet. This chain proves it."- Barbara, holding it up.

"It has the purple letter Z on it. In space, we were just at his home to investigate the case of a ruined village. He had a minion named, Infamous, who had one of these chains. Did any of you see the chains he had on?"- Barbara. One of villagers said that they did see one on Nero's wrist.

"And when we arrived on your planet, did Nero have one of these chains at that time?"- Budo.

"No. I don't think he did. He seemed slightly different from the Nero that attacked our village."- Terranian villager.

"That's because the one that attacked the village wasn't Nero. It was someone else."- Shapu.

The response surprised the crowd.

"But we saw him destroyed our homes! He looked very similar to me!"- villager.

"Use your head! He just said it wasn't him. Someone framed him!"- Budo.

"Why should we believe you? How do you even know Nero didn't destroy our town? Just because you guys showed up with him and he looked a little different doesn't mean that he's not guilty!"- villager, arguing.

"Show them, Barbara."- Budo.

Barbara pulls out the photo.

"You Terrians might not be familiar with technology. But this is proof that someone transformed into him with the power of this bracelet shown in this photo. Someone who framed Nero was Infamous. That's why he looked the same as Nero when he attacked your village." Barbara.

"It's true? You're not deceiving us? Not even jesting?"- villager.

"No. We did a lot of investigating to find some clues about what actually happened. And our suspicions were confirmed. The person, Dr. Z, was the human who made his minion, Infamous, turned into Nero and destroy your village. Just so the blame could be shifted onto Nero."- Shapu.

The villagers now understand their own faults.

"I think we've made a mistake. We'll release Nero. The trial will be officially canceled."- villager.

"No! He is guilty!"- Dr. Z, appearing from above with his mobile.

The Terrians find it rare to see a human.

"Why are you here?!"- Budo.

"Dear Terrians, don't let these fools trick you. They're just trying save Nero from imprisonment by lying. I'm Dr. Z! And they're trying to pin the blame on me when I've committed no such crime!"- Dr. Z.

"Oh shut up, Dr. Scumbag! You're the reason Nero was painted as the bad guy! Plus, the fact that you have a ton of technology, including that mobile of yours, means you made the Shape Shifting Bracelet!"- Budo.

"That's right! You placed the bracelet on Infamous to have him frame Nero!"- Barbara.

"No! That's clearly a lie! Right, Terrians?"- Dr. Z, looking at them.

Hade throws a spear at the conniving doctor and leaves a major dent on his mobile.

"Nero wasn't responsible! You are! You will pay for framing an innocent victim!"- Hade.

"You Terrian brat!"- Dr. Z.

All the other Terrians direct their anger at the doctor.

"Fine! I'm the culprit! I'm also the culprit who will rule this galaxy! Now all you Terrians get out of my way so I can capture Nero!"- Dr. Z, pressing a button to call for Infamous and the robots.

They appear from nowhere.

"What are these creatures? Anyone who can fight, let out your weapons!"- Hade.

Some of the Terrians join him on the fray against the enemies, while others run for their lives. The Chief orders the guard to set Nero free. Nero steps in to destroy the robots and defeat Infamous to protect the village. Some Terrians fought as hard as they could against the robots by stabbing the machines. But they were no match for Infamous. As he shoots them with laser beam, leaving blasted and injured. Nero shoots Cosmic Flare at the rest of the robots. Now there are currently only two left.

"I'll deal with them! You go after that creature!"- Hade.

"Got it! Thanks, and be careful!"- Nero, nodding before charging ahead at Infamous.

Infamous fires a laser at him. But Nero dodges while running ahead and lands a straight punch. Infamous' cheek was hurt quite a bit. The Dark Crystal glows, and it makes Infamous use his Dark Destruction Wave. Nero quickly gets out of the way. Once the wave disappeared, Nero vanishes.

"What's this? Where are you hiding, Nero?!"- Infamous, anxiously looking around.

Nero launches Cosmic Flare at him in the back. He was very far way from Infamous, so the latter couldn't react to his enemy's Cosmic Flare. Infamous took damage. The Cosmic Flare was fully charged. It knocks Infamous down on the ground. Infamous gets back up and charges towards Nero. The Dark Crystal didn't have that much energy after it was used to perform Dark Destruction Wave, but it enhanced Infamous' tackle a little bit so he could damage Nero. Nero slightly steps away and trips Infamous when he was charging straight towards him. Angry, Infamous shoots a laser beam at Nero. It hits! But with the amount of energy the Dark Crystal had, it only tickled Nero. Infamous collapses from exhaustion.

"How is the guy the Alien of Destruction again? He seems to lose easily. I guess he's just predictable and has very high limited usage of the Dark Crystal. But never mind that! The Terrians' safety is more important. I need to head back."- Nero.

He makes his way back into the Tetra village.

"Is everyone alright?"- Nero, appearing at the entrance.

"We are thanks to you. You helped us fight those enemies and protected our village."- Chief.

Budo, Barbara, and Shapu run up to Nero.

"You okay?"- Shapu.

"Yeah. Thanks for standing up for me, you guys."- Nero.

The Chief announces that Nero is not guilty and is responsible for helping all the Terrians.

"Now how about a feast to celebrate our hero's victory? Shapu, you still have some of that Bullfish's body, right?"- Chief.

"Yep. I might have some left over I'll be right back!"- Shapu, running to bring the Bullfish from the burnt village.

The feast eventually begins with everyone sitting on the ground with plates of the Bullfish's body in pieces. As well as mats underneath. Everyone is having a blast!

"Nero, we're all deeply sorry for how we've wronged you. We treated you poorly. I hope this feast will make up for it."- Chief. The villagers apologize as well.

"It's okay. It's no one's fault but Z's. He's very tricky. We're trying to make sure the galaxy doesn't fall into his hands."- Nero.

"I see. Well, should you ever need our support, we'll be more that happy to help you. Especially when dealing with that man."- Chief.

"And if you guys ever need help, my friends and I will come down here from the stars. You see, up in the surface is where I live."- Nero.

"You mean in space? Young one, you're quite intriguing. And you have excellent friends. Take good care out there."- Chief.

"I will, Chief. Thank you."- Nero, bowing to him.

"We should head back now. Someone we know back home must be getting worried."- Nero, standing up and walking with Budo and Barbara. They say goodbye to all the Terrians, including their great friend, Shapu.

As Barbara begins to call the professor to come pick them up, the Terrian from before shows up.

"Huh? You're that Hade kid."- Budo.

"So, you're heading to space?"- Hade.

"Yeah. Say, what's with that bag you're carrying?"- Nero.

"It contains my stuff from home."- Hade.

"So…. Wait! Does that mean you're-"- Nero.

"Yes. I want to come with you. I want to be of help to you with whatever adventure awaits. Is that okay? My family and tribe said it'd be alright. In case you're wondering why, it's to make up for my harsh treatment of you."- Hade.

"Alright! This is so awesome! We're glad to have you, Hade!"- Nero, happily accepting his offer.

"You can always count on us to back you up whenever you need it!"- Budo.

"We have a new friend to join us! I hope we can get close to you, Hade."- Barbara.

Hade smiles while chuckling a little.

"Thank you. I'm glad to be a part of your group."- Hade.

Home Base arrives as Franklin beams the entire group, and their new friend Hade, up to the ship.

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