
Galactic empire

A man died whil walking home from his college hit by a truck, he got reincarnated by rob and will establish an empire through the universe and maybe the multiverse

david_vazcano · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

He now thinks what he should do now he has an army and he see his zakuul knights, "Leave us," the kinghts obey me and move out from the throne room. He look at thrawn,"Grand admiral thrawn, I want you to take my the fleet and half of the army of the troopers to explore this galaxy and gather infromation, you have the permission to engage the enemy, also take the executor with you, you have the full command of the fleet." Grand admiral thrawn received his mission and ready to depart for his mission.

"Oh and grand admiral thrawn, I almost forgot," thrawn stop and look at his master, "From now on call me emperor, I will have you see my face to remember me and keep my face a secret because I do not want many people to know," he stood from his throne and his helmet retract to show his face.

Thrawn see his face and memorize the face of his emperor, the helmet is put back on, "Now go admiral, finish your mission and good luck," thrawn see this bow to him, "Thank you your majesty, I will come back safely and gather the information of this galaxy."

He exit the throne room and begin his mission, He begin to go on board on a shuttle and board the executor, Robert command all the fleets to go to the ground and gather half the troopers to depart to explore the galaxy.

They begin to march and and load themselves in the ship, he also do not forgot to buy many war vehichles and fighters from the republic, sith and eternal.





-TX-130 sabr-class fighter tank

-Imperial walker tank

-Imperial walker



-Eternal empire walker


He bought all the vehichles from the system and loaded all of them inside all the ships, he also brought many fighters, from sith empire, first order, galactic empire and zakuul.

He command the other half to guard the planet and it's people, after he loaded all of them they begin to depart from the planet using hyperdrive to move at lightspeed except for the eternal fleet to defend the empire.

After they depart he wants to make an announcement, he begin to connect the channel to the planet and to all his fleet, the holonet from across the galactic empire and the fleet begin to project robert standing from his throne.

"Citizens and Soldiers of the empire, I am the ruler of this galactic empire, Immortal Emperor zakuul or you can call me emperor zakuul, I am here to announce we are now in the unknown galaxy we do not know but do now worry. I know all of you are afraid and I am also afraid but you do not need to be ashamed because fear is what makes you a living being. You do not need to fear citizens of the empire because We will explore this galaxy and if there is a threat we will not surrender and fight to the end because we the galactic empire do not know fear our empire will become peace and prosperaty, our empire will be the might of the galaxy and the universe, our empire will be k own throught out the universe and our enemy shall tremble before our empire, LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE."




He cut out of the holonet and begin to make plans on this universe, he goes to his lab and begin to make an advance AI because he has the mind of tony stark, He also bought the force guide and knowledge of all jedi and sith, all lightsaber forms, and learn alchemy of all jedi and sith.

He make his own lightsaber design, a crossguard lightsaber more exact, he may find the lightsaber cool but the common design of lightsaber is simple and boring so he make some changes. He also built a double bladed lightsaber, he goes to his room and begin to meditate.

He sit on a lotus position and close his eyes, he begins to feel the power of the force, he begin to tap the power of the light side, it feels warm and bright it welcomes him but unexpectadly there is a dark and cold feeling towards him, it is the dark side of the force.

The light side and the dark side of the force are trying to fight to get me on who's side I will be with, but I tried to welcome them both to me so I can use the power of the light side and the dark side. The force is calm down and begin to be silent.

The force are now welcoming me on both sides and use the power of both light and dark, I begin to tap those two sides and feel the power of the force. He also feel life of the jedi, sith, people, all living beings in the galaxy. He heard a whisper in his ear.

He didn't know what but he still tried to use the force so the shiper can be clearer, but it is still not enough. He begin to try more and tap to the force he begin to heard whisper of all people in the galaxy. He meditate for a few hours and open his eyes, he begin to clench his fist the room is shaked and all the stuff are blasted away by the force.

Robert look at both of his hands and satisfied, 'I need to train the force and force techniques of light and dark side but first I need to learn how to wield the lightsaber,' he begin to take out a kyber crystal from his inventory.

He took the kybercrystal and close his hand, he begin to pour the force from his hand into the crystal, a few minutes later he open his palm and see a gold and a little spark in the crystal. He was surprised the crystal turn into gold because in the star wars there was never been a gold kyber crystal.

He took out his crossguard lightsaber and instal the crystal in, he ignite it and marvel at the lightsaber twirling his lightsaber and turn it off, he bought another kybercrystal and and pour his force into the crystal and turn into gold.

He took out his double bladed lightsaber and put the gold kybercrystal inside, he ignite the lightsaber on both left and right, he was satisfied with his work turning off the lightsaber and put both his lightsabers to both side of his hips. He goes out to his room and begin to search for the training room.

He found the training room to see dummies and training droid for force people. He begin to use force push and force pull on one of the dummies, the first try is success now he use force lightning on the dummy. The dummy is burned, he look both of his hands and electrocute more dummies.

He is satiesfied of his power and look at another door in the room, he didn't know exactly what this room do so he get in. He look what is inside but nothing just a big white wide room. He look above the room and see a glass, he use the power of the force to feel what is inside those glass.

He finds what is inside turns out it is a room with many consoles and computers, he goes outside the room and goes to the control room of the glass of the training room. He find the room and see no one is inside, both side has a door lead to the prvious white training room.

He begin to fiddling around the console, he pess all the buttons to see what it will do, he heard a sound to see a big white cubical moved, it can even be moved and turn around. He figured it out it turns out this room is exactly juts like cal kestis training in jedi fallen order.

He begin to make the cubicles to perform jedi training and it will not be finish until he got to the control room. He set the room and goes to the left door, he jump out to meet the ground. He begin to see the cubicles sre in it's place and he begin his training.

He use for jump, force leap, wall run, double jump all.the way throigh the course and finally made it to the other side, he goes to the room and deactivated all the cubicles and return it to it's exact place.

He begin to go inside the training room and see the training lightsaber droid, "Star, how do I activate this droid?" I ask to no one and suddenly there is a holographic screen shows a beautiful and pretty woman.

Star :"This lightsaber droid training can be activated by voice command, if you want activate it said 'activate lightsaber training' and it will shut it's own if the droid lose, if you want to shut if off said 'deactivate' or 'I give up'."

Robert nod his head, if you want to know who talks to me it is my AI i built on my own, her name is star she has human personality and feelings, she has a holographic body with a white tight body suit with gold lining 6'3ft, thicc thighs, six pack abs, muscular, G-cup breasts, long gold hair, blue eyes, pretty and beautiful face.

She looks like a goddess, many men will have lust when they see her and maybe women but that is for another day. Star can hack and process information a trillion per second and make her unhackable.

Robert tried to upgrade her but the tech in the shop only star wars, he need the tech from marvel, dc or the other worlds that have high technology in their worlds. He took out his lightsaber from his left hip and activate his crossguard lightsaber.

They begin their lightsaber duel, the droid charge at robert, he swung his lightsaber to block it. Robert push the saber as he parried the droid attack, to his surprise unexpectedly the droid took out another lightsaber and attack him but robert took out his double-bladed lightsaber and parried it.

The droid twirls as he gave him a backward slash, he then twirls again as he swung his other lightsaber followed by another downward in attempt to break robert's defense. Though robert's defense remain, the droid disn't give up the attack. With a twirl the droid swung both his lightsaber only to be block by robert.

Both the droid and robert broke off, as both tried to get an advantage with robert swinging to tge chest area of the droid while the droid to his back. Robert block his back with his double-bladed lightsaber and his crossguard was block by the droid.

They broke off again as the droid give robert a series of attacks on him. Robert parried only using his lightsabers, which made the droid jump back a foot away to anticipate any counter. The droid was right as, as robert slash upwards, which the droid blocked but caught him off guard. Robert sent him flying with his right kick, sending him a few feet away.

Robert begin to take advantage and deliver a series attack of his own. He dashed and took a small force leap forward while he twirls both his lightsaber for a swing. While going so, tbe droid tried to break tbe attack though it had no effects robert larried him flawlessly. Robert swung downwards, as the droid block him using his two lightsabers. Robert pushed him off. As the droid make an opening with a downward swing, robert parried his attack.

The droid leap back as robert swung upwards, the droid parried the attack but almost lost the footing. Robert swing his lightsbaer at his back, but the droid blocked and parried it. As robert tried to stab the droid with his lightsabers, the droid duck down and use the droif flecibility to dodge the attacks while at the same time tried to swipe robert's leg with his sabers. Robert jumped in the nick of time, though the droid see an opening make a gap between them and kick robert.

Robert down gracefully without feeling any pain, he look at the droid and a grin amusement on his face. He didn't think this droid will be tough to defeat but it is okay with this his lightsaber training will be increased and make it into perfection.

They both continue their lightsaber duel but in the end the droid lose, it spoke "Congratulations on winning the duel," he begin to get up, pick both his lightsabers and goes to his exact place on standing position turning off.

Robert see this and turn off both his lightsabers, he out them on his hips and look at the time. 'It seems like two hours has been passed since I start my lightsaber duel,' he got out of the training room and take a shower.

He got out of shower, he wears his sweetpants and shirtless to look at his 10 pack abs and his hardened muscular body on his glory. He go to the bed and sleep for tomorrow.